Card #1

picturesque banks of the river Volga
Syzran is famous for its beautiful landscapes
local festivals “Silver Pipes” and “Syzran Tomato”
212 buildings under state protection
Tolstoy Drama Theatre
Our town has municipal children musical theatre “Cat’s House”
Exhibition Hall
Art School and three musical schools
old traditions and new ideas
Syzran unites a rich historical heritage and all-sufficient economy
natural landscape and its unique architecture

Card #2

  1. Syzran was founded in ……. .
  2. It is ……. years old.
  3. The territory of the town is crossed by ….… rivers. (3? 4? 6?)
  4. The town is ……. km downstream from Samara. (137? 237? 173?)
  5. Railway crosses Syzran in ……. directions. (6? 5? 4?)
  6. The territory of the town is ……. sq km. (117? 171? 107?)
  7. The population of the town is about ……. .
  8. The town is situated on the territory of Syzran ……., having the unique natural landscape.
  9. The visiting card of Syzran is ……. Tower of the Kremlin.
  10. In the list of 100 biggest cities of Russia our place is number ……. .

Card #3

1. There are 212 buildings in our town which are under state protection as historical and architectural monuments. The major sightseeing of the town is Syzran Kremlin. On the territory of it there is the StoneTower, Christorozhdestvenskiy Cathedral (1741), Kazan Cathedral (1872) with beautiful bell-tower (1895) and other historical buildings. The symbol of the visit card of Syzran is the SpassTower (1684). On holidays you can hear ringing of the bells from this tower.

2. The major wealth of the town is the kind, honest and hard-working people. During the years of Great Patriotic War 39 thousand of Syzran residents defeated their Motherland and 11000 of them were killed. 26 residents of our native town

were awarded the honorary titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union. It was not an easy victory. A Monument to the inhabitants of Syzran who lost their lives on battlefields in the years of Great Patriotic War is set on the bank of the river. We’ll remember them for ever.

3. Our region is famous for its unforgettable landscapes in summer. Picturesque Volga banks, shallow rivers, green forests and beautiful valleys have always attracted a lot of tourists. The banks of the river Usa and its sand islands provide excellent grounds for recreation in a number of outdoor centers for children and grown-ups. You can have a good rest swimming, sunbathing, fishing, gathering different berries and mushrooms.

4. Our town has much success in professional and amateur sport. The most impressive results have been achieved in international and all-Russia competitions in gymnastics, unarmed self-defense, judo, skiing, basketball, ice and grass hockey, motor races and draughts. Every year we can watch motor races in the place, which is called “MonasterialMountain”, a famous landscape nature monument. Our team has considerable achievements; more and more amateurs of this sport appear in Syzran.

5. Nowadays new modern buildings are being built in Syzran everywhere, but a lot of people prefer to live in wooden houses with big orchards and vegetable gardens attached to them. Some houses are so beautiful with their wooden laces of window frames and flowers. It is particularly important for these people to feel themselves closer to nature. They live in the town, but don’t lose the delights of the village way of life.

1 2

3 4



Card #4

1. Don’tcarrycoals
2. East or West,
3. An Englishman’s home
4. There’s no place
5. When in Rome, / is his castle.
like home.
home is best.
do as the Romans do. / 1. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
2.Дома и солома едома (Нет места подобного дому).
3. В Тулу со своим самоваром не ездят (Не вози уголь в Ньюкасл).
4. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
5. Дом англичанина- его крепость (На своей печи- сам себе голова).

Card #5

Defenders of Motherland.
Syzran was founded as a ……. fortress. Its first inhabitants were ……. . In the days of Great Patriotic War about 40 ……. people of Syzran went to ……. their Motherland. 26 of them were awarded a high rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. In those days Syzran gave ……., proviant and some equipment to the country. There were 11 ……. and more than 53 thousand wounded soldiers were treated in them. There is Air Force Academy in Syzran. ……. helicopter pilots for Russia and other countries are prepared here. More ……. 14.5 thousand military experts graduated from the Academy. 50 ……. were awarded ranks of the Hero of the USSR and Russia. There is a ……. called “Syzran” in Baltic fleet. The crew partly consists of delegates from our town. / than

Card #6

1. Tourist – Man

T: Excuse me, please. Where’s the station?

M: It’s in South Street. Opposite the town hall.

T: Thanks. How can I get there?

M: Take Trolleybus 20, the third stop is yours.

T: Oh, it’s not far. I’d like to walk.

M: Go straight ahead, and then turn left at the crossing. You’ll see the station in front of you.

T: Thank you very much.

2. Tourist – Woman

T: Er, excuse me.

W: Yes?

T: Do you know this town?

W: I have lived here for 25 years. Can I help you?

T: I there a cheap restaurant near here?

W: Well, there’s a McDonald’s in North Street. Between the police station and the language school.

T: Can I get there on foot?

W: Yes, sure. There’s a bus stop over there. Take Tram 5.

T: Thank you.

3. Taxi driver – Tourist

Td: Which way now?

T: Go straight on. Turn left at the music shop. Good. Now turn right at the traffic lights.

Td: Now where? To the lake?

T: Go past the lake. Now turn left here. OK. This is my shop. Here on the left. Stop. How much is that?

Td: Eighty roubles.

4. Tourist – Jane

T: Excuse me.

J: Yes?

T: Could you tell me where the Post Office is?

J: Of course. It is next to the Cathedral.

T: Sorry, I don’t know where the Cathedral is.

J: Go past the supermarket, and then turn right. You’ll see the traffic lights. Cross the road and go straight ahead. You’ll see the old building with a large electronic clock.

T: Is it the Post Office?

J: No, it’s behind it.

T: Thanks a lot.

Card #7

Complex Object
be clean.
have tree-lined streets.
be prosperous.
I’d like my city to be visited by tourists.
be famous for its local festivals.
have more green squares with beautiful flowerbeds.
have advanced diversified economy.
have its natural beauty and landscapes for ever.