1.  Book Review-

Book Recommended- The Canterville Ghost by OscarWilde

Read the above book and write a review in 150 words for each (English Project Term-I).

2.  Reading and summary writing

Read the lessons ‘The Browning Version’ and ‘The Adventure’ from Hornbill and write a summary in 100 words of each.

3 Write self composed

-Poem on Value of Hard Work


- An article on ‘The path I would choose to lead a peaceful and prosperous life’ in not more than 200 words.


Numerical Based assignment

Q1. If Law of constant composition is true, what weights of calcium , carbon and oxygen are

present in 1.5g of calcium carbonate? Given that the sample of calcium carbonate from

another sample contains Ca= 40%, C= 12% and O= 48%.

Q2. Carbon and hydrogen combine to form three compounds A, B and C. The percentage of

hydrogen in these compounds are : 25, 14.3 and 7.7 respectively. Show that the data

illustrates the Law of multiple proportion.

Q3. Which has the maximum and minimum mass?

a)  25.6g of oxygen (at mass =16)

b)  2.56 gram atom of sodium (atomic mass = 23)

c)  0.256 gram molecule of water (moleculer mass= 18)

d)  0.256 gram atom of iodine (at. mass = 127)

Q4. Calculate the number of atoms of hydrogen , oxygen and sulphur in 0.2 mole of sulphuric


Q5. What weight of calcium contains the same number of atoms as are present in 3.2g of

sulphur.(at. mass of S= 32g)

Q6. An organic compound on analysis gave the following percentage composition : C = 57.8% ;

H= 3.6% and the rest is oxygen. The molecular mass of the compound is 166. Find the

molecular formula of the compound.

Q7. Calculate the weight of lime (CaO) obtained by heating 200kg of 95 % pure limestone


Q8. Zinc and hydrochloric acid react according to the following reaction:

Zn (s) + HCl(aq) ------ZnCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

If 0.30 mol of Zn are added to hydrochloric acid containing 0.52 mol of HCl, how many

moles of hydrogen are produced?

Q9. a) A sample of NaOH weighing 0.38g is dissolved in water and the solution is made to 50ml

in a volumetric flask . what is the molarity of the resulting solution?

b) How many moles of NaOH are contained in 27ml of 0.15M NaOH solution?

Q10. Molarity of H2SO4 is0.8M and its density is 1.06g/cm3. What will be the concentration of

the solution in terms of molality and mole fraction?



1.  A stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 14 ms-1. Find the maximum height reached and the time of ascent. Given g = 9.8 ms-2.

2.  A balloon is moving upwards with a speed of 5 ms-1. When it is at a height of 98m, a packet is dropped from it. What is the velocity of the packet when it strikes the ground?

3.  A train is running at a constant acceleration. The two ends of the train pass a telegraph post with velocities v1 and v2. Find the velocity with which the middle point of the train passes the same post.

4.  A man on a railway platform is just 9m behind the entrance door of a train, when the train begins to move with a uniform acceleration of 2 ms-2 starting from rest. The man immediately picks up uniform speed to get into the train and just manages to board it. Find the uniform speed of the man.

5.  Two trains each of length 100m, moving in opposite directions along parallel lines, meet with speeds 60 kmh-1 and 30 kmh-1. If their accelerations are 0.3 ms-2 and 0.2 ms-2 respectively, find the time taken by them to pas each other.

6.  The speed of a car increases at a constant rate α from 0 to v and then remains constant for an interval and then finally decreases to zero at a constant rate β. If S is the total distance described, show that the total time taken is t = S/v + v/2 (1/α + 1/β).

7.  Drops of water from the roof of a house are falling at regular intervals of 1 second. Find the position of 3rd, 4th and 5th drop when the 6th drop just falls from the roof.

8.  A body is dropped from the top of a tower. During the last second of its motion it travels 16/25th of the height of the tower. Calculate the height of the tower if g = 10 ms-2.

9.  The displacement x of a particle moving in one dimension under the action of a constant force is related to time t by the expression t = where x is in meters and time is in seconds. Find the displacement of the particle when the velocity is zero.

10.  A particle moving in a straight line covers half the distance with a speed of 3 ms-1.The other half of the distance is covered in two equal intervals of time with speeds of 4.5 ms-1 and 7.5 ms-1 respectively. Find the average speed of the particle during this motion.

11.  A stone falls freely from rest and the total distance covered by it in the last second of its motion equals the distance covered by it in the first 3s of its motion. Find how long the stone remains in air.

12.  Find the ratio of the distances travelled by a freely falling body in the first, second and third second of its fall.


1.  Two balls of different masses (one lighter and one heavier) are thrown vertically upwards with the same speed. Which one would pass through their point of projection in their downward direction with greater speed?

2.  A man standing at the edge of a cliff throws a stone straight up with initial speed u and then throws another stone straight down with the same initial speed u and from the same position. Find the ratio of the speeds, the stones would attain, when they hit the base of the cliff.

3.  An object is covering distance in direct proportion to t3, where t is the time elapsed.

a)  What is the conclusion you might draw about the acceleration? Is it constant, increasing, decreasing, or zero?

b)  What may you conclude about the force acting on the object?

4.  Plot the speed time graph of a car travelling with uniform speed of 80kmh-1. On the same graph, plot the speed time graph for a second car starting from rest and uniformly accelerating to a maximum speed of 80 kmh-1.

a)  What relationship do you find between the distances covered by the two cars during the time in which the second car is accelerating?

b)  Would this relationship hold if you chose a different acceleration for the second car?

Subject :Biology

Very short Answer Questions

1. Name a vestigial organ in the alimentary canal of man

2. Give the term for the mucosal folds present inside the stomach.

3. In which part of the alimentary canal there is no peristaltic movement?

4. What are crypts of Lieberkuhn?

5. How does saliva act in self-defence?

6. Define deglution.

7. Why are proteases generally released in inactive form?

8. What are chylomicrons?

9. Which chemical substance stimulates the release of pancreatic enzymes?

10. Give the terms for a semidigested gastric food and fully digested intestinal food.

11. Differentiate between vital capacity and total lung capacity.

12. Where is carbonic anhydrase located? What is its function?

13. What are the inspiratory muscles which help in pulmonary ventilation of man?

14. Give R.Q. value for a carbohydrate, protein and fat.

15. Which epithelium lines the trachea and bronchi?

Short Answer Questions

1. How would non-secretion of saliva affect digestion of food in our mouth?

2.What is the biological significance of E.coli in the alimentary canal?

3.What are micelles? How are they helpful?

4.It is absolutely not necessary to produce amylase in inactive form in our body but it is not so in case of trypsin. Give reasons.

5.Caecum and vermiform appendix are long sized in herbivores while these are vestigial in man. Why?

6.Give the cause and symptoms of following digestive disorders:

a) Dental caries b) Peptic ulcerss

7.Name the hormone that stimulates gall bladder to release the bile juice. How does this juice reach the duodenum? Explain the function of bile in the digestion of fats.

8.Explain in brief morphology of human lungs.

9. Write the role of diaphragm and intercostals muscles in breathing process.

10.Give cause and symptoms of following respiratory disorders:

(a) Asthma (b) Emphysema

11.What do you mean by vital capacity, tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume.

12.Tabulate the respiratory organs and modes of respiration found in various groups of animals.

13.What is the role of carbonic anhydrase? Where is it operative?

14.Differentiate between right lung and left lung.

15.Oxygen-dissociation curve is at higher level in the persons living at high altitudes than those living in the plants. Why?


1.A protein deficiency disease is

a) Kwashiorkar b) Marasmus c) Pellagra d) Osteomalacia

2.Glisson’s capsule is found in which organ of mammals?

a) Stomach b) Kidney c) Testis d) Liver

3.Osteomalacia occurs due to deficiency of

a) Vitamin-A b) Vitamin-B c) Vitamin-D d) Vitamin-E

4.Which of the following vitamins are fat soluble?

a) A B C K b) A B D E c) A D E K d) A D C K

5.Which one of the following is the correct matching of the site of action on the given substrate, the enzyme acting upon it and the end product?

a) Small intestine : Proteins pepsin amino acids

b)Stomach : Fats lipase micelles

c)Duodenum : Triglycerides trypsin monoglycerides

d)Small intestine : Starch amylase maltose

6.Hypoxia is the condition in which less energy becomes available to the tissues. This may be due to

a) Lesser O2 in the atmosphere b)More CO in the air

c) Less RBCs in blood d) All of them

7. Oxygen dissociation curve is

a) Parabolic b) Hyperbolic c) Sigmoid d)Straight

8. Pneumotoxic centre is present in

a) Cerebrum b) Cerebellum c) Medulla d) Pons Varolii

9. Arrange the following in the order of increasing volume:

1) Tidal volume 2) Residual volume 3) Expiratory reserve volume 4) Vital capacity

a) 1<2<3<4 b) 1<3<2<4 c) 1<4<3<2 d) 1<4<2<3

10.The majority of carbon dioxide produced our body cells is transported to the lungs: a) Dissolved in blood b) As bicarbonates c) As carbonates d) Attached to haemoglobin

11. During hibernation the frog respires through:

a) Gills b) Lungs c) Integument d) Tympanum

12.Continued consumption of a diet rich in butter, red meat and eggs for a long period may lead to:

a) vitamin A toxicity b) kidney stones c) hypercholesterolemia d) urine laden with ketone bodies

Subject : Maths

Q1 Find in degrees and radians the angle between the hour hand and the minute- hand of a clock at half past three.

Q2 Simplify: .

Q3 Prove that.

Q4 Prove that .

Q5 Prove that

Q6 Prove that: .

Q7 Prove that: .

Q8 Prove that .

Q9 Prove that: .

Q10 Prove that: .

Q11 Prove that .

Q12 Prove that:

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)

Q13 Prove that .

Q14 Prove that

Q15 Prove that:

Q16 If Prove that: .

Q17 If Prove that

Q18 Show that .

Q19 Prove that: .

Q20 Prove that:

Q21 Find the values of

(i) (ii) sin (iii) (iv) sin

Q22 Prove that

Q23 If A+ B + C = Then prove the following


2. .


Q24 If A = find the number of relations that can be defined on A.

The Cartesian product A A has 16 elements. If (1, 2) and (3, 4) are two elements of A A,

find A and also A A.

Q25 Draw the graphs of following

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Q26 If show that.

Q27 Draw the graph of the following function: From this graph, find.

Q28 Find the domain of the function (i) (ii)

Q29 Let and. Show that Also find and

Q30 Let. Find if (i) (ii)

Q31 Find the domain and range of following

(i) = (ii) (iii) (iv)

(v) (vi) (vii)

Q32 Find the domain of

(i) (ii)

Q33 Find the range of

(i) (ii) y = (iii) y =

SUBJECT :Physical Education :

1.  Draw a diagram of any one game sports court and field with all specifications

2.  Briefly define the History of one game/sports.

3.  Explain any 6 Fundamentals skills of one game/sports.

4.  Explain any 8 important tournament.

5.  Explain any 8 National & International sports Personalities.

6.  Explain 10 Terminologies any one game/sports.


SUBJECT: Psychology

Do your Project work as discussed in the class- Chapter 3.

SUBJECT: Painting


History of Indian Art

a)  Prehistoric rock painting and art of Indus valley


a)  Nature and objects study-Two size –Half Imperial

b)  Painting composition