COMMITTEE DATE: 07/04/2008

Application Reference: / 07/1124
WARD: / Bloomfield
DATE REGISTERED: / 31/01/2008
LOCAL PLAN ALLOCATION: / No Specific Allocation
APPLICATION TYPE: / Full Planning Permission
APPLICANT: / Blackpool Football Club
PROPOSAL: / Retention of the temporary East Stand (1965 seats) granted planning permission ref. 03/0629 for a further three years and its extension by six rows to form an additional 972 temporary seats.



The application relates to the temporary east stand currently in place at the Blackpool Football Club ground which is situated on the corner of Bloomfield Road and Seasiders Way. This temporary stand extends 87.5m parallel with Henry Street and rises 4.65m in height. The present structure sits approximately 7.5m away from the eastern boundary of the site and, as such, is between 11m and 26m from the rear elevations of the houses on Henry Street. The stand is approximately 65m from the boundary with Bloomfield Road. The stand is not covered and is of an open design. At present it can seat up to 1965 spectators. Planning permission for the stand was granted in 2003 (planning application ref. 03/0629) with a condition attached requiring its removal by 1st. September, 2008.

The Committee will have visited the site on 7th. April, 2008.


The application seeks to retain the existing structure for a further three years and to extend the stand at the rear by a further 6 rows. This will increase the number of seats by 972 bringing the total number of spectators that can be accommodated in this stand up to 2937, and the total capacity of the ground up to 10,960. The new stand would rise 6.2m in height and would sit approximately 3.5m from the eastern boundary of the site. As such it would be between 15m and 30m from the rear elevations of the houses on Henry Street.


The main planning issues are considered to be:

  • the principle of retaining a temporary stand at the site
  • the principle of providing additional temporary seats at the site
  • the impact of the extension on the appearance of the ground and streetscene
  • the impact of the extension on the residential amenity of nearby neighbours in terms of noise and disturbance
  • the adequacy of current parking provision to support the creation of additional seating.


Assistant Director Neighbourhoods and Communities (Environmental Protection): before work is commenced, a Noise Assessment should be undertaken to identify potential impacts and necessary sound insulation or attenuation measures. These measures should be incorporated, in accordance with a scheme first agreed in writing by the Local Authority, during construction of the stand.

Head of Transportation (Traffic Management): no objection raised.


Neighbours notified 05/02/08 and again on 22/02/08 following amendment of the application to include the retention of the existing stand for a further three years.

Site notices displayed: 07/02/08 and 28/02/08

Press notices displayed: 05/02/08 and 22/02/08

3 representations objecting to the application have been received from 32 Henry Street; 20 Back Henry Street; and 4 Heatherways, Formby, Merseyside.

The issues raised are:

  • the principle of the development on the site;
  • the temporary nature of the stand which is not in-keeping with the outline application (ref. 00/0100) granted in 2000;
  • the cost of the development to the club;
  • the safety of the stand;
  • the appearance of the stand;
  • the potential impact of the stand in delaying regeneration of the area;
  • disruption to residents on Henry Street;
  • loss of light into the rear of the properties on Henry Street;
  • potential damage and danger due to missiles (bottles etc) thrown from the stand by supporters;
  • potential for overlooking onto adjacent properties.

The expediency of Blackpool Football Club channelling funds into a temporary stand and the safety of that stand are not valid planning considerations.


PPG17 Sport and Recreation - this guidance observes that it is part of the planning function to ensure that adequate land and water resources are allocated for organised sport and informal recreation. It states that planning permission for stadia should only be granted in locations with good access to public transport and that local planning authorities should take account of the community’s need for recreational space, having regard to current levels of provision and deficiencies, and resisting pressures for development of open space which conflict with the wider public interest

PPG24 Planning and Noise - this documents guides local planning authorities on the use of their powers to minimise the adverse impacts of noise. It explains acceptable levels of exposure and advises on the use of conditions to minimise noise disturbance.


Policies LQ1-4 and supporting LQ policies seek to ensure that all new developments are of a high standard of design and will make a positive contribution to the quality of their surrounding environment. Issues such as context, scale, integration, space, materials, landscaping, sustainability and access are considered important.

Policy RR13 seeks to comprehensively remodel and improve the Central Corridor area and permits development which enhances the setting of car parking and reception areas and which meets identified local need and relates well to other adjoining sites in terms of use, design and appearance.

Policy BH3 states that developments will not be permitted which would adversely affect the amenities of those occupying residential and visitor accommodation by virtue of the scale, design and siting of buildings or the use and activity associated with them.

Policy AS1 requires all new developments to make adequate and safe allowance for access by a range of transport modes, including sustainable transport options.


Principle of Development

There is no immediate prospect of Blackpool Football Club constructing the East Stand as permitted under permission ref. 00/0100. Consequently it is judged that allowing this application would not hinder or delay the eventual completion of the stadium granted planning permission in 2000. As the application seeks to expand the capacity of the stadium in-line with this permission, and would not prevent any wider regeneration proposals, it is considered acceptable within the existing policy context.

Appearance of the Stand

The extension would continue the form of the existing stand. This is visible from both Seasiders Way and Bloomfield Road. The design of the stand is not in-keeping with the rest of the stadium and is not appropriate as a permanent structure. However, given its temporary nature, it is considered acceptable.

Impact on Amenity

The proposed stand would be 6.2m in height and would sit to the west of properties on Henry street. It would be positioned approximately 7.5m away from the rear boundary walls of these properties and between 15m and 35m from the rear walls of the houses themselves. The proposed extension would reduce the separation distance between these properties and the existing stand by 4m. Under planning application ref. 00/0100, permission was granted for the erection of a stand over 10m in height situated approximately 6m from the rear boundaries of the properties. Given this context, it is not considered that the present proposal would have an unacceptably detrimental impact on residential amenity by virtue of overshadowing.

The application seeks to extend the temporary east stand by a further 972 seats. This represents and increase of approximately 10% over the current capacity of the ground. Planning permission exists for a 16,000 seat stadium under ref. 01/0100. A noise statement submitted with the application suggests that any increases in noise levels would be limited. As no new access points or walkways are proposed through or by the Henry Street boundary, it is not considered that any unacceptable impacts on the amenity of neighbours will arise through noise and the movement of fans. To limit any noise disturbance as much as possible, a condition is recommended that would require the proposed back-board of the stand to incorporate acoustic barrier materials.

Concerns have been raised over the potential for missiles such as bottles to be thrown from the proposed stands into the rear gardens of the properties on Henry Street. To mitigate this potential problem, the applicant intends to provide additional, angled screening to the rear of the stand. Details have not been received in time for inclusion in this report but should be available for presentation at the Committee meeting.

Other Considerations

There is substantial car parking provision at the football ground and in nearby public car parks. Levels of car parking are therefore considered adequate for this development.


None applicable.


Under Article eight and Article one of the first protocol to the Convention on Human Rights, a person is entitled to the right to respect for private and family life, and the peaceful enjoyment of his/her property. However, these rights are qualified in that they must be set against the general interest and the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This application does is not considered to negatively impact upon Human Rights.


The contents of this report have been considered in the context of the Council's general duty, in all its functions, to have regard to community safety issues as required by section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

Recommended Decision: / Grant Permission

Conditions and Reasons

1. / The development hereby approved shall be removed on or before 8th. April, 2011.
Reason: The development is such that it would not be approved as permanent development in this location, in accordance with Policies LQ1 and RR13 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
2. / The development shall be carried out in accordance with the plans, drawings and details hereby approved, unless prior written agreement is given by the Council as Local Planning Authority to any slight variation.
Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in compliance with this permission.
3. / Details of materials to be used on the extended stand, which shall include acoustic barrier materials, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the construction of the extension being commenced.
Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the locality, in accordance with Policy LQ1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
4. / No work shall be undertaken until a Noise Impact Assessment has been conducted and a sound proofing scheme agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed sound proofing scheme shall then be implemented as part of the extension to the existing stand and such sound proofing measures shall thereafter be retained.
Reason: To safeguard the living conditions of the occupants of nearby residential premises, in accordance with Policy BH3 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2006.


1. / The extension proposed has been considered in relation to Policies RR13, BH3, LQ1, LQ14 and AS1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001 - 2016 and is in accordance with those policies and there are no other material considerations which weigh sufficiently against the proposal such as to warrant refusal.

Advice Notes to Developer

Not applicable.