Edwin Seroussi / CV / 16

Edwin Seroussi

Curriculum Vitae

(Revised June 2008)

POB 39123

Jerusalem 91390- Israel

Tel.: 972-54-4670803 (mobile)


·  Personal data

Birth date: December 26, 1952 in Montevideo, Uruguay

Immigration to Israel: 1971

Nationality: Israeli

·  Education (institutional)

1981-1984 Ph.D. in Music, University of California, Los Angeles. Dissertation title: “Schir Hakawod and the Liturgical Music Reforms in the Sephardi Community in Vienna, ca. 1881-1925: A Study of Change in Religious Music” (1988).

1978-1981 M.A. cum laude in Musicology, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Thesis title: “‘Old’ and ‘New’ in the Singing of Bakkashot among Moroccan Jews in Israel: Historical, Socio-Cultural and Musical Aspects of the Custom of the Bakkashot according to the Book Shir Yedidot”.

1971-1974 B.A. cum laude in Musicology, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

1969-1970 Baccalaureate in the Humanities, Uruguay.

1961-1969 Music theory and violin at the Manuel Facio Conservatory, Montevideo, Uruguay.

·  Education (private)

1978-1980 Composition with Professor Andre Hajdu, Israel.

1970-1971 Composition with Maestro Hector Tosar, Uruguay.

1961-1971 Violin with Maestro Miguel Szylagy, Uruguay.

·  Military service

1974-1977 Israel Defense Forces (Reserves until 2001; release rank: major)

·  Appointments (academic), Chairs and Residences

2008 Visiting Professor, Dartmouth College, Winter Semester

2007 Visiting Professor, Wesleyan University, Winter Semester

2006 Emanuel Alexandre Full Professor of Musicology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2006 Rose and Ralph Halbert Scholar in Residence, University of Toronto.

2003 Visiting Professor: Universidad Anahuac, Mexico City; Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad de Sao Paolo.

2003 Horowitz Jewish Studies Scholar in Residence, JCC, Houston.

2000-2006 Associate Professor of Musicology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1998-1999 Maurice Amado Professor of Sephardic Studies, Department of Ethnomusicology and Department of Near Eastern Cultures and Languages, UCLA.

1997-2000 Associate Professor, Department of Music, Bar-Ilan University.

1993-present Adjunct Professor and Graduate Counselor, H. L. Miller Cantorial School, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York.

1992-1993 Visiting Professor, Judaic Studies Department, Binghamton University (SUNY) and Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York.

1991-1996 Senior Lecturer, Department of Musicology, Bar-Ilan University.

1988-1990 Lecturer, Department of Musicology, Tel-Aviv University.

1986-1996 Researcher, Jewish Music Research Center, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

1986-1990 Lecturer, Department of Musicology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.

1986-1988 Lecturer, Levinsky Teachers' College, Tel-Aviv.

1982-1984 Teacher’s Assistant, Department of Music, University of California, Los Angeles.

1979 Research Assistant, Eduard Birnbaum Collection Cataloguing Project, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati (an N.E.H. project).

1977-1981 Research Assistant, Jewish Music Research Center, The Hebrew University.

1977-1978 Instructor, The Open University, Tel-Aviv.

1973-1974 Teacher’s Assistant, Department of Musicology, The Hebrew University.

1972-1974 Research Assistant, Jewish Music Research Center, The Hebrew University.

·  Appointments (administrative)

2008 Director, School of the Arts, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2004-2008 Chairman, Department of Musicology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2000-present Director, Jewish Music Research Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1996-2000 Deputy Director, Jewish Music Research Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1994-1998 Chairman, Department of Music, Bar-Ilan University.

1984-1985 Executive Coordinator, Latin-American Section, Sephardic Educational Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1980-1981 Deputy Director, Music Department, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem.

·  Honors and Awards

1992 Sephardic Music Heritage Award, Sephardic House, New York.

1980 Graduate Students' Award, Center for the Integration of the Oriental Jewish Heritage, Ministry of Education and Culture, Israel.

1977 Prize in the memory of Paul Kletzky for graduate music students, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

1974 Prize of the President of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

1973 Prize of five outstanding musicians (Arthur Rubinstein and Isaac Stern among others) for undergraduate music students, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

·  Research Grants, Scholarships and Fellowships

2007 Research Grant from the Maurice Amado Foundation, for the publication of historical recordings of Sephardic Music

2005-2008 Research Grant, The Israel Basic Research Foundation, for the research of Sephardic Liturgical Music

2001-2004 Research Grant, The Israel Basic Research Foundation, for the research of Sephardic Music.

2000 Research Grant, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, for the Study of Judeo-Spanish song titles in Hebrew manuscripts.

1994-1997 Research Grant, The National Israeli Academy of Sciences for research on the popular music of Israel.

1993 Research Grant, Maurice Amado Foundation, for the publication of a book on Sephardic music.

1990-1993 Research Grants from the National Israeli Academy of Sciences and Misgav Yerushalaim, Institute for the Research of the Oriental Jewry at the Hebrew University for research on the music of the Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire.

1989 Fellowships from the Israel-Spain Cultural Exchange Program and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid.

1985 Doctoral Scholarship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York.

1981-1984 Fellowship, Graduate Division, University of California, Los Angeles.

1981 Study Grant, Maurice Amado Foundation, Los Angeles.

1981 Study Grant, Mutual Education Exchange Program (Fullbright-Hayes Award), United States-Israel Educational Foundation.

·  Fields of Research and Teaching

Major: Ethnomusicology, theory and methodology; Jewish music, historical development, oral and notated sources (emphasis on Sephardic traditions); Popular music in Israel.

Minor: Music of the Islamic countries; Latin American music; Jazz.

·  Other Positions and Occupations

Member of the Editorial Board, Studia Musicologica, Budapest (2006-present)

Member of the Program Committee, World Conference of the International Musicological Society, Zurich 2007 (2004-2007)

Member of the Music Section of the Cultural Authority, Ministry of Culture, Israel (2003-present)

President, Israel Musicological Society (2002-2005)

Member of the Public Board, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York (1998-present)

Member of the Public Board, World Union of Jewish Studies (1997-present)

Member of the Editorial Board, Pe’amim - Studies in Oriental Jewry, The Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem (1997-present)

Member of International Advisory Committee, Milken Archives of American Jewish Music, Milken Family Foundation, Santa Monica, California (1997-present)

President, Israel Committee of the International Music Council, UNESCO (1995-2004)

Producer and Director of the Mediterranean Musical Dialogue: An International Encounter of Musicians, The Israeli Forum for Mediterranean Cultures, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem (1996-2004)

Member of the Public Board, Israel Broadcasting Authority (1995-1999)

Member of the Board, Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra (1995-1999)

Member of the Board, Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra (1991-present)

Member of the Editorial Board, Musica Judaica, New York (1991-1998)

Member of the Board, Renanot, Institute of Jewish Music (1990-present)

Member of the Board, the Center for the Encouragement of Folklore and Cultural Exchange in Israel (1989-2004)

Academic advisor, the Israel Music Project (1987-1999)

Treasurer, Israel Musicological Society (1986-1988)

President, UCLA Ethnomusicology Students Association (1983-4)

Academic advisor and producer of concerts of Jewish music in Europe since 1989 (e.g Berlin Festspiele, Festivale de Lille, Jornadas Sefardíes de Madrid, Ravenna Festival, Die Bijlocke- Ghent)

Music engraver and graphics for various publishers (among them Harvard University Press, University of California Press, Magnes Press, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Israel, 1971-1985)

·  Membership in Scholarly Associations

1996 International Musicological Society

1993 American Association of Jewish Studies

1992 American Society for Jewish Music

1990 International Council for Traditional Music

1990 European Seminar in Ethnomusicology

1989 Sociedad Española de Musicología

1989 International Association for the Study of Popular Music

1988 World Union of Jewish Studies

1983 Society for Ethnomusicology

1978 Israel Musicological Society

Edwin Seroussi

List of Publications ([H] = in Hebrew)

Books and monographs

Diversity within Unity: Some Historical Aspects of Dutch Synagogue Music. Amsterdam: Menasseh Ben Israel Instituut. 2008, 40pp. (Menasseh ben Israel Instituut Studies 1).

Popular Music and Israeli National Culture (with Motti Regev). University of California Press, 2004. 297 pp. Reviews: Israel Studies 10, no. 2 (2005), 168-174; Journal of Third World Studies 22, no. 1 (2005), 290-293; Ethnic and Racial Studies 28, no. 5 (2005), 965-967; American Journal of Sociology 111, no. 4 (2006), 1245-1247; Nations and Nationalism 13, no. 1 (2007), 168-170.

Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue Music in Nineteenth-century Reform Sources from Hamburg: Ancient Tradition in the Dawn of Modernity. Jerusalem: Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996, 173 pp. (Yuval Monograph Series 11). Reviews: Studia Rosenthaliana 32/2 (1998); Ethnomusicology 44/1 (2000), 170-172.

Popular Music in Israel: The First Fifty Years. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard College Library, 1996, 30 pp.

Cancionero sefardí by Alberto Hemsi, edited with an introduction by Edwin Seroussi, in collaboration with Paloma Díaz-Mas, José M. Pedrosa and Elena Romero. Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1995, 462 pp. Reviews: Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Newsletter 18/1-2 (1996), 88-89; Notes (December 1999), 496-500; Romance Philology 54 (2000).

Mizimrat Qedem: The Life and Music of R. Isaac Algazi from Turkey. Jerusalem: Renanot, Institute for Jewish Music, 1989, 111 pp. + 73 pp. [H]. Accompanied by two cassettes: R. Isaac Algazi: Cantorial Compositions, Piyyutim and Judeo-Spanish Songs, edited by Ezra Barnea and Edwin Seroussi. Reviews: Turkish Music Quarterly 3/1 (1990), 10-13.


Poesía y música. Sefardíes: Literatura y lengua de una nación dispersa. XV Curso de Cultura Hispanojudía y Sefardí de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, ed. Elena Romero, Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2008, pp. 539-567.

With a Single Melody: Jewish Musicians in Islamic Lands. Mincha le Menahem: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Rabbi Menachem Hacohen, eds. Hana Amit, Aviad Hacohen, Haim Beer. Kibbutz Hameuchad Press 2007, pp. 489-498. [H]

The musical traditions of the Jews of Lybia. Lybia (Oriental Jewish Communities in the 19th and 20th Centuries Series), ed. Haim Saadon. Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute, 2007, pp. 159-172 (with Essica Marks) [H]

Music in Medieval Ibero-Jewish Society. Hispania Judaica Bulletin5 (2007), pp. 5-67.

The Fall of Jerusalem Sung with One Melody: An Hebrew Dirge from Medieval Spain and its Christian Parallel. Aharon Mirsky, ed. by Ephraim Hazan and Joseph Yahalom. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2006, pp 347-362. (with Rivka Havassy) [H]

Andalusian Hebrew Strophic Poetry in the Religious Musical Repertoire of the Moroccan Jews. Muwashshah: Proceedings of the Conference on Arabic and Hebrew
Strophic Poetry and its Romance Parallels, School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS], London, 8-10 October 2004, ed. Ed. Emery. RN Books, London, 2006.

La dimensione del suono nelle sinagoghe del Marocco. EM - Rivista degli Archivi di Etnomusicologia dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, 2, no. 2 (2006), pp. 109-125.

La musique dans la culture sépharade traditionnelle et contemporaire, Le monde sépharade, vol. II: Civilisation, ed. Shmuel Trigano. Paris: Seuil, 2006, pp. 597-624.

Jewish Musicians in the Lands of Islam, Tapasam: A Quarterly Journal of Kerala Studies 1/3 (2006), 596-609.

Catorce canciones en romance como modelos de poemas hebreos del siglo XV. Sefarad 65/2 (2005), pp. 385-411.

El ha-ya’ar yatzo yatzati: shir ve-gilgulav (El ha-ya’ar yatzo yatzati: A Song and its Variants). A Hearing Heart: Jubilee Volume in Honor of Avigdor Herzog (= Duchan 16, ed. Itzhak Recanati), Jerusalem: Renanot – The Jewish Music Institute, 2005, pp. 236-252 (with Efraim Hazan). [H]

The Ancient Modernity of the Liturgical Music of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam. Jewish Studies and the European Academic World. Plenary Lectures read at the VIIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) Amsterdam, July 2002, ed. Albert van der Heide and Irene E. Zwiep. Paris-Louvain-Dudley, MA: Peeters, 2005, pp. 15-21.

A Common Basis: The Discovery of the Orient and the Uniformity of Jewish Musical Traditions in the Teaching of Abraham Zvi Idelsohn. Pe'amim 100 (2004), 125-146. [H]

The Musical World of Rabbi Moses Zacuto in Light of his Sacred Poetry, Pe'amim 96 (2004), 53-70. [H]

More on Maimonides on Music. Zutot [Amsterdam] 2 (2003), 126-135. Spanish translation: Maimónides y la música: Nuevos aportes. Maimónides: Un sefardI universal Buenos Aires: Universidad Maimónides, CSIDISEF, 2004, pp. 65-84.

Archivists of Memory: Written Folksong Collections of Twentieth-Century Sephardi Women. Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterranean, ed. Tullia Magrini. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2003, pp. 195-214.

Yam tikhoniyut: Transformations of the Mediterranean in Israeli Music. Mediterranean Mosaic: Popular Music and Global Sounds, ed. Goffredo Plastino. New York and London: Routledge, 2003 (Perspectives on Global Pop), pp. 179-198.

In Search of Jewish Musical Antiquity in the 18th-century Venetian Ghetto: Reconsidering the Hebrew Melodies in Benedetto Marcello’s Estro Poetico-Armonico. The Jewish Quarterly Review 93/1-2 (2002): 149-200.

Ha-noten teshu’a la-mlakhim: Identity and Nationality in 19th-century Synagogue Music in Europe. Mit Pauke und Reigen (10th anniversary of the European Center for Jewish Music, 1992-2002). Hannover: Hochschule für Musik und Theater. Hannover, 2002, pp. 51-59.

“Mediterraneanism” in Israeli Music: An Idea and its Permutations”, Music and Anthropology 7 (2002). http://www.muspe.unibo.it/period/ma/index/number7

La musica e il transcendente. Tullia Magrini, Universi sonori: Introduzione all’etnomusicologia, Torino: Enaudi, 2002, pp. 255-271.

The Dimension of Sound in the Traditional Synagogue. La musica sacra nelle chiese cristiane. Atti del convegno internazionale di Studi, Roma, 25-27 Gennaio 2001, ed. Sabina Pozzi. Roma: Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia; Bologna: Alfa Sudio, 2002, pp. 149-156.

The Study of Liturgical Music of Algerian Jewry. Pe’amim 91 (2002), 31-50 (with Eric Karsenti). [H]

From “Morenica” to “Sheharhoret”: Ladino Songs in the Israeli Repertoire. A Century of Israeli Culture, ed. Israel Bartal. Jerusalem: Magnes Press 2002, pp. 244-250. [H]

Songs of Grief and Hope: Ancient Western Sephardi Melodies of Qinot for the Ninth of Av. Yuval 7 (2002): Studies in Honor of Israel Adler, ed. by Eliyahu Schleifer and Edwin Seroussi. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, pp. 201-232.

Livorno: A Crossroads in the History of Sephardic Religious Music. The Mediterranean and the Jews, vol. 2: Society, Culture and Economy in Early Modern Times, ed. Elliott Horowitz and Moises Orfali. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2002, pp. 131-154. Abridged version printed in: http://www.zamir.org/Notes/2003s.pdf

New Perspectives on the Music of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogues in North-Western Europe. Studia Rosenthaliana 35/2 (2001), pp. 297-309 (Special issue: Uprooted Roots: Amsterdam and the Early Sephardic Diaspora, ed. by Irene E. Zwiep, Alisa Ginio Meyuhas and Marcelo Dascal).

From Court and Tarikat to Synagogue: Ottoman Art Music and Hebrew Sacred Songs. Sufism, Music, and Society in the Middle East, ed. Anders Hammarlund, Tord Olsson and Elisabeth Özdalga. Transactions vol. 10. Istanbul: Curzon Press, 2001, pp 81-96.