CES-PTA Minutes

Calmar Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2015 / CES Staff Room
Meeting called by / Kelly Goldsworthy, PTA Treasurer
Attendees / Present: Amber Volk (President), Patti Goudreau (Vice President/Tasty Tuesday), Kelly Goldsworthy (Treasurer), Sandy McIntosh (Secretary), Jacqueline Garlough (Teacher Rep, Luc Lavigne (CES Principle), Dawn Bauer (4-6 Rep), Sandra McIntosh (Secretary), Jacquie Simeniuk (Tasty Tuesday), Rachel Froese (K-3 Rep), Jacqueline Garlough (CES Teacher Rep)
Regrets: Tracey Gordon (K-3 Rep), Heidi Tenk (Tasty Tuesday), Lorie Froma (Fundraising)

-Meeting called to order: 3:35pm

-Kelly moved to accept Minutes from previous meeting.

Second by Patti

Principal’s Report

-Projector quote came in at $13,101.14. The PTA is $3,401.71 short.

-Luc advised the school may be able provide the missing funds through the Star Assessment Fund with the PTA replenishing the fund next year. He will look into and advise at the next meeting.

-Amber motioned that the PTA provide the $9,699.43 to put towards the purchase of the projector. Dawn seconded.

-Kelly will contact Tammy to have the funds transferred.

Trustees Report

-Budget – school board meetings and conference is upcoming on April 24 – 26, 2015.Electorial boundary review. A consultant will review and make recommendations. Currently we have 7 trustees across the Black Gold school division. It could change representation by population. There will be 2 public meetings . the next one is April 16, 2015

-E-mail for comments for the Black Gold Division can be sent to

-Calmar secondary school is on schedule. June 1 shovels are to be in the ground. It will be renovated in 3 stages.

Treasurer’s Report

-Regular bank account balance: $5,609.78 nothing outstanding

-Casino bank account balance: $6,508.90 nothing outstanding

-Table for kindergarten arrived broken. It was sent back and a replacement sent. It has also arrived cracked. Amazon will refund our money and we can dispose of the table ourselves. Kelly advised it may be repairable.

-Projector – we have $9,699.43 in the accounts with an additional $5,000.00 grant to put towards the projector plus 50/50 money and the remaining casino total.

-Kelly asked for ideas to fundraise so we can purchase the projector this year. Community donations will need a letter of intent from the PTA. Amber will write the letter.

President’s Report

-Vote on purchasing QuickBooks Pro for the treasurer position of the PTA. Cost is $130.00

-Vote was done at the last meeting. The vote passed. QuickBooks Pro will be purchased on behalf of the PTA.

Fundraiser’s Report

-Summer Fun Day – TBD – PTA usually does the snack

-Vesey’s Flower fundraiser to go out in April. We pay half of what we collected to Vesey’s and keep the other half as our fundraising amount. It will take two weeks once we put in the order. Expected arrival is the week of May 4th, 2015.

-June 1st Showcase. Ned items to put in.

  • 2 gift cards from the Town of Calmar ($20.00 and $30.00)
  • PTA to donate $30.00 towards buying summer items. Vote passed
  • Approach local businesses to donate. Jacqui will do up a formal request letter to take around.
  • Tickets for showcase will be sold in booklets that will be passed out to the teaching staff to sell to the students. Jacquie will make up the booklets
  • Advertise in the school newsletter
  • Showcase will be filled on June 1, 2015 with draw to take place on the last week of school.

Grade K-3 Rep Report

-Rachel advised all good

Grade 4 – 6 Rep Report

-Dawn Bauer reported that swimming lessons are concluded. Leduc Pool does not have a schedule plan for next year. Leduc’s rep will be coming out to meet with Mr. Froland. Dawn will look into it and try to book next year’s lessons as soon as possible.

Tasty Tuesday Report

-The students had pineapple today. We need new ideas for food options to stay within budget of $30.00 to $40.00.

-Ideas: Jicama, peppers, watermelon, cauliflower from local producer, andapple from local trees in the fall.

-Jacquie asked to buy new trays. $30.00 maximum. Vote passed.

-PTA still has cookie dough in the school freezer – we need to decide what to do with it. Can it be donated to Tasty Tuesdays to give out on June 9, 2015?

Old Business

-Last meeting, a process was implemented that when a faculty member loses a family member, we purchase a condolence item for them. No meeting needed for approval from this point forward.

New Business

-Filling stations for fountains. Luc will get costs for the next meeting

  • Should we fundraise to cover cost?
  • Black Gold Division will handle the install.

Next Meeting:

-Tuesday May 27, 2015


Meeting adjourned
