Purpose: To identify functions of the organ systems and demonstrate the interdependence among the organ systems.


The Texas Health Department Agency is putting together a website to help educate individuals about the human body systems. They are recruiting students to help put together information for the website. The requirements are to include ALL specific information they are requesting (listed below) and present it in a creative and engaging way that can be posted on the website.

Task One: Complete the Body Systems Characteristic Chart for your body system

-This is all the information that will need to be used in your presentation of the final product

Body Systems Characteristics Chart

System studying: ______

What functions is the system responsible for in the human body?
(what does it do and or allow the organism to do)
List the structures of the system and describe the function of each structure.
Where in the body is the system located? What other systems does it function with?
What happens if your system fails? Describe 5 diseases or disorders that can affect this system.
If this system fails, predict the effect on the functioning of at least two other systems.
(Cont. system failure)
What lifestyle choices can help to keep this system healthy?

Task 2: Choose one of the following options to produce and present your final product:

Option 1: Create an Infomercial- on the selected human body system that would be linked to the website to help educate individuals. Make sure to include the following:

·  Be at least 4 but not longer than 6 minutes in length (include the script for the infomercial for review of key information)

·  Include all information from the Body Systems Characteristics Chart, emphasizing how it works with/affects other systems.

·  Use visuals to help engage the viewer, must include visual example of the body system

Option 2: Create a Book Cover- on the selected human body system for a book that could be purchased on the website to help educate individuals. Make sure to include the following:

·  Book Cover with creative title and visual example of the body system

·  Provide a list of chapters outlining what is covered in the book

·  A Book Summary on the inside cover flaps and back cover incorporating information for the Body Systems Characteristics Chart, emphasizing how it works with/affects other systems.

Option 3: Create a Comic Strip- on the selected human body system that could be viewed on the website. Make sure to include the following:

·  Should be at least 12 slides in length and should take us through the body system chosen

·  Should be legible and include graphic representation of the system of choice

·  Make sure to include all the information from the Body Systems Characteristics Chart, emphasizing how it works with/affects other systems.

Task 3: Peer review – have 2 other students review your assignment for completion and accuracy. The reviewers will for the rubric for the review process.

Updated 7/10/10 5

Human Body Cap Rubric

/ Organization- contains all information from Tasks 1 & 2 and is clearly organized to convey information. / Creativity- shows effort of a new and interesting thought or perspective. / Scientific Concepts- Explanation of Body System and interdependence among the organ systems. / Presentation- is thoughtful and conveys all necessary information.
1 / Missing 2 or more information boxes from Chart,
Project very unclear
Does not catch viewer’s attention / Interest, motivation, effort and time obviously absent / No science specific connection / Preparation is obviously absent.
2 / Missing one information box from Chart,
Somewhat unclear project / Very little use of color or pictures but enough to engage and hold attention / Inaccurate science connection.
Missing one section of information / More time was needed for preparation
3 / All sections of chart present but some sections unclear, presentation has most information included / Holds attention.
Aesthetically appealing use of color, diagrams and text / Science connection present but could be developed further with explanations. / Has all of the correct information and preparation was adequate
4 / All parts of chart and project are present and all are clearly explained / Interest, motivation, effort and time obviously present / Concept fully and properly explained
Science specific connection made / Entertaining presentation of information and preparation time
was obviously present.
Points Earned
Total Points Earned

Timeline for

Pre-AP Human Body Culminating Assessment Project

Contract Due……………………………………………………………………………………………………3-24-2011

Completed information organizer due………………………………………………………3-29-2011

Complete product brought to class for peer review in order to allow for

improvements to be made to final presented work…………………….……….4-4-2011

Final project presented to class………………………………………………………….………4-7-2011

Updated 7/10/10 5

Updated 7/10/10 5