Tomi Frank ...... Superintendent

Toni Frank ...... Superintendent



1.Arm Bands will be issued at: 8:00 a.m. for Junior and Senior Showmanship, Beg.Novice I, Beg. Novice II, Pre Novice, and Novice at assigned rings. Arm bands will be issued at 12:00 noon (and not before) for Graduate Novice , Pre Open , Open, Graduate Open, Pre Utility and Utility at assigned rings.

2.Judging will not begin until adequate volunteer support is secured for each ring as needed.

Planned Judging Times:

9:00 a.m. – Beginner Novice I and Beginner Novice II, Pre Novice, Novice, Junior and Senior Showmanship

1:00 p.m. - (As rings become available) – Graduate Novice, Pre-Open, Open,Graduate Open,

Pre-Utility, and Utility.

NOTE: Ring assignments for classes will be posted or announced before classes begin.



Premiums offered ...... $699.00

Exhibitors are expected to bring their animals to the State Fairgrounds on S, August , and take them home the same day. Arm bands will be issued in the Exposition Building. Rings will be assigned at judging time. Use the State Fair Dog Entry forms for entry.Entry fees ($2.00 per animal) must be included with entries. Checks must be payable to Illinois State Fair.

The final number of placings and premium amounts will be determined after the number of entries is verified.The Department of Agriculture shall use its best efforts to secure sufficient appropriations to fund premiums. In any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Illinois fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such premiums, premium amounts may not be accurately reflected in the Junior Livestock Premium Book.


  1. Any boy or girl may enter who during the year has conducted a supervised 4-H program in the 4-H dog project. All participation is restricted to 4-H members.
  2. Exhibitors must be 10 years old as of September 1, 20.
  3. Exhibitors must send with their entry form a score sheet, signed and dated by the judge from their County 4-H Show, County 4-H Obedience Class Graduation Trial, or an AKC Obedience Trial. The score sheet must have a qualifying score as noted for State Fair entry.Entries for dogs 6 months of age or older must include a current official rabies vaccination certificate.

4.To be eligible a dog and handler team must have a qualifying score of 170 points for all classes.

5.Exhibitors shall be limited to one entry/dog in each obedience class. The same dog cannot be entered in two different obedience classes, but the same dog can qualify for a Showmanship class.

6.A dog cannot be shown in a class more than one year except in graduate novice, pre open, open, graduate open, pre utility and utility. Exhibitors may show for two years in graduate novice providing the dog does not have a CDX or qualified for a leg on a CDX. Open and utility exhibitors can show for three (3) years in these classes. See Rule #11 for exceptions.

7.Beginner Novice I is for new handlers and inexperienced dogs only.

8.Beginner Novice II is for experienced handlers with inexperienced dogs or experienced dogs with inexperienced handlers.

9.A dog being shown in the dog obedience project must be trained by and belong to the exhibitor or to a member of his immediate family or leased for the length of the project with a signed agreement by June 1, 20.

10.All dogs must be leashed or crated (dog crates are acceptable) while on the fairgrounds - Acceptable leashes - 6 ft. leather, nylon or canvas.No prong or electronic collars will be allowed on the State Fairgrounds. Collars with identification tags are not show collars and should not be used in the show rings.

11.Dogs do not have to be AKC registered to show in the obedience show. AKC rules will be used as a guideline for judging. If a dog has 3 qualifying scores for a degree prior to 6 months of the State Fair 4-H Dog Obedience Show, it must be shown in the next highest class. Open and Utility dog exhibitors should examine Rule #6 for exceptions.

12.Female dogs in season cannot participate in the State Fair Show.

13.A run-off will be held in case of a tie for total score.

a. heeling on lead exercises will be used.

b.All other classes, novice off lead exercises will be used.

14. Dogs must have a qualifying score to receive premiums, ribbons, and trophies. No judge's sheets will be given to exhibitors. Score sheets will be viewed at judge's discretion. Exhibitors must claim trophies and ribbons the day of the show. They will not be sent.

15.Dogs must be under the exhibitor's supervision at all times.

16.Special problems not covered by these rules will be acted upon by the superintendent and members of the State 4-H Dog Obedience Advisory Committee.Animal welfare concerns will be dealt with in accordance to Rule #31 of the General Requirements and Criteria for Jr. Livestock Exhibits. Specific procedures are in place for some specific examples.

17.Signals given by handler will be either voice or hand. Only 1 type of signal is used for each type of exercise.

18. Exercises for all classes may be done in any order, depending upon scheduling and the judge’s preference.

19. DATES FOR 20: The State 4-H Dog Show is scheduled for S day, August , 20 . Starting times and the show schedule are subject to change.

50001Beginner Novice I Class ......

(For inexperienced handlers and inexperienced dogs)


  1. Heel on Leash (forward, halt, right turn, left turn, slow, normal and fast). The last order signifies that the handler and dog must break pace. These orders may be given verbally or by utilizing posted signs...... Maximum points 40
  2. Figure Eight ……...... Maximum points 40
  3. Sit for Exam…………………………………………………Maximum points 40
  4. Sit Stay………………………………………………………Maximum points 40
  5. Recall………………………………………………………...Maximum points 40

50011 Beginner Novice II Class......

(For experienced handlers and inexperienced dogs or experienced dogs and inexperienced handlers.)


  1. Heel on Leash (forward, halt, right turn, left turn, slow, normal and fast). The last order signifies that the handler and dog must break pace. These orders may be given verbally or by utilizing posted signs...... Maximum points 40
  2. Figure Eight ……...... Maximum points 40
  3. Sit for Exam…………………………………………………Maximum points 40
  4. Sit Stay………………………………………………………Maximum points 40
  5. Recall………………………………………………………...Maximum points 40

50021 Pre Novice Class......

1.Heel on Leash and Figure 8………………………….;...... Maximum points 40

2.Stand for Examination ………….……………………………………..…..Maximum points40

3.Recall……………...... Maximum points 40

4.Heel Free……………………...... Maximum points 40

5.Stay Sit or Down …………………...... Maximum points 40

50031 Novice Class......

1.Heel on Leash and Figure 8 ...... Maximum points 40

2,Stand for Examination (off leash) ...... Maximum points 30

3.Heel Free (off leash) ...... Maximum points 40

4.Recall (off leash) ...... Maximum points 30

5.Long Sit -1 minute (off leash) ………...... Maximum points 30

6.Long Down – 3 minutes (off leash)…………………………..…………...Maximum points 30

(Exercises 4 and 5 will be judged as a group)

50041 Graduate Novice Class......

1.Heel on Leash and Figure 8 (off leash)……………………...... Maximumpoints 40

2.Drop on Recall ...... Maximum points 40

3.Dumbbell Recall ...... Maximum points 30

4.Recall over High Jump ...... Maximum points 30

5.Recall over Broad Jump ...... Maximum points 30

6.Long Down - 3 minutes (Handler out of sight)……………..…………Maximum points 30

(Exercise 6 will be judged as a group)

50050 Pre-Open Class ……….

1.Heel on Free and Figure 8…………. ……………………...... Maximumpoints 40

2.Drop on Recall ...... Maximum points 40

3.Retrieve on Flat...... Maximum points 40

4.Retrieve over High Jump ...... Maximum points 40

5.Broad Jump ...... Maximum points 40

50051 Open Class ......

1.Heel Free and Figure 8 …………………………………...... Maximum points 40

2.Drop on Recall ...... Maximum points 30

3.Retrieve on Flat ...... Maximum points 20

4.Retrieve over High Jump ...... Maximum points 30

5.Broad Jump ...... Maximum points 20

6.Long Sit -3 minutes (Handler out of sight) …………………..……..... Maximum points 30

7.Long Down - 5 minutes (Handler out of sight)…………………………Maximum points 30

(Exercises 6 and 7 will be judged as a group)

50052 Graduate Open Class …………..

1.Signal Exercise ...... Maximum points 40

2.Scent Discrimination …………...... Maximum points 30

3.Directed Retrieve...... Maximum points 30

5.Moving, Stand and Examination ...... Maximum points 30

6.Go Out ………………………………….………………….…………….Maximum points 30

6. Directed Jumping ...... Maximum points40

50060 Pre Utility Class …………..

1.Signal Exercise ...... Maximum points 40

2.Scent Discrimination Article #1...... Maximum points 30

3.Scent Discrimination Article #2 ...... Maximum points 30

4.Directed Retrieve...... Maximum points 30

5.Moving, Stand and Examination ...... Maximum points 30

6. Directed Jumping ...... Maximum points40

50061 Utility Class......

1.Signal Exercise ...... Maximum points 40

2.Scent Discrimination Article #1...... Maximum points 30

3.Scent Discrimination Article #2 ...... Maximum points 30

4.Directed Retrieve...... Maximum points 30

5.Moving, Stand and Examination ...... Maximum points 30

6. Directed Jumping ...... Maximum points40

50071 High Point in Trial or Show ...... Cash Award, Trophy and Ribbon

Highest scoring dog in Beginner Novice I, Beginner Novice II, Pre Novice, and Novice

50072 High Point in Trial or Show ...... Cash Award, Trophy and Ribbon

Highest scoring dog in Graduate Novice, Pre Open, Open, Graduate Open, Pre Utility, Utility


Trophiesfor the show are donated through the generosity of the following individuals and 4-H clubs. Please take a moment and thank them for their support of your 4-H project!

1.Sheri Born: Zion Aussies

2.Will County 4-H Tail Waggers

3.Mercer County 4-H Mighty Woofers

4.Tomi & Toni Frank, New Berlin

Deborah Orr Memorial Award - A cash award will be sent to the member exhibiting the dog that receives the highest number of points in Novice, Open and Utility



Premiums offered ...... $162.00

A one day Showmanship show will be held on Saturday, August in the Exposition Building. Arm bands will be issued at the show ring at 8:00 a.m. Judging will begin at 9:00 a.m. Exhibitors are expected to bring their animals to the Fair on Saturday, August , and take them home the same day.

Use the State Fair Dog Entry forms for entry. Entry fees ($2.00 per animal) must be included with entries. Checks must be payable to Illinois State Fair. (NOTE: If the dog being exhibited in Showmanship is also entered in an Obedience Class, a second entry fee does not need to be paid.)

The final number of placings and premium amounts will be determined after the number of entries is verified.The Department of Agriculture shall use its best efforts to secure sufficient appropriations to fund premiums. In any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Illinois fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such premiums, premium amounts may not be accurately reflected in the Junior Livestock Premium Book.

1.Exhibitors must be 10 years old as of September 1, 20.

2.A county may be represented by one junior showmanship dog/handler team and one senior showmanship dog/handler team who have earned/won their county competition. If a county-winning team(s) cannot attend, alternate team(s) may be entered. (Limited to 1 junior and 1 senior team.) Handlers must be members in the county they are representing.A verification form of county representation, available from the local Extension office, is to be sent with exhibitor's entry form. A dog may compete in only one showmanship class.

3.A female dog in season may not compete.

4.A dog that is not under the control of the exhibitor, or shows viciousness toward its handler, judge, or other dogs will be excused from further competition.

5.Exhibitors will be judged onhandling skill, knowledge of breed standards of their dog, dog show terminology, and elementary dog anatomy. The judge has the right to question exhibitors in one or all of these areas.

6.Dogs will be judged on cleanliness, general health and grooming.

7.Purebred and non-purebred dogs are eligible for this class. The breed of dog has no bearing on judging or placement.

8.A dog eligible for Showmanship that must be withdrawn for good and sufficient reason (a female in season or veterinarian excuse) may be replaced by another dog owned by the handler or the family. This must be made in writing (giving the reason) at the beginning of the show.


50081Junior Class ......

For handlers, ages 10-13 years (as of September )whohave been chosen to represent their county in Jr. Showmanship.

50082 Senior Class......

For handlers ages 14 (as of Sept. 1, 20) and older, who have been chosen to represent their county in Sr. Showmanship.

50083 Grand Champion Showmanship…………Cash Award, Trophy/Ribbon

50084 Reserve Grand Champion Showmanship …………Cash Award, Trophy/Ribbon

If you are interested in the official American Kennel Club (AKC) rules, the address and information is posted below. Please note that while the Illinois State Fair 4-H Dog Show uses AKC rules as a guide, not all classes specifically match AKC class descriptions.

The American Kennel Club, 5580 Centerview Drive Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27606-3390

E-mail: ebsite: