PCO 633.01 Seminar in Substance Abuse Counseling Syllabus

Spring Session - 2011

Sue King, MA, LPCC/s1/27, 28/2011; 2/24, 25/2011;

Mailbox Location: Counseling Center3/24, 25/2011 - 3 credit hours

Phone #: 513.252.8535 (cell)Jan. 27 – 10 am – 4:30 pm

Email: ll other classes: 9 am – 4:30

Location: Crouch Hall - CR


This course provides an introduction and overview of substance abuse/dependence counseling that includes alcohol, prescription and nonprescription drugs for adolescents and adults. Various theoretical models will be presented along with the stages and process of change toward recovery. Assessment, interventions, treatment modalities, motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis, effect of trauma on addiction, treatment planning, relapse prevention are included. Additionally, the impact of addiction on families and how addiction manifests itself on adult children will be addressed. Ethical issues in the treatment of substance abuse/dependence and licensure requirements are discussed.


The material in this course is designed to meet the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) curriculum standards for masters and post-masters. The specific maters (CODE) states that students are required to “have curricular experiences designed to develop an area of professional expertise.” The material also meets requirements for Ohio Administrative Code 4757 –area 13 01 (A) (1) (3) (IV) and 4757-13-01 (A) (I) (e) (v) which states that persons seeking training for an LPCC must have graduate coursework in methods, prevention, intervention, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:

  • Have knowledge of classifications of substances, their trade and street names; physical and psychological responses, possible effects to usage, overdose and withdrawal
  • Understand the effects of trauma on potential for addiction
  • Understand various theoretical models regarding addiction and the process of change in the treatment and recovery of addiction
  • Gain understanding of the process of recovery and relapse prevention
  • Acquire an overview of assessment tools to obtain diagnosis and dual diagnosis in substance abuse counseling
  • Understand the impact of addiction on families and suggested approaches to coping with addiction within the family system
  • Identify the common traits of adult children whose family system included addictive behavior(s)
  • Obtain an overview of motivational interviewing and the process of change as it applies to the treatment of abusive and compulsive use of substances
  • Increase awareness and knowledge of ethical issues that apply to substance abuse counseling
  • Have knowledge of licensure requirements to obtain chemical dependency licensure.


Attendance at all class is required. This course will follow the Seminary grading scale.


  • Carnes, Patrick. The Betrayal Bond. ISBN #1-55874-526-2
  • Daley, Dennis & Marlatt, Alan. Overcoming Your Alcohol and Drug Problem – Therapist Guide (2nd edition). ISBN #0-19-530773-9.
  • Daley, Dennis & Marlatt, Alan. Overcoming Your Alcohol and Drug Problem – Workbook. ISBN #0-19-530774-7.
  • Dodes. The Heart of Addiction. ISBN #0-06-0958083-0.
  • Kuhn, Cynthia, PhD, et al. (2008) Buzzed. W. W. Norton: New York, London. (ISBN #978-0-393-32985-8)
  • Twerski, Abraham J., M.D. Addictive Thinking. (ISBN #1-56838-138-7)

Methods and Procedures:

This class will utilize guest lectures, film, class lecture, group projects and discussion.


The professor reserves the right to change or amend any part of the course plan as deemed necessary to offer the best possible educational experience for students. It is the responsibility of each student to decide whether or not he or she can handle the amount of reading and other assignments required for this course.

Policy on Academic Integrity:

Please refer to the Seminary Handbook for complete details of the Seminary policy on academic integrity.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • All assignments must be able compatible with Word 2007 format; points will be deducted for failure to submit in this format!
  • No late work will be accepted past the specified due date unless given permission by the professor to with a specified date agreed upon by both student and professor. This will only occur, due to extreme circumstances, such as prolonged illness or family emergency. One (1) point will be deducted for every day the assignment is late without permission from the professor from the value of that assignment.
  • All work must be proof-read and demonstrate graduate level content and construction (i.e. grammar, punctuation and spelling).




/ Date due / Points
Addictive Thinking Response Paper
Buzzed: Chapters – Brain Basics, Drug Basics & Addiction
Class Agenda:
Defining Addiction
The Brain & Addiction
Ethical Issues in Treating Addiction
Theoretical Models in Addiction
The Addictive Personality
Introduction of Drug Classifications / January 27, 2011 / 5
The Heart of Addiction (Be prepared to discuss this in class)
Buzzed: Chapters - Marijuana, Nicotine, Caffeine
Class Agenda:
Motivational Interviewing
Stages of Change in Substance Abuse Counseling
Assessments in Substance Abuse Counseling
Dual Diagnosis & Substance Abuse Counseling
Marijuana, Nicotine & Caffeine / January 28, 2011
**Weekly Postings on Moodle by each member (minimum is 1 post/week) within your group / Week of 2/1/2011
Week of 2/6/2011
Week of 2/13/2011
Week of 2/20/2011
The Betrayal Bond(be prepared to discuss in class)
Buzzed: Chapters – Alcohol, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines
Attendance to AA/NA & Reaction Paper
Class Agenda:
Trauma and Addiction
Treatment Planning in Substance Abuse Counseling
Maintaining sobriety & Relapse Prevention
Recovery or Recovering from Addiction?
Adolescent & Family Counseling with Adolescents
Alcohol, Barbiturates & Benzodiazepines / February 24, 2011 / 5
Attendance to Al-Anon group & Reaction Paper
Overcoming Your Alcohol & Drug Problem – A
Therapist Guide
Buzzed: Chapters – Opiates, Sedatives, Amphetamines
Class Agenda:
Groups in Substance Abuse Counseling (therapeutic, psychoeducational, & self-help)
Case Study Discussion / February 25, 2011 / 5
**Weekly Postings on Moodle by each member of your group / Week of 2/27/2011
Week of 3/6/2011
Week of 3/13/2011
Week of 3/20/2011
Buzzed: Chapters Stimulants & Inhalants
Completion of Case Study
Final Exam
Class Agenda:
Families and Addiction
Family roles in families with addiction
Enabling / March 24, 2011 / 20
Group Presentation
Class Agenda:
The Church’s Response to Addiction
Class Evaluation / March 25, 2011 / 20
**Weekly Postings on Moodle by each member of your group / Week of 3/27/2011
Week of 4/3/2011
Week of 4/10/2011
Week of 4/17/2011
Week of 4/24/2011
Group Format & Outline completed
Required Reading Statement is completed (I have completed ___% of the required reading and attended ___ number of classes) / May 5, 2011 / 20

Note: The list of class agenda items is not exhaustive; other topics concerning substance abuse counseling will be added at the discretion of the professor.

Description of Assignments:

  • Addictive Thinking (text) Reaction Paper: Complete a 2.5 page response/reaction paper that includes citing references to the text as part of your reaction.
  • Attendance to Alcoholics Anonymous (or other recovery group) open meeting. Complete a minimum of 1.5 pages giving your observations and feedback and how this experience aids you in counseling those impacted by abuse/dependence upon substances.
  • Attendance to an Al-Anon meeting. Complete a minimum of 1.5 pages sharing your reactions, thoughts, feelings and observations, as well as the benefit of this experience to9 you as a counselor.
  • Each student will complete a case study that includes treatment planning, interventions and rationale for this approach. A guide/format will be supplied for this assignment.
  • Final exam is comprised of three parts: (a)matching questions to demonstrate overall knowledge of drug effects, common street names, effects of overdose and withdrawal; (b)listing by memory the nine classifications of drugs referenced in the text, Buzzed; (c)be able to recall from memory the 12 Steps from Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Each student is required to complete a statement that accurately defines their attendance and completion of the required texts.
  • Group Project – Part A: The class will be divided into three groups and assigned a topic to present to the class. Some preparation time will be allotted during each class period; however this time alone will not be sufficient to complete preparation. Below are the specifications for the presentation: (all group members must participate in the presentation!)
  • 20-25 minute presentation with extra time allotted for questions
  • Provide a summation of current literature on this topic from three professional journals and your critical opinion of the literature
  • Factors that inhibit or contribute to the addictive process for the individual suffering from addictive behaviors and others within their support system
  • Present effective, evidenced based practices, and treatment strategies, for individuals, couples or families impacted by addiction within the scope of your topic
  • Prepare a bibliography (1 page minimum) of web sites, books, & articles, with a brief description/rationale why you included this as a resource.
  • Use of role plays, hand-outs, videos, charts is encouraged!
  • Group Project – Part B: Each group will take the information from their presentation and create a 4-6 week group to be offered at a local church for the community, for a specific population (i.e. adolescents, couples, parents, families. Description of the group should include:
  1. Number of weeks the group will meet (minimum 4; maximum 6)
  2. Requirements for participating in the group
  3. Topics to be covered
  4. Format of each week (presentation of topic, activities, etc)
  5. Goals of the group
  6. Group covenant
  7. Type of group (i.e. therapeutic, psychoeducational, etc)
  8. Workbook or “homework” materials/assignments

This will be presented in an outline form; format suggestions will be provided.

Important! As part of this assignment, you will be required to grade each member in your group

contribution to the group, consistent completion of tasks in preparation for both the creation of a group and class presentation (i.e. weekly posting).

Grade Values for PCO 633:

Reaction Paper for Addictive Thinking 5 points

Attendance to AA Meeting & Reaction Paper 5 points

Attendance to Al-Anon Meeting & Reaction Paper 5 points

Attendance & Required Reading Statement 5 points

Case Study20 points

Final Exam20 points

Group Presentation20 points

Group Preparation Outline20 points

Total points:100 points