1. Projects Title: What is the project?

The title isincentives for Outreach. Providing student with incentives would increase participation in Outreach and community events. This year MSJC has sponsored to participate in the Stagecoach Days Parade (one of many events), which would allow for further exposure to the surrounding Banning community. The Outreach department would like to recruit student participation for the sole purpose of further promoting MSJC. This proposal is being used as a marketing strategy and would require providing incentives to students who participate. Incentives would consist of a food gift cards, movie ticket gift cards or any small incentives that would get students helping at our community events.

  1. Project Description: Describe how the Foundation Mini Grant will be consistent with the Mission and goals of the college.

The project is consistent with the goals of the college in the following areas consistent with the Outreach Department as it supports MSJC’s Strategic Plan goals in the following areas;

  • Goal #4 Expand and improve student involvement in campus life.
  • Objective #1: Expand co-curricular opportunities.
  • Goal #5 Increase the College’s visibility, value, and recognition in the service area.
  • Objective #1: Increase awareness of participation and involvement of the college in community projects.
  • Objective #2: Increase speaking engagements promoting intuition.
  • Objective #3: Reinforce public branding and awareness.
  • Objective #4: Expand outreach resources to better inform communities served by the college.
  • Goal #6 Promote quality of institution through enhanced communication within the community (internal/external)
  • Objective #1: Place greater emphasis on college’s successes.
  • Objective #2: Increase the opportunities to interact between faculty, staff, administration and students.
  • Objective #3: Enhance outreach in-reach efforts to better inform the community about MSJC.
  • Objective #4: Promote community activities at our sites.
  1. Project Justification: Describe why you think this project should be supported by the Foundation and how the project will enhance and/or improve the educational experience of students and/or the institution. Include references to your program review, if applicable.

Outreach efforts enhance student and outside communities to information, education and development of potential awareness of postsecondary opportunities at Mt. San Jacinto College. Marketing efforts increases College visibility and identifies MSJC at community events. Being able to engage students as volunteers and participants allows for a more welcoming atmosphere to attendees at Outreach events. Students assist the Outreach department outreach, which is why students and volunteers should be properly thanked for their efforts. Providing funds for incentives would increase and motivate student participation/interaction and would further promote the college.

In past recent years, Mt. San Jacinto College has participated in community events which served as great opportunities to further promote the college. These events were not highly supported by students or many would commit to participate and not show up the day of the event. Not having support from our students reflects on our college, the more support we receive from students the more exposure MSJC will have with our surrounding communities. Providing incentives to our volunteering students would motivate and encourage them to participate, than these events wouldn’t become a missed opportunity for effective community outreach. The Stagecoach Days parade and other community event opportunities this year would provide effective outreach, previous years have not been so successful when it came to student participation. This year’s goal is to raise awareness and student participation and it can be done through incentives.

Additionally, student participation at MSJC eventswould allow students the chance to experience outreach. Outreach is an important part of a student’s educational experience because it allows for a student to network and meet potential individuals interested in postsecondary education. Not to mention it also better informs our students of what Mt. San Jacinto College represents and offers our community. Educating our students about MSJC as much as possible helps them better market and promote our institution at events. This all begins with getting students involved, if we desire to effectively accomplish this task incentives need to be provided for students who take time out or their busy/social life to assist our institution at events.

  1. Project Schedule: Outline the activities that need to take place and the month and year they will occur. You may have multiple dates and activities depending on the request.

This specific request is for fall 2016, however requests for college outreach at community events occur regularly throughout the month in each semester. Two of many particular events which would require student participation are the Stagecoach Days Parade and Santa’s Electric Light Parade. Stagecoach is occurring on September 10th, while Santa’s Electric Light Parade sometime in December of this year. Both events would expose our institution to our growing community.

  1. Budget Detail: Indicate the appropriate budget category and then fill in the amount you are requesting for that category. Categories you may want to use are: personnel, equipment, supplies, contract services, print services or other. The Executive Committee in cooperation with the Executive Director or Designee will not consider project requests in excess of $750.00 without additional documentation to warrant the increased amount requested.

We are asking for approximately$750.00 fall 2016.