BHCC MAT-092 Common Midterm Exam Grading Rubric 3/3/11

Each problem on the midterm exam will receive a point value according to the criteria below:

5 points: Full use of appropriate procedures, 100% correct answer

4 points: Full use of appropriate procedures, but a very slight error is made that prevents student from reaching the correct answer

3 points: Partial use of appropriate procedures; incorrect answer given; student is unable to carry out a procedure completely, but more than 50% of work is correct

2 points: Minimal use of appropriate procedures; incorrect or missing answer; student’s work is less than 50% correct

1 point: Lacks use of appropriate procedures; incorrect answer; student misinterprets problem

0 points: Problem is left blank; no attempt is made to solve the problem

Question / 0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points
1 / blank / Student provides a response, but does not write the ratio as a fraction / Student writes the ratio as a fraction, but does not attempt to reduce it / Student writes the ratio as a fraction, and reduces it, but not completely / - / Student writes the ratio as a fraction in simplest form
2 / Blank / Not left blank, but response demonstrates no understanding of how to solve a proportion / - / Student sets up problem correctly (e.g., shows cross product equation), but subsequently does not follow correct procedure / Student sets up problem correctly, and proceeds to solve by a correct process, but a slight arithmetic error results in incorrect answer / Student provides the correct solution
Question / 0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points
3a,b / Both parts blank / Neither part left blank, but responses demonstrates no understanding of “proportion” or how to correctly solve a proportion / Student responses demonstrate some understanding of “proportion” but work is less than 50% correct (e.g., a proportion is given, but student does not follow a correct procedure to solve it / - / Student gives the correct proportion (part ‘a’ correct), and follows an acceptable procedure, but a slight arithmetic error results in an incorrect answer for part ‘b’ / Both parts correct
4a,b / blank / Not left blank, but incorrect answers for both parts (including a non-equivalent fraction in part ‘b’) / Answer to part (a) is incorrect, but an equivalent, but unsimplified, fraction answer to part (b) is given
Part (a) is correct, but no equivalent fraction is given in part (b) / Student response to part (a) is correct, but an unsimplified fraction is given in part (b) / - / 100% correct answers
5a,b / blank / Not left blank, but incorrect answers for both parts / Correct answer is given for either part (a) or part (b), but not both parts / - / - / 100% correct answers
6 / blank / Not left blank, but demonstrates no understanding of how solve problem / - / Student sets up problem correctly, but obtains incorrect answer / - / 100% correct answer
Question / 0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points
7 / blank / Not left blank, but demonstrates no understanding of how to set up a proportion / Student sets up a proportion, but some numbers are misplaced /
- / - / 100% correct answer
8 / blank / Not left blank, but demonstrates no understanding of how to solve the problem / - / Student sets up problem correctly, but does not demonstrate knowledge of how to solve it / Student sets up problem correctly and shows knowledge of how to solve it, but a slight error produces an incorrect answer / 100% correct answer
9 / blank / Not left blank, but demonstrates no understanding of how to solve the problem / - / Student sets up problem correctly, but does not demonstrate knowledge of how to solve it / Student sets up problem correctly and shows knowledge of how to solve it, but a slight error produces an incorrect answer / 100% correct answer
10 / blank / Not left blank, but demonstrates no understanding of how to solve the problem / - / Student correctly sets up the problem, but does not solve it correctly (work is more than 50% correct) / Student sets up problem correctly and shows knowledge of how to solve it, but a slight error produces an incorrect answer / 100% correct answer
11 / blank / Not left blank, but demonstrates no understanding of how to solve the problem / - / Student correctly sets up the problem, but does not solve it correctly / Student sets up problem correctly and shows knowledge of how to solve it, but a slight error produces an incorrect answer / 100% correct answer
Question / 0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points
12a,b,c,d / At least 3 parts left blank / At least 2 parts are answered, but incorrectly / Correct answers are provided for at least 2 parts, and other parts are not left blank / Correct answers are provided for 3 out of 4 parts / - / All answers are correct
13a,b,c / At least 2 parts left blank / 0 out of 3 parts are answered correctly, but no more than 1 is left blank / 1 out of 3 parts are answered correctly / 2 out of 3 parts are answered correctly / - / All answers are correct
14 / At least 3 parts left blank / At least 2 parts are answered, but incorrectly / Correct answers are provided for at least 2 parts, and other parts are not left blank / Correct answers are provided for at least 3 parts, and other parts are not left blank / - / All answers are correct
15 / At least 2 parts left blank / 0 out of 3 parts are answered correctly, but no more than 1 is left blank / 1 out of 3 parts are answered correctly / 2 out of 3 parts are answered correctly / - / All answers are correct
16 / blank / Not left blank, but answer is incorrect / - / - / - /
Correct answer given
17 / blank / Not left blank, but answer is incorrect / - / - / - / Correct answer given
18 / blank / Not left blank, but no knowledge of how to solve the problem is demonstrated / Student attempts to use an incorrect formula to solve the problem / Student uses correct formula but obtains incorrect answer / Student correctly solves problem, but does not correctly round to nearest tenth / 100% correct answer
Question / 0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points
19 / blank / Not left blank, but no knowledge of how to correctly set up problem is demonstrated / Student sets up problem correctly, but makes major errors in finding the total height of the boxes (overall work is less than 50% correct) / Student sets up problem correctly but a slight error is made in finding the total height of the boxes (work more than 50% correct) / Student provides correct height of boxes, but does not use a number smaller than 12 for the inches / 100% correct answer
20 / blank / Not left blank, but student demonstrates no knowledge of how to correctly begin solving the problem / Student attempts to convert g to kg, but does not do so correctly, and does not attempt to add the measurements / Student converts g to kg and adds the measurements, but makes more than one error in doing so / Student converts g to kg, and adds the measurements, but makes a single slight error producing an incorrect answer
Student gives correct answer in g instead of kg / 100% correct answer

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