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School Prospectus



Executive Head Teacher Mrs. R. P. Turner

Deputy Head Teacher Miss. D. Barrow

Teachers Mrs. S. Barton

Miss. M. Bracuti

Miss. L. Cyrson

Mrs. H. French

Mr. T. Johnston

Miss. S. Page

Miss. C. Robinson

Mrs. L. Scholes

Miss. R. Seal

Mrs. P. Wilkinson

Mrs. A. Squizzoni (Special Educational Needs)

Secretary/Bursar Mrs. J. Edwards.

Office Assistants Mrs. P. Taylor

Mrs. J. Purdey

Teaching Assistants Mrs. E. Angella

Mrs. M. Bacon

Mrs. M. Burbage

Mrs. A. Curryer

Mrs. L. Duffy

Mrs. M. Gibbs

Mrs. J. Purdey

Miss. S. Weiner

Mrs. K. Firth

Individual Needs Assistants Mrs. S. Bulley

Ms. L. Cushway

Mrs. Y. Henevska

Miss. T. MacEnhill

Miss. N. Wolecki

Special Educational Needs Team Mrs. D. DeVere

Mrs. G. Cirignano

Caretaker Miss. K. Coussons


Foundation Mr. J. McManus (Chairman) 31st August 2014

Mr. C. Cronin 31st August 2014

Mrs. S. Farmer 31st August 2014

Mrs. A. Field 31st August 2014

Mrs. P. Freeman 31st August 2014

Mr. M. Neilan 31st August 2014

Mrs. A.M Brownsell 31st August 2014

Mr. J. Needham 31st August 2014

Mr. V. Ricketts 31st August 2014

Mrs. M. Hewitt 31st August 2014

Parent Governors Mr. R. Franklin-Lester 31st August 2014


LEA Governor Mr. B. Lockyer 31st August 2014

Staff Governors Mrs. M. Burbage 31st August 2014

Mrs. H. French 31st August 2014

Mrs. C. Telford 31st August 2014

Mrs. M. Tomlins 31st August 2014

Head Teachers Mrs. R. Jones

Mrs. R. Turner

The federated schools function under the governance of one elected governing body. The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs. M. Cutting who may be contacted via the school.


Since September 2010, St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Infant School and Junior School have formed a Federation. We believe that this will establish closer working partnerships between each setting, enhancing the development of our children’s faith and create a dynamic learning community.

Please note that the admission arrangements for each school are separate.


St. Thomas a Becket is a Catholic Voluntary Aided Junior School for children aged 7 – 11 years. It has around 260 pupils on roll and children are taught in single age group classes. The agreed admission number is 66. Both infant and junior schools share the same site. These buildings were erected in 1973 and 1974 respectively to replace St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Whitley Road, Eastbourne.

The school operates ‘an open door’ policy and prospective parents are welcome to view the school by making an appointment with the reception office. St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Junior School have been awarded the status ‘Investor in People’ and also the Quality Mark for Primary schools for the fifth time, Artsmark, Healthy Schools Award and the Active Mark. School policies, schemes of work and the latest OFSTED report can be viewed at any time.


The children are divided into four year bands years 3 – 6 and taught in parallel classes. Each class has its own teacher and teaching assistant. A part-time teacher is employed to support children with special needs and the Ethnic Minority Service supports children for whom English is an additional language.


8.45 – 10.30 a.m. First Session

10.30 – 10.45 a.m. Break

10.45 – 12 noon Second Session

12.00 – 12.45 p.m. Lunch

12.45 – 3.00 p.m. Third Session

There is a fifteen minute break during the morning when the children may eat their fruit/vegetable. Other snacks are not allowed at this time. Parents are asked not to leave children at school before 8.30 a.m. as we are unable to accept responsibility for their safety before this time. Similarly the school’s responsibility for the children ends when they are returned to your care or fifteen minutes after the end of the afternoon session, whichever is sooner.


1. We at St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Infant and Junior Schools affirm the Catholic ethos by fostering and developing the faith communities of our schools, parishes and home.

To achieve this aim, we will:

·  Live and work as a happy, loving Christian community

·  Celebrate liturgies and the liturgical year through Mass and assemblies

·  Develop the faith of children by telling them about Jesus, fostering their personal response in prayer and action and demonstrating faith and forgiveness lived in daily life

·  Welcoming the clergy and religious to our school family

2. We celebrate the economic, cultural and ethnic diversity of our wide catchment area and aim to support all families within it.

To achieve this aim, we will:

·  Create a positive, secure, listening and learning environment which takes into account the experience each child brings to school

·  Promote appreciation and respect for other cultures

·  Keep channels of communication open with other faith communities

3. We respect each person as an individual, celebrating their talents and enabling them to develop at a pace at which they can achieve their full potential.

To achieve this aim, we will:

·  Lead our children towards an understanding of themselves as unique beings created in God’s image

·  Recognise and celebrate the worth and potential of each person through inclusion, support, appreciation and encouragement

·  Enable the children to understand that their talents are God given

·  We will provide an enjoyable and meaningful broad and balanced curriculum which promotes independence and respects the wholeness, talents and needs of all pupils.

·  Teach our children the skills that they will need to manage their lives and learn effectively; self awareness, ways to manage feelings, motivation, empathy and social skills

4. We promote caring and supportive relationships through our pastoral commitment to all members of our Catholic community and beyond.

To achieve this aim, we will:

·  Promote a sense of responsibility and service towards others

·  Adopt an open door policy and encourage parents and carers to become involved in their children’s education through parents’ evenings, Open Day, newsletters, reading and homework diaries, parent/governor meetings and PTA events

·  Care for all in our schools’ communities by valuing and supporting each person’s role

·  Have in place a procedure for the care, safety and well-being of children, staff and visitors.


These tables show the percentage of eligible Year 6 children achieving each level in the school in 2012. The number of children in Year 6 was 67.

Test Results / Level 4+ / Level 5
/ 94% / 40%
Mathematics / 96% / 43%

The National Curriculum is followed by all children within the school. At Key Stage 2 the core subjects are English, Maths and Science. In addition children study foundation subjects: Design and Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Personal, Social and Health Emotional Education (PHSEE), Physical Education (P.E), Art and Design and French. Religious Education (R.E.) is taught as a separate lesson through the ‘Here I Am’ scheme and through other subjects too.

Religious Education The ‘Here I Am’ scheme is a thematic approach with the whole school studying the same theme at a level appropriate to the age and stage of development of the children.

‘Here I Am’ provides opportunities to:

·  recognise and respect religious and spiritual dimensions of life

·  know and enter into the beliefs, feelings, attitudes, values, practices and worship of the Catholic tradition

·  examine their own life stance, religious attitudes, values and practices

·  deepen personal faith

·  respect the convictions of others

Home School Reading. It is essential that all children read at home every day. I cannot stress this strongly enough. There is a noticeable difference in progress and achievement of children who have been supported with reading and other activities at home and those who have not. We suggest that Years 3 and 4 children read for 10 – 15 minutes at home each day and Years 5 and 6 for 20 – 30 minutes. This can be a combination of individual reading, reading aloud and discussion about the author and the text. There is a daily period of silent reading after lunch break throughout the school and teachers focus on one guided reading group daily. Reading records are monitored by teachers each week and by myself each half term. We look to all parents to support our reading policy.

Special Educational Needs Each child is an individual and some children will require more support than others. Provision for children with special educational needs is made as set out in our Special Needs Policy available from the reception office. In line with our Mission Statement we are happy to admit all Catholic children (as far as we are able) including those with physical disabilities. We employ a special educational needs teacher and teaching assistants who work closely with the class teachers to provide this additional support. Teaching assistants take groups for additional literacy or numeracy work. The advice of the Educational Psychologist is sought in particular cases and children with physical disabilities (hearing/sight/other) are integrated into our classes wherever possible.

Sex Education Sex Education is addressed through the PSHEe and RE programmes. There are meetings to which parents are invited to view videos and discuss the content of the lessons. After discussion with the Head Teacher parents have the right to withdraw their children from these lessons if they so wish.

Enrichment Programme At St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Junior School, we offer cross curricular enrichment activities. These are subsidised by the P.T.A, school fund and an annual parental contribution. These activities include visiting theatre companies, workshops and excursions.

Homework The school homework policy is available from the reception office. In addition to reading each night year groups set homework in the form of My Maths, spellings, English or maths activities to consolidate learning in class and topic work. Homework varies in different year groups and is outlined in the curriculum newsletters.

Extra Curricular Activities. A variety of clubs are on offer to the

children after school. Parents are notified of these via the newsletter

and the responsibility for these rests with the club coach. Details

of current clubs on offer are available on the Sports Board.


Behaviour Policy

At St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Junior School our behaviour policy reflects our Christian values. Justice, listening, forgiveness, respect and tolerance will feature alongside the strategy employed for maintaining acceptable standards of behaviour.

All staff and children working within our school aim to show respect for themselves and others and actively uphold our Mission Statement. We believe that children learn and respond best when they are taught in a happy, safe and well managed environment.

Staff show that they value children’s work and good behaviour by setting clear ground rules that are agreed by all and displayed within each classroom. They celebrate good behaviour and achievement, develop children’s self esteem and forge good links with parents. Staff have high expectations of standards of behaviour and use positive role models to motivate pupils still further. Positive behaviour is rewarded with praise from individual staff, house points, special awards and mentions in assembly and rewarding responsibility using class monitors and the prefect system in year 6.

Our behaviour policy follows a stage approach which is outlined below. Parents and children sign up to this in our home school agreement when they enter Key Stage 2. The majority of behaviour issues are dealt with at stage 1 and 2 in a low key manner.

Discipline Each teacher has a class log in which incidents are recorded. Good discipline is essential for a happy, well structured learning environment. We work to foster good relationships between children and staff at all levels and see great value in praise and reward. We set clear boundaries for children and expect high standards of behaviour.

Steps in dealing with behaviour problems:

Stage 1

Problems are sorted out within the classroom. All Children’s names start on Smiley face. If a rule is broken, a verbal warning is issued. Class teacher talks with child, pointing out wrong behaviour. Low key manner adopted.

Stage 2

Child with class teacher. Again dealt with in class but higher profile adopted, involving some loss of privilege or an agreed sanction. (Smiley face whole school agreed Behaviour Policy - see below). If behaviour continues, entry into the class log book.

Stage 3

A letter is sent home. Parents invited to meet with class teacher and/or deputy. Any action already taken in steps 1 and 2 is explained and parents reminded of school’s behaviour policy. Parents are shown entries in class log book. The letter, meeting and sanction agreed are recorded in class log book, (sanctions may include more loss of playtime, limited club/sports ban).

Stage 4

Head or deputy class meeting with parents and class teacher. Outline problem and steps taken. Parents reminded of their responsibilities in regard to child’s behaviour at school. Warning that if things do not improve, child will be referred back to Head for more formal disciplinary measures. Child is put on an achievement record. This is reviewed weekly and lasts for up to 3 weeks. Parents agree to complete the parent response section and back the school with rewards and sanctions at home.

Stage 5

The Headteacher/Deputy sends letter and meets parent to express school’s concern with child’s behaviour. They go over all support given and action taken to date, using class log book and achievement records. Formally explained to parent/s that unless there is an immediate improvement in behaviour, parent will be called in again. Child is placed on a behaviour record for two weeks.

Stage 6

(Last Warning). Head sees parent formally. Parent reminded of their responsibilities in reading/signing behaviour record every evening. Parent advised as to the serious nature of the situation and that if there is no improvement in child’s behaviour then the child is likely to be excluded from school. Head records meeting. Behaviour record for one week. If the behaviour record shows that the behaviour concerns are during the lunch break, parents will be required to collect their child at the end of the morning session and return him/her to school for afternoon lessons.