Beatrix Potter Manifesto 2015-2018:

The Roadmap to Outstanding

“Pupils have exemplary behaviour…..they enjoy learning and they love coming to school….”

Ofsted report, December 2014

Reflecting on our recent Ofsted report, we have defined a manifesto to outline where we would like the school to be in three year’s time. We aim to improve from being a ‘good’ school with outstanding features to being an ‘outstanding’ school. This will involve refining and consolidating what we are already doing well and strengthening other areas where there may be room for improvement. All staff and the school’s Governing Body will work together in this common effort to ensure that children at Beatrix Potter get the best education. The important contribution that parents and carers make to the school is also acknowledged and will continue to be essential.

By 2018 we will

Unlock the potential of every child

  • Enabling all girls and boys to achieve their full potential irrespective of ability, background, or ethnic origin striving to close any gaps in achievement.

Nurture outstanding teaching

  • Ensuring that all teaching staff are highly skilled, motivated and supported,sharing best practice within the school and with other local schools in order to provide outstanding teaching.
  • Ensuring that all children develop a high level of skill, knowledge and understanding in each area of the new national primary curriculum.

Promote outstanding learning

  • Building on our already excellent results, we aspire to improve year on year sustaining achievement above national averages in all core subjects.
  • Monitoring, assessing, recording and communicating achievement in a way that will allow us to plan the education of each individual child ensuring they are adequately stretched and supported.

We will continue to

  • Provide a wide range of experiences in the curriculum promoting pupil’s spiritual, cultural and moral development outstandingly well.
  • Encourage exemplary behaviour and ensure that all children feel safe by means of our excellent safeguarding procedures and arrangements.
  • Ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive excellent support and achieve their full potential.
  • Provide excellent governance support and oversight ensuring the school continues to improve.