Application for Metering Installation Registration – Gas (Vic)
Use this form to apply to the Australian Energy Market Operator for registration of a physical metering installation
Ref: Declared Wholesale Gas Market Rules, Division 3, Subdivision 4, Section 311 / MIRN
Network / Application for:
Metering Installation Details
Site Customer
Site Address
Suburb / City / Site Postcode
Meter Code/Type / Installation Type / IW / UAFG Size / SLCTM
Consumption Data Prov. / ProfileProfile and LoggerLoggerLogger and Telemetry / Upper validation limit / m3/hr / Customer Tariff / VD
Consumption during 1998 / GJ / Current Annual Load / GJ / Greenfield Site (post 1/1/99) / YesNo
ANZSIC - Industry Code / MHQ value / GJ

Associated Organisations

Host Retailer / F R O
T P O / Distributor
Responsible Person

Meter Information

Meter No. / Type / No. of dials
Street directory / Map Ref / Meter location
P C F / Metering Units / m3 / ft3

Engineering Specifications

Communication Type / Manual / Telemetry (specify) / Radio / PSTN / Mobile / Leased
Power / Solar / Mains
Logger Model / Logger Serial No / Log No
Modem/MAN No & (Baud rate)

Responsible Person Details

Company Name / Phone No.
Date of Advice / / /
Responsible Person
Name (please print) / Title / Signature

AEMO Use Only

Approved / Rejected
AEMO registered / Reason -
Affected parties notified
Reading Details: / Energy Values Provider
Reading Frequency / Daily
Extract Option / Day + 1 / Day + 3
Zone / AMDQ Details / AMDQ Allocated
CTM meter ID No. / AMDQ Node
HV Zone / AMDQ Diversity factor
MCE Node / Planning Approval
TUoS Zone / Signature / Initial / Date: / / /
Authorised Officer
Name (please print) / Title / Signature / Date: / / /

Ref: 151810