Dear Parents,
We have had a lovely Term 3 which is being rounded off by an aviation workshop on the last day of term. We are lucky enough to have six engineers come in to volunteer their time and expertise so that the children can make gliders and motorised aeroplanes! The children have worked really hard developing their narrative and persuasive writing skills through our literacy book ‘Clockwork’ they have produced some impressive pieces or work. They have worked super hard on fractions, including converting, multiplying, adding and subtracting, finding equivalents and linking fractions, decimals and percentages. I hope the children all had an inspiring time during Aspirations week, we had lots of visitors in to talk about a variety of interesting careers.

Well done to those who earned their Level 2 Bikeability Certificate!
Next term, the children will have even more to look forward to!
Mrs Pakrooh – 5TP
This terms ‘Big Question’ is: ‘How would you survive living in a forest.’
We will be looking at answering this question through our study of science. In particular, we will look at water purification, fire and food sources. We will also investigative the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insets and birds, describing the life process of reproduction, aging and death in some plants and animals. We will briefly look at the work of Jane Goodall and her work with gorillas.
In geography through and investigation of natural landscapes, geographical features and natural resource.
In historywe will conduct a mini case
study of an adventurer/explorer.
To accompany out Big Question we will be reading and analysing the novel Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. This is an exciting adventure story set 6,000 years ago during the time of hunter gatherers. Torak is the main character in the book and part of the Wolf Clan, he has a loyal companion, a wolf cub.
Torak has to go on a quest to save the forest from destruction. The story is told from the perspective of a human and an animal.
The themes in the story are bravery, loyalty and a deep respect for nature and life.
We will produce setting and character descriptions focusing on powerful adjectives and noun phrases. We will look at recording accurate eye witness accounts of events and comparing perspectives. We will support our learning by incorporating art and drama into our retelling of the story.

This term we will be continuing to look at decimals and percentages. We will be focusing on finding percentages of amounts, distances, volume etc. We will be using this knowledge in a real world context through measurement and calculating perimeter and area.
We will use also be looking at shape, symmetry, angles and measurement in art and produce some work from the cubist and modernist genre. Including artists such as Picasso and Modrian.

This term we will be starting swimming lessons. Please ensure the children bring appropriate kit with them. This means a one-piece swimming costume for girls.
Swimming will take place on Thursdays :
1 March, 8 March, 15 March, 22 March,
12 April, 19th April, 26 April,
3 May, 10 May.
We will travel to Kingswood Leisure Centre by coach and there will be a return coach at 15.20pm.
In addition, Year 5 will have Sports with Mr Cooley every Monday afternoon. Please ensure that they have appropriate PE kit with them (this is addressed in the school newsletter) if they do not have kit we will attempt to provide one from the school supply. If we cannot provide one they will have to sit out the practical lesson but complete a PE Reflection Activity Sheet. There will be opportunities for some of the children to take part in competitions with other schools in relation to the various sports covered by Mr Cooley, but you will be notified on an individual child basis should your child be selected to be part of a team.
General Matters:
This term I gave all the children new Reading Records. Children have been asked to read at home four times a week. This does not mean that they have to read to you necessarily, though that would be great, but it would be helpful if you encouraged them to read and signed their Reading Record to confirm.
Homework is usually given out on a Friday to be returned the following Friday. The homework is always related to something we have covered in class that week and the children should be able to attempt it independently. It is useful for me to look at what they can do completely independently because it reflects how well they have learnt what we have covered in class. Please ensure that children attempt their homework which is to be completed in their orange homework books.
If you would like to discuss any matters arising from school or homework please speak with me at the end of the day and we can arrange a mutually convenient appointment.
Have a lovely half term!!