
A Biblical Overview

“Christian fasting at its root, is the hunger of a homesickness for God.”

John Piper, A Hunger for God

Why Fast?

·  During Jesus’ teaching ministry he gave instructions on how his disciples should fast. Jesus does not say, “if you fast” but “when you fast.” Although there is no explicit command to fast, Jesus assumes that we will fast and gives instruction on how to:

·  Fasting is feasting. Fasting is not focused on denying oneself food or suppressing desire for its own sake. Fasting is all about feasting on the fullness of every divine blessing we have secured for us in Christ. It’s all about spiritual gluttony!

·  Fasting is not about what we can do for God, but all about how everything we need is in him. We express our weakness through fasting and that the one thing we yearn and need most is God himself (Mark 2:18-22).

Ways to Fast

·  Scripture provides a plethora of examples and reasons why both individuals and groups of people fasted. The focus of Scripture is not on the method or means of fasting but on the end goal, a greater awareness of God and our need of Him. The two most common methods:

o  1) Absolute Fast: Normally a twenty-four hour period with no eating and drinking water only.

o  2) Partial Fast: You decide what you would like to fast from and use the desires for whatever that might be to pray and seek after God (Dan. 10:3).

Our Goal

·  Our fasting together is meant to intensify the hunger we have for the things of God. Our fasting will give us a hunger that we then can direct and satisfy in the Word of God and prayer!

·  All this is done in the shadow of Calvary, where God showed his immeasurable riches of his love toward us! May we delight in and be amazed all the more at his great love toward us!

Recommended Resource: A Hunger for God by John Piper