God’s Power and Sovereignty

In Building His Church

Lesson 4

Day One: Read Ephesians 3:14–4:16

1. From verse 15, who is included in “every family in heaven and on earth”?

2. For what does Paul pray in verse 16? How does this relate to 2 Corinthians 4:7 and 16?

3. How would you define the “inner man”?

Day Two: Read Ephesians 3:14–21

1. Why does Paul pray for the inner strength of the Spirit?

2. What must we do for Christ to be at home in our hearts?

3. How would you relate 2 Peter 1:3–4 to Ephesians 3:18–20?

Day Three: Read Ephesians 4:1–6

1. Why does Paul begin this section with the plea of verse 1?

2. From verses 2 and 3, list the character traits that Paul says should be evident in the believer’s life.

3. Over the past week, which of these traits would those closest to you remember as being most evident in your life? Would they remember one of them as not being very evident? What do you need to do to correct that?

Day Four: Read Ephesians 4:1–16

1. How does Paul describe the unity all believers should share in 4:3 and 13?

2. From the following verses, give additional thoughts on this unity.

a. Romans 12:5

b. 1 Corinthians 12:12–14

c. Galatians 3:28

d. Philippians 1:27

3. It appears that the unity of believers is quite important in God’s view. Give reasons why you think following the instructions in Ephesians 4:2 would be important to the preservation of unity in the church.

4. For what reason(s) did Christ give the gifted individuals of verse 11 to His church?

Day Five: Read Ephesians 4:7–16

1. According to verse 12, what are the equipped saints to do? What is your present work of service?

2. Read Romans 12:4–18 and tell how it helps you to understand your work of service and how you are to do it.

3. Obeying Christ’s commands is not always easy. How does God expect us to do it? (Look at John 14:15–18.)

4.  In what specific areas are you failing to walk worthy of the calling with which you have been called? What will you do this week to improve those areas?

Marilyn Layfield Fall 2007