Short Story Mini Project

I want you to read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Minister’s Black Veil”. THEN you need to show me how the story is Romantic, identify the different literary elements with examples from the story, theme-what is the main purpose?, self-reflection, and an illustration of some image. (poster, drawing, etc.)

Purpose: The purpose of this mini project is to show how this short story is Romantic. Look back at your Romanticism notes to get familiar with Romantic elements and the different parts of Romantic Era.


1.  Read the story…get a general feeling for what the story is about. Who are your characters? What is going on? Can you find a theme?

2.  Now re-read the story… why is this story considered Romantic? Jot down all the elements of the story that are Romantic.

3.  Next find the different literary elements of the story. Write down the quotes (and the page numbers!). Look for similes, metaphors, personification, allusions, imagery etc… You will need 10 different quotes that demonstrate the literary elements.

4.  Now take a look at the purpose. What do you think the author is trying to get across with this short story? What does the author want YOU to get out of this short story?

5.  Self-Reflection: What are your reactions to the story? Be sure to back up your reactions with specific examples from the story.

6.  Pick ONE image and create an ORIGINAL image. This can be what you think the character looks like, the setting, etc…

7.  Now chose how you will show me all of these elements. You can create a poster, drawing, etc. BE CREATIVE!!!

8.  Be prepared to present your project to the class.

Rubric for the Project Options

Name ______Title of Mini Project: “The Minister’s Black Veil”

Class ______Date ______Final Grade ______

Element / Excellent 10 / Good 5 / Help! 0
Why is this story Romantic? / Excellent description of why the story is Romantic…several examples from notes or from intro / Pretty good but you could have added more from notes…better details / Missed the point… didn’t make the connection on Romanticism.
Missed this part of the assignment
____ Literary Elements / All _____ literary elements correct. / Doesn’t have ____ literary elements…or has ___ but not correctly labeled. / Has fewer than ___ literary elements…or element identification is not correct.
Theme / Excellent identification of the theme…has a good idea of what the author wanted you to get out of the story / For the most part you got the theme…but you didn’t quite get the entire picture / Missed the point of the story or this part was missing.
Self-reflection / Great self reflection. This was heartfelt, and I really got a good sense that you understood what was going on. / You could have done better with the self-reflection. Too much of what you thought I wanted to hear and not enough from your heart. / No self-reflection or just a summary of the story.
Image / Great image (even if you are not an artist). It was well depicted from the story. / Missed the point of the image part. You could have spent more time on this. / Image was missing or there was no time spent on the image.
Grade / First score: / Final score if redone / Comments: