Wales Mathematics Colloquium

Gregynog Hall, 20th - 22nd May 2013

Supported by the London Mathematical Society, WIMCS and the Gregynog Fund

All talks will be in Seminar Room 1 unless otherwise advised

Speakers are asked to leave at least 5 minutes in their allotted time for questions


16.00-16.30 Tea

16.35 Welcome

16.40-17.40 Prof Sofia Olhede, UCL Structure in Time and Space – modelling time and dependence from ecology, oceanography to neuroscience

17.45-18.15 Dr Jonathan Gillard Global optimization issues in matrix low-rank approximation

18.15-18.45 Prof Derek Smith Modelling DNA Data Storage – A Coding Theory Perspective

19.00 Dinner

21.00 Bar Opens


09.00-10.00 Prof Brian Davies, KCL Before the Scientific Revolution

10.00-10.30 Dr Adil Mughal Phyllotactic description of hard sphere packing in cylindrical channels

10.30-11.00 Piotr Kusmierczyk Numerical simulation of the PKN model of hydrofracturing in proper variables. Various leak off regimes.

11.00-11.30 Tea/Coffee

11.30-12.30 Prof Sofia Olhede, UCL Structure in Time and Space – modelling time and dependence from ecology, oceanography to neuroscience

Tuesday (ctd)

12.30-13.00 Simon Fairfax Quantum weighted Projective Spaces

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.15-15.00 Prof Anatoly Zhigljavsky Statistical approaches for making gambling a success

15.00-15.30 Dr Francis Hunt Decoding Permutation Codes

15.30-16.00 Elizabeth Rowse Set Partitioning Methods for Robust Scheduling: an Application to Operating Theatres

16.00-16.30 Tea

16.30-17.00 Dr Maurice Blount The bending and buckling of a splendour viscous thread

17.00-17.30 Lewis Pryce How does asymmetric loading affect the propagation of a crack?

17.30-18.00 Tom Croft Convergence of Proper Generalised Decomposition Algorithms

18.00-18.20 Boris Dadachev Automatic Document Segmentation

18.20-18.40 Alex Kerss Activity time models for risky assets with tempered stable distributions and dependence

19.00 Dinner

20.30 Planning Meeting to discuss arrangements for next year – feel free to come or not

21.00 Bar Opens


09.00-9.30 Dr Timothy Logvinenko Derived categories in algebraic geometry

09.30-10.00 Dr Matthew Lettington Recent Progress in Bernoulli relations, their implications for the Ramanujan polynomials and the special values of the Riemann zeta function

10.00-11.00 Prof Brian Davies, KCL Spectral Theory of non-self-adjoint operators

11.00-11.30 Tea/Coffee

11.30-12.00 Dr Karl Schmidt Spectral Properties of a q-Sturm-Liouville Operator

12.00-12.30 Michael Walters BEM Modelling of Cavitation Bubbles Near a Rigid Wall

12.40 Lunch and End of Meeting

List of Attendees
Prof Brian Davies / King's College London / Alex Kerss / Cardiff
Prof Sofia Olhede / University College London / Dr Timothy Logvinenko / Cardiff
Christian Arenz / Aberystwyth / Dr Matthew Lettington / Cardiff
Dr Oliver Bain / Aberystwyth / Ross McKenzie / Cardiff
Dr Daniel Burgarth / Aberystwyth / Prof Marco Marletta / Cardiff
Prof Simon Cox / Aberystwyth / Stephen Moore / Cardiff
Dr Tudur Davies / Aberystwyth / Elizabeth Rowse / Cardiff
Dr Gwion Evans / Aberystwyth / Dr Karl Schmidt / Cardiff
David Ferguson / Aberystwyth / Michael Walters / Cardiff
Dr Rolf Gohm / Aberystwyth / Prof Anatoly Zhigljavsky / Cardiff
Piotr Kusmierczyk / Aberystwyth / Hannah Davies / South Wales
Prof Gennady Mishuris / Aberystwyth / Mr Mark Griffiths / South Wales
Dr Adil Mughal / Aberystwyth / Liam Harris / South Wales
Monika Perkowska / Aberystwyth / Mehedi Hassan / South Wales
Lewis Pryce / Aberystwyth / Dr Francis Hunt / South Wales
Prof Sergei Rogosin / Aberystwyth / Dr John Hayward / South Wales
Dr Adam Vellender / Aberystwyth / Dr Sian-Kathryn Jones / South Wales
Dr Alexander Zagnetko / Aberystwyth / Sara Koubayssi / South Wales
Waleed A Ali / Cardiff / Farzana Rahman / South Wales
Khulud Alayyash / Cardiff / Ayad al Sallo / South Wales
Dr Maurice Blount / Cardiff / Prof Derek Smith / South Wales
Tom Croft / Cardiff / Dr Philip Trevelyan / South Wales
Boris Dadachev / Cardiff / Dr Alan Walker / South Wales
Prof Russell Davies / Cardiff / Prof Tomasz Brzezinski / Swansea
Dr Dafydd Evans / Cardiff / Dr Kristian Evans / Swansea
Bayda Fathi / Cardiff / Simon Fairfax / Swansea
Dr Jonathan Gillard / Cardiff / Dr Andrew Neate / Swansea
Prof Paul Harper / Cardiff / Mr Stephen Williamson / WIMCS

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