Revised 01/09
Parkway Food Services
Department Orientation
Introduction 1
Organizational Chart 2
Department Goals 3
Food Service Facts 4
District Orientation Outline 6
Dress Code 7
Duties and Responsibilities 9
Department Image 10
Training – Production Centers 11
Training – Satellite Schools 13
Serving Utensils Guide 15
Pan Capacity Portion Guide 16
USDA School Lunch Pattern 17
Glossary of Food Terms 18
Sanitation 19
Food Temperatures and Handling 21
Safety 23
Absence policy 25
Pay and Benefits 27
Inclement Weather Policy 28
School Cafeteria Telephones 29
First Day Procedures 30
Welcome to the Parkway School District Food Services Department
Our goal is to provide low cost, appetizing, attractive, and nutritious food in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere for students and staff at Parkway.
We believe that in this way we enhance the health and well-being of those we serve, and help them to attain their goals.
You are now a very important and necessary part of this process. The information which follows will help you to understand the importance of your new position and how and why certain procedures are followed.
When a new employee is hired a Hepatitis A shot and a Mantoux test is required before beginning work. The Mantoux test, for tuberculosis, results will be read within 3 days by the School Nurse at their work site. A second Hepatitis A shot will be given by school nurse in 6-9 months.
In the first thirty days of your employment you will receive a district orientation from the Human Resource Department. At this time, you will complete all the necessary forms for Payroll, Benefits, etc. You will receive a District Handbook which summarizes the School Board’s personnel policies and procedures as well as the benefits to which employees are entitled.
As a supplement to this handbook, sometime within the first 30 to 60 days you will attend a more specific department orientation with a Food Service Supervisor. At that time, we will further discuss policies and answer additional questions you may have.
The information presented in this handbook is very important to success in your position. Please read it very carefully and be sure to ask questions if there is anything you don’t fully understand. We regard your training as very important and expect that you become familiar with the information presented here.
We know that interested and informed employees are a benefit to themselves and the Department.
Parkway Food Services
Goals 2008-2009
1. Implement Internet Deposits to the point of sale system. Features will include the ability to make deposits by check or credit card, view student purchase histories, check balances and add comments to the student’s record.
2. Begin the “Allergy Project”. This will be an online database which will enable parents of children with food allergies to check the ingredients of all products on our menu.
3. Begin use of a recently completed interactive computer program called “Menu Review” to improve the quality and popularity of our menu offerings. Lead people at each school will rate each day’s menu components from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) and comment on how to improve the menu. Regional summaries will be generated daily at each production center.
4. Plan for transitional department technology strategies in the operational areas of finance, inventory control, menu planning and design, web site maintenance and Free/Reduced Program administration.
5. Address the issues of revenue generation, staff reduction, declining free/reduced program revenues and declining enrollment.
6. Revise the layout and content of the Food Services web site for ease of use and maximum utility.
7. Continue as a key member of district Wellness Advisory Council with an emphasis on allergy policy, counseling services and student nutrition strategies.
8. Continue the emphasis on safety with more frequent and varied training, reporting and follow-up.
9. Continue the practice of visiting all schools to have one-on-one meetings with Food Services staff.
Revised 09/08
Parkway Food Services
Food Service Facts
· Food Services is a satellite operation, with 162 employees, operating four production centers producing food for 24 satellite schools. Special consideration must be given to choose products which ship properly, in planning for a satellite operation. Production of 10,000 meals takes place each day in a three-hour time span.
· The department is designed to be self-supporting. No district budget funds are provided. All purchases of food, equipment, vehicles, salaries and benefits are covered by revenue generated within the department.
· Each elementary and middle school has an individualized menu based on a six week rotating cycle which is then modified based on an annual review (Meal Service Profile) of each school’s request for range of service.
· Monthly elementary and middle school menus along with nutritional analyses of the menu is accessible on Parkway’s home page on the Internet.
· Parkway was one of the first school districts in the area to do nutritional analyses starting in1989.
· Food Service administers the USDA Free/Reduced Meal Program for needy students. Currently, over 3,000 students participate in the program.
· All operating systems in the department are computerized i.e. inventory, payroll, revenue management, menu planning, nutritional analysis and Free/Reduced program databases.
· While the St. Louis County Health department requires one person in each school to have a certificate in food service sanitation, Food Services requires all employees to be certified in sanitation within two years. Currently 74% of our employees have their sanitation certificates. The course is taught on-site by a member of our staff, a supervisor/dietitian.
· The average St. Louis County Health Department sanitation inspection rating for all 28 sites last year was 99.0%.
· Parkway was the first school district in the area to offer Hepatitis A shots in September 1998. Now all department personnel are immunized per county ordinance.
· All Food Services staff members participate in regularly scheduled professional development programs. Topics include customer service, communications, security and safety.
· Food Services uses a computerized “Point of Sale Information System” which offers all students and staff a virtual bank account to pay for meals. The system provides security for student funds, eases of service, protects the anonymity of free/reduced price lunch students and enables parents to restrict the type of food and beverages that their children can purchase. Account queries are available via home computers at:
· A five-year capital improvement plan insures timely upgrade and replacement of critical equipment.
· Food Services caters over 800 events each year from coffees to sit down dinners.
District orientation is separate from the departmental orientation and is mandatory. It is given by the Human Resources Department. It will be scheduled for you. Subjects include:
· An employee handbook and summary sheet is handed out, listing rules and regulations as an employee and benefits available to Parkway employees.
· Completion of W-4 forms, Direct Deposit, Child Abuse/Neglect screening, police checks and Employment Eligibility Verification forms.
· Employees working 20 hours or more per week are required to join the Non-Teacher Retirement system. A form must be completed during orientation, listing beneficiaries including: Name, address, city, state, zip code, date of birth and relationship.
· Employees working 30 hours or more per week will receive benefit package. This includes an explanation of benefits for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance. All employees are required to return the insurance forms within 5 days, with the coverage selected that is desired or return the cards waiving all rights to insurance coverage. If this is not done on a timely basis an additional ninety day waiting period may be issued or coverage could possibly be denied.
In the interest of sanitation, safety and appearance, all employees are required to follow a department dress code. Our expectations are that all employees observe the code as listed below. See your supervisor for details.
Dress code compliance is expected within one week of employment
White, Brown or Black leather, closed toe, with non-skid soles, no clogs allowed. A $30.00 subsidy is available for approved safety shoes. See the regional manager for details.
Khaki or Black - If a skirt is worn, the hemline should be below the knees.
Blue jeans may be worn on Friday. However, cargo pants, stretch pants, Capri pants, stirrup pants & black jeans are not acceptable.
White with collar and sleeve - long or short - first 30 days only. Any layering used for cold weather must also be white.
School Shirts – A colored shirt with school name is acceptable if approved by regional manager.
NOTE: Two white polo shirts with department logo will be provided after 30 days on duty.
Ask the regional manager for details.
All hair that is collar length or longer must be tied back securely and pinned above the collar. Employee shall use effective hair restraints as necessary to prevent the contamination of food or food surfaces. Hair spray is acceptable. For your safety as well as others, no dangling jewelry should be worn.
A preparation apron is used in production center work areas and is removed when serving.
A serving apron will be provided when working on the serving lines. It must be returned to the regional manager at the end of the school year.
We expect you to keep appearances neat and clean. This is very important. You represent the Food Services department every time you are in uniform. Wear clean uniforms and aprons daily.
Keep fingernails clean and short – do not wear nail polish. If artificial nails are worn, NO polish, and you must wear gloves at all times.
Revised 08/08
There are basic standards of behavior and action in Parkway School District. Our expectations and standards include:
1. Report to work promptly and be prepared to begin duties at assigned start time.
2. Notify your regional manager promptly (by 6:30 a.m.) when you are unable to report to work.
3. Work quietly and efficiently, keeping work area clean and safe.
4. Return clean equipment to its proper place.
5. Always use a probe thermometer to make certain that all cold food is below 40 degrees F and all hot food is above 140 degrees F. Taste test food before serving. This is done by placing food in a small dish, tasting with a plastic spoon, and then discarding remainder immediately. Never taste from the container in which the food is cooked.
6. Practice safety precautions at all times and report hazards immediately.
7. Follow line of authority. If you have a problem, work out difficulties with a department supervisor or lead person first. If no solution can be agreed on, ask if you and your immediate superior can meet with the regional manager.
8. Serve in any capacity which may be necessary and willingly accept assignments.
9. Develop and maintain an attitude of helpfulness and tolerance.
10. Participate in local and/or district activities related to school food services.
11. Guard against waste of any kind. Maintain honesty and integrity of operation
and accuracy of the accounting procedures.
12. Work efficiently to save time and effort whenever possible without lowering quality standards.
13. Attendance at all In-service workshops is a required The opening workshop at the beginning of each school year (August) is considered your first day of work for that year Advance notice is given in the spring. You will be expected to be present.
14. Two mandatory staff development meetings per year are scheduled. Meeting schedules announced in advance.
15. We encourage you to constantly promote the image of the department and the district. You are important in the support of our students.
Little things have a huge impact on the way people feel about you and our department. Doing a small service makes all the difference in the world on how people see you and the Food Services Department. Always remember that your actions make an impression. Make sure that impression is a positive one.
· Our number one job is customer service. Students and staff are our customers.
· Always be friendly and helpful.
· Smile and try to recognize students and staff by name.
· Do not return rude behavior. Resolve issues in a professional manner.
· No Eating or Drinking allowed on Serving Lines at any time.
· When answering the phone always identify the school you are working at along with the department and your name. Example: “Parkway South Food Service, Jane speaking, how may I help you?”
· Be courteous and as helpful as possible.
· If you can’t answer a question, put the caller on hold and get the manager or assistant to answer the call.
Get the information and tell the caller you will call them back with the answer. Make this a priority and follow through.
· Always call back when information is requested and make every effort to solve the problem or refer the caller to the person who can help them.
There are four food production centers (PC’s) in Parkway, located in four of the District’s high schools. Production Centers produce food for the local students and for assigned satellite schools. The production centers serve from four to nine schools depending on their size.
· A welcome atmosphere and thorough introduction to Food Services.
· Initial and on-going training in food production, service, sanitation and safety.
· A staff well trained in our standardized procedures.
· Provide the new employee with knowledge and confidence in their new position.
· The goal is to take an assigned position on the charts at the end of the training period. A clear understanding of the duties and techniques is very important. Ask questions! Take notes!