August 30, 2017

Welcome to Integrated Mathematics 2!

How does eHarmony match people for dates? How do retail stores make purchasing decisions and keep track of their inventory? What methods can be used to estimate the distance to an object or the height of a building? What are the chances of flipping heads on ten consecutive coin tosses? These are just a few of the questions students will be able to answer after completing Integrated Math 2.

In this course, we will expand on the Algebra, Geometry, Statistics, and Probability topics that students investigated in middle school and Math 1. Although we introduce new topics in each unit, much of the course is a review or extension of concepts students have already practiced!

Please see the attached Course Outline for details about classroom policies and grading procedures. I have highlighted and expanded on a few important points below:

•Homework: Because students learn concepts in different ways and at varying rates, I feel it is important to offer different amounts and types of practice for students. While only some of the assignments will be collected and graded, it is crucial that students practice concepts until they are mastered. On average, students should practice Math outside of the classroom for 15-30 minutes each day. Please check my homework calendar daily for learning objectives and suggested practice.

•Tests: Students who complete the assigned practice problems should be well-prepared for unit tests. However, I understand that mistakes can happen in pressure situations, so I offer students the opportunity to make corrections or re-take an alternate version of a test if they score poorly. In order to earn points back, students must have all work from the chapter completed and must meet with me outside of class time to discuss and re-work the test.

•Technology: As with everyday life, this class relies heavily on the use of technology. Students who have access to a computer, graphing calculator, or smart phone will find it easiest to complete practice problems. Our textbook publisher has a fantastic software program with graphing capabilities, so students are not required to purchase a graphing calculator.

I believe that learning takes time, students are capable of brilliance, and there is more than one way. Please contact me immediately if you feel my practices aren’t matching my beliefs!

Seth Keene

Stevens High School Math
