Program Management Office (PMO)


Scope Statement

V12.1 PACs Upgrade

VUE Reporting

Implementation Plan

Document Version 0.1: Initial Draft

Document Date: 05/29/2015

Revision History

Revision / Date / Revised By / Changes Made – Reasons for the Change

Table of Contents

Revision History

Business Objectives

Project Priority

Detailed Scope and Deliverables

Project Assumptions

Project Exclusions

Project Constraints

Scope Sign-off

Project Scope Statement

The project will consist of initiation, discovery, implementation services and project

Management in association with the replacement of the PowerScribe application with the VUE reporting application for all reports being generated from Epic. This project will also include the upgrade of the PACs software from 12 to 12.1.

Business Objectives

Project Priority

1: / A discretionary project that provides significant business value or one that is highly aligned with the strategic direction for the organization.
2: / A discretionary project that provides moderate business value or one that is moderately aligned with the strategic direction for the organization.
3: / A discretionary project that provides limited business value or one that is not aligned with the strategic direction for the organization.
Non-Discretionary: / The project fulfills a regulatory requirement, operational requirement or other reason for being mandatory.

To offer physicians as well as other medical staff improved reporting capability. This project will also facilitate the implementation of the upgrade of the PACs software from v12to v12.1. This will ensure that our imaging software remains up to date provides our patients and physicians with the most current technology available.

Detailed Scope and Deliverables

V12.1 Upgrade

  • Limitedto server upgrade only for bothprimaryand downtime server. Client software is not affected.


  • Replace all PowerScribe with Vue reporting
  • Replace Boomerang with Vue Reporting

Content Delivery

  • Integrated retrieval and viewing from the patient record with Haiku and Canto.


  • The services will be deployed both remotely and onsite.

Project Assumptions

  • Testing will need to include both version of Epic
  • Access to reports will remain basically the same for physicians and medical staff.

Project Exclusions

Project Constraints

  • Software rollout will need to be gradual over a week or two

Scope Sign-off

Project Owner (Cory Skeens)Date

VUE Reporting Implementation 12.1 PACs Upgrade Page 1 of 6

October 31, 2018 Draft