10/20/18 / SEMESTER ELECTIVE – 18 Weeks
MODULE NAME: Practical Skills / MODULE NAME: Weather


  • What skills are involved when living independently and owning your own home?
  • How is our weather affected by the environment and key principles of our earth?


  • Measurement
  • Plumbing
  • Electricity
  • Following directions
  • Weather station
  • Solar light apparatus
  • Tornado model


  • Students will measure using English measurement system.
  • Students will demonstrate the proper use of home tools by hanging a shelf, installing a deadbolt unit, and assembling a pull cart.
  • Students will track the weather for seven days using the weather station.
  • Students will develop an understanding of our atmosphere and how it creates different weather patterns including fronts, clouds, and tornados.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 2, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 7.A.3b, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.E.3a, 12.E.3b, 12.F.3a, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Toolbox, sink, doorknob assembly, watts up meter with lights
  • Drywall assembly, kit for building cart
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Solar light, light meter, markers, globe
  • Cloud apparatus, tornado model

MODULE NAME: Environmental Issues / MODULE NAME: Plastics & Polymers


  • How do people’s actions affect our environment in positive and negative ways?
  • What is plastic and how is plastic made?


  • Acid rain
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Recycling
  • Atoms, molecules, polymers, and monomers
  • Conservation of mass
  • Recycling


  • Students will demonstrate the effects of acid rain on crops by growing corn in different environments.
  • Students will become aware of one global environmental issue by researching and writing an editorial.
  • Students will analyze the properties of polymers: nylon & plastic.
  • Students will create their own polymer: glarch.
  • Students will use vacuum forming and injection molding processes.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.E.3b, 12.E.3c, 13.B.3d, 13.B.3e, 12.B.3f, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 3.C.3a, 3.C.3b, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.C.3a, 12.C.3b, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c 13.B.3d, 13.B.3e
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • pH meter, germination flasks, vinegar, corn
  • Blender, cornstarch, rolling pin, screen, cookie sheet
  • Beakers, baking soda, vinegar, water, pH meter
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Glue, borax, water, digital scale
  • Polyethylene terephthalate, glycol modified plastic
  • Injection molder, vacuum forming device

MODULE NAME: Electricity / MODULE NAME: Robots


  • How does electricity turn on a light bulb and run a motor?
  • How are robots used in our technology-based society?


  • Electrical circuit: parallel and series
  • Motor circuit
  • Insulators and conductors
  • Robot efficiency and effectiveness
  • Cartesian coordinate system
  • Programming Sam using the Sami software


  • Students will wire a simple circuit to turn on a light bulb.
  • Students will wire a parallel and series circuits to turn on two light bulbs.
  • Students will wire a reversing DC motor.
  • Students will plan and carry out a series of movements using Sam and the Sami software.
  • Students will program and play back these movements.
  • Students will use a remote control robot to carry outs tasks.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Circuit board, wire, wire strippers, white board, markers
  • Magnets with metal shavings board
  • Voltage meter, insulator & conductor sample board
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Sam the robot, Sami software, ball
  • Rooster the robot, controlling device, ball and cylinders

MODULE NAME: Weights and Measures / MODULE NAME: Creative Solutions


  • How are different objects measured?
  • How is the scientific method applied to answer a question?
  • Given a problem, how do you go about solving it?


  • Weight, length, volume and mass
  • Scientific method
  • Data collection
  • Synergistic problem solving model: identify, brainstorm, test, evaluate, and redesign or implement.
  • Six simple machines: lever, pulley, inclined plane, wheel and axle, wedge, and screw.


  • Given different objects, students will measure the weight, length, and volume using appropriate measuring devices.
  • Students will apply the scientific method to a problem.
  • Students will perform data collection methodology.
  • Students will build each of the simple machines using Legos.
  • Students will move the ball across the Challenge Board by applying the problem-solving model with their partner and building a complex machine using Legos.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 7.A.3b, 7.B.3, 7.C.3b, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 11.A.3a, 11.A.3b, 11.A.3c, 11.A.3d, 11.A.3f, 11.A.3g, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 11.B.3a, 11.B.3b, 11.B.3c, 11.B.3d, 11.B.3e, 11.B.3f, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Ruler, graduated cylinder, digital scale, beaker, water, objects
  • Heat lamp, white container, black container, thermometers
  • Water testing kit, goggles
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Lego’s
  • Challenge Board with timer, ball

MODULE NAME: Heat and Energy / MODULE NAME: Engines


  • What is heat and how do molecules produce energy?
  • How does an engine run?


  • Methane and propane molecules
  • Combustion reaction formula
  • Heat content and heat capacity
  • Heat expansion
  • Experimental safety measures
  • Tool identification and safety
  • Identification of the parts of the inside of the engine: head, block, cylinder head, cylinder block and crankcase
  • Understanding of the four-stroke process: intake, compression, power, and exhaust


  • Students will build models of methane and propane.
  • Students will burn sugar to produce a chemical reaction.
  • Students will burn an almond to heat water to determine calories.
  • Students heat metal rods to measure expansion.
  • Students will identify the tools in the toolbox and how they are used when working with engines.
  • Students will use the tools to take apart the engine, observing how the components work, and reassembling the engine.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 7.A.3b, 8.D.3b, 8.D.3c, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.C.3a, 12.C.3b, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Molecule model set, radiometer, heat lamp
  • Fire blanket, hot pads, fire resistant gloves, dish towels.
  • Stand, metal tray, sugar, blowtorch.
  • Calorimeter, almond, thermometer, digital scale, stands, lighter.
  • Hot pot, conduction kit, thermometers, stopwatch, tray.
  • Heat expansion gauge apparatus, timer, hair dryer.
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Toolbox containing: ratchet wrench, combination wrench, three pliers, nut drivers, spinner handle, flat screwdriver, rubber mallet, ruler, torque wrench, dial caliper, feeler gauge, spark plug gauge, spark tester, delrin rod, misc. gaskets.
  • Briggs & Stratton Engine on stand.

MODULE NAME: Forces / MODULE NAME: Water Management


  • How do forces of nature affect movement?
  • How does thermal contamination affect our water ecosystem?


  • Newton’s three laws of motion
  • Speed and velocity; potential and kinetic energy
  • Inertia and centripetal acceleration
  • Friction, gravity, wind, water
  • EPA thermal contamination levels
  • Calculating volume of shapes and bodies of water
  • Flow rate of the river tank


  • Students will observe the movement of a puck on an air table and make calculations based on increased force and elevation.
  • Students will observe the movement of a car on a ramp and make calculations based on speed and velocity.
  • Students will observe the rotational movement of a centripetal device based on increasing and decreasing speed.
  • Students will measure and graph water temperatures of different parts of the river tank before and after thermal contamination.
  • Students will figure the volume of numerous shapes and sizes.
  • Students will figure the volume of all five sections of the tank.
  • Students will calculate the flow rate from section 3 to section 5 in the river tank.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.C.3a, 12.C.3b, 12.D.3a, 12.D.3b, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.B.3c, 7.C.3b, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c 13.B.3d, 13.B.3e, 13B.3f
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Air Table, puck, sticks, cables, Pitsco measuring device
  • Inclined ramp with car
  • Centripetal force machine
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Pitsco river tank, thermometer
  • Large and small plastic shapes
  • Small cube, stopwatch, graduated cylinder

MODULE NAME: Lights and Lasers / MODULE NAME: Rockets


  • What is light and how do we see colors?
  • How does a laser work?
  • How does a rocket fly?


  • Components of light and the parts of the eye
  • Angle of reflection; angle of incidence
  • Convex and concave lenses; magnification properties
  • Intensity of light and the color spectrum
  • Newton’s three laws of motion
  • Aerodynamics and flight
  • Mass, laminar and turbulent airflow
  • Apogee, trigonometry


  • Students will observe how a laser beam reflects off mirrors.
  • Students will observe how a prism refracts light.
  • Students will see the magnification properties of concave and convex lenses.
  • Students will set up a security system using the laser, receiver, mirrors, and radio.
  • Students will design fins applying the theory of aerodynamics.
  • Students will glue their rocket parts together in stages while learning about ballast and drag.
  • Students will understand the purpose of the transition cone and nose cone assembly.
  • Students will launch their rocket experiencing the laws of motion governing the concept of flight.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 7.A.3a, 7.B.3, 7.C.3a, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.D.3a, 12.D.3b, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Pitsco laser, 4 mirrors, solar light apparatus
  • Lens kit, 4 prisms, bench kit, color paddles
  • Transistor radio, Pitsco receiver
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Rocket materials: bottle, cardboard cylinder, transition cone, nose cone assembly
  • Alignment guide, glue guns, glue slugs, sandpaper, markers
  • Pitsco rocket launch apparatus including tire pump, 2 goggles, 2 altimeters



  • How does sound become music?
  • Architecturally, what makes a building strong?


  • Pitch, frequency, amplitude, volume
  • Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio
  • Musical scale, treble clef, bass clef
  • Rhythm, beat, and tempo
  • Bridge and tower designs to achieve strength.
  • Structural truss
  • Understanding of diagonals and triangles related to architecture and strength.


  • Students will use the monochord and tuner to listen to identify pitch and frequency related to string length.
  • Students will use the keyboard to develop the connection between notes and music.
  • Students will use the electric drum pad to experience rhythm and beat in relation to music using the metronome.
  • Students will sketch several tower design thumbnail sketches.
  • Students will transfer thumbnails to a full-size drawing with logical proportions and symmetry.
  • Students can follow tower limitation rules and size requirements.
  • Student will apply force to their tower to determine its structural capacity in kilograms.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 8.D.3c, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.A.3c, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 7.A.3b, 7.B.3, 7.C.3a, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.D.3b, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Monochord, tuning fork, digital tuner, pick
  • Keyboard, Sound Forge software
  • Drum pad with sticks and metronome
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Two drafting tables, plastic sheets, glue, cutting blades, ten pieces of balsa wood per student
  • Pitsco structure tester and software

MODULE NAME: Computer Graphics & Animation / MODULE NAME: Audio Broadcasting


  • How do you create a movie using computer animation?
  • What skills are involved in creating radio news broadcast?


  • Digital photography
  • Virtual environment
  • Rendering process through movie creation
  • Advertising; commercials
  • News stories
  • Commentary


  • Students will create a stop motion video using a web cam.
  • Students will morph their pictures using Morphing software.
  • Students will add special effects to a logo.
  • Students will create a virtual environment.
  • Students will create a movie within a virtual environment following a storyboard.
  • Students will design and record at least two commercials with special effects.
  • Students will investigate, write up and record radio news broadcast.
  • Students will burn a CD of their final news broadcast.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Logitech Quick Cam, Gumby and Pokey figures
  • 3D Impact Pro
  • Morphman 2000
  • Virtus
  • Stop Motion Pro
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Sound Forge software
  • 2 microphones, CD burner, storyboard

MODULE NAME: Forensics / MODULE NAME: Flight


  • How do we use Forensic science to solve crimes?
  • How do airplanes fly?


  • Forensic science
  • Fingerprinting
  • DNA fingerprinting
  • Hair analysis
  • Chromatography analysis
  • Problem solving
  • Bernoulli principle
  • Stall, lift, drag, thrust
  • Heading
  • Nautical and statute miles


  • Students will perform fingerprint analysis.
  • Students will perform hair analysis.
  • Students will conduct chromatography analysis.
  • Given specific evidence, student will solve a crime using critical thinking skills and forensic techniques.
  • Students will use the Foil Sim program to study the effects of air on a wing.
  • Students will design, build, and test a wing.
  • Students will take off, perform flight maneuvers, and land using a flight simulator.
  • Students will calculate heading, nautical & statute miles, and fly from Olympia to Seattle using the flight simulator.


  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7
  • Module Guide – Session 1
  • RCA Questions -- Sessions 2-5
  • Review games – Session 6
  • Written/Oral Assessments – Session 1, 6, and 7
  • Post Test – Session 7


  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.A.3a, 12.A.3c, 12.C.3a, 12.C.3b, 13.A.3a, 13,A.3b, 13.A.3c, 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a
  • Math 6.C.3a, 6.D.3, 8.D.3b, 10.A.3a
  • Science 12.D.3a, 12.D.3b, Science 13.B.3a, 13.B.3b, 13.B.3c
  • Language Arts 1.C.3c, 1.C.3f, 3.A.3, 4.B.3d, 5.A.3a


  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Investigator’s tool kit: tweezers, flashlight, blank slides, 2 fingerprint dusting brushes, fingerprint dusting powder, fingerprint backing cards, safety glasses, latex gloves, crime scene template, 2 rulers, tape dispenser with fingerprint tape, evidence envelopes, evidence bags, evidence jars, clear nail polish, 2 hand lenses
  • Crime logbook, alcohol, acetone, meat tenderizer, chromatography strips, baking soda, salt, dishwashing liquid
  • PC, Pitsco software, calculator, student packet, Pitsco library
  • Chipboard, glue, scissors, wing caddy, tape, construction paper
  • Pitsco wing tester, weights
  • Flight Sim yoke, Flight Simulator 2004 software