Marshall Jevons Funding Request Formfor Student Applicants1

Student Name:

Please submit completed applications to Kaitlyn Amosby email (in Word or PDF format, to ) or mail (to P.O. Box 400182, Charlottesville, VA 22904).


Student Name:
Proposal Title/Keywords:
Program/Faculty/Staff overseeing trip/research (if applicable):
Date(s) of travels/research:
Economics major:  yes  no
Previously received a Marshall Jevons award:  yes  no
Status:  first-year  second-year  third-year  fourth-year
Funding purpose:  travel expenses  research  other:
Amount Requested (up to $1,000):


I understand that by applying for funding through the Marshall Jevons Fund that I am not entitled to an award. I also understand that in applying for funding, if approved, the amount I am requesting might not be awarded in full. In the spirit of the Honor System at the University, I take responsibility for the accuracy of the information on this request form, and for the integrity of the fund’s use if an award is made to me. I affirm that I have read this form in full and understand my role in the process (eligibility, application, approval/disapproval, reimbursement) associated with the Fund.

Applicant (signature and date; electronic signature is acceptable)


Date submitted:

Funding Status:  Disapproved Approved, Amount approved:


Kenneth G. Elzinga, Marshall Jevons Fund Overseer (signature and date)


Joe Earhart, Department of Economics Administrative Specialist (signature and date)

Please refer to the following for important information pertaining to the Marshall Jevons Fund.

The Marshall Jevons Fund was established to make awards of up to $1,000 to undergraduate students at the University of Virginia to support research projects and academic travel in the field of economics. Typical uses of the funds include attending conferences, conducting interviews, and acquiring specialized data.


Current undergraduate students in any year of study who are enrolled in an economics course or doing research on economics in a program outside the Department of Economics may apply.

Funding request forms must be submitted at least 1 month in advance of proposed travel/research date(s). A student is eligible to apply for travel expenses only once, but for research-related expenses a student may apply for the funding of more than one project.

Awards are given at the discretion of the Department of Economics based on the merits of the proposal and the availability of funds. Priority will be given to economics majors over non-majors, students who have not previously received funding from Marshall Jevons over those who have, and according to seniority. Those overseeing the request forms may exercise their discretion to grant a full or partial award.

How to Apply

Students applying for Marshall Jevons funding must submit 2 documents: (1) a one-page written proposal that describes the research project, explains the proposed use of funds, and contains a budget ($1,000 is the maximum award); and (2) a completed Marshall Jevons Funding Request Form.

Please submit proposals and request forms to Kaitlyn Amos by email (in Word or PDF format to ) or by mail (to P.O. Box 400182, Charlottesville, VA 22904).


Students will receive an email response regarding the decision for theirrequest. If therequest is approved, the student will be notified of the amount of the award and the student must then make arrangements for reimbursement.


Should a student be approved for a Marshall Jevons award, the fundsare not given in advance but rather administered as a reimbursement. If the funds are used for travel purposes, a detailed flight itinerary showing the cost and class (economy or coach) of the ticket must be submitted, along with boarding passes. If the funds are used for non-travel expenses, original receipts must be submitted. Reimbursement submissions should be delivered in person to Joe Earhart (Monroe Hall, Room 233, 434-924-6590).