FAZA JUDEŢEANA – 2013 - 2014



SUBIECTUL I – 50 puncte

“Number one on the list of things to envy about teens has to be their free time. But when no appealing options are available for this highly social set to congregate, suddenly youth can seem like quite a drag. Teens looking for this “third place” – a place other than home or work where they can gather to relax – have flocked to coffee houses and cybercafes. But they still yearn for establishments that truly cater for them, which is why the mall has remained a favorite. “Research shows one of teens’ favorite ways to spend their time is hanging out with friends,” says Kelli McNamara. “Malls have kids their own age, music shops, films, fast food, their kind of clothing stores.”

You have read the excerpt above in an international magazine for young people and you have decided to write a letter to the editor, expressing your opinion on the problem and suggesting possible solutions to improve the situation.Usebetween220and260words.

SUBIECTUL II – 50 puncte

“I met Henry Kissinger at the Kennedy Airport. Few things surprised me. How short he actually is. How "ordinary people way" he travelled (no entourage or guards or anything). How friendly he was to me as a random person "pestering" him as a celebrity”.

(Henry Alfred Kissinger is an American diplomat and political scientist. A recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, he served as National Security Advisor and later concurrently as Secretary of State in the administrations of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. After his term, his opinion was still sought by some subsequent U.S. presidents and other world leaders.)

Describe your first meeting with a famous person and explain in what ways you found him/her to be different from your expectations. Use approximately 300 words.

Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu. Timp de lucru: 3 ore.