ReDS Application Form

This document is for submitting a research data collection for consideration by the Storage Allocation Committee for funding under the ReDS Program.

Each of the ReDS criteria are posed as questions that require responses which show how the data collection meets the ReDS criterion:

Does this collection meet ReDS criterion X?

A question that supports that criterion

Descriptive or explanatory notes

Another question supports the criterion

Descriptive or explanatory notes

Please replace the descriptive text with your answers to questions.

N.B. The purpose of this form is to provide evidence supporting the fact that the collection meets the ReDS criteria. It is expected that some collections will have their own unique justifications. Applicants are welcome to address criteria in additional ways, as they see fit.

Administrative details

Collection Name
Applicant Name, Institution & Contact Details
Custodian Name & Contact Details
FOR Codes
Collection Description (max 250 words including a link to a public face of the collection if it exists)

Section A – Collection must meet all of these ReDS criteria

For a collection to be approved under the ReDS programme, all the following criteria must be met.

  1. Is the collection of importance to future research?

What past research has the data been used to support?

In this section, briefly describe the research that has been supported by the data. Include any relevant publication details. For data that has been used to support many research questions, a summary of the most important publications is sufficient.

How was the creation of the research data collection funded?

This section can be ignored if you are nominating a research data collection for which you are not the custodian.

Please include details of any competitive grants, industry links, institutional funding etc. that have been used to support the creation of this data collection over time.

Whatfuture research couldthe data be used to support?

In this section, briefly describe how your research community plans to, or could use the data. Where applicable, include research groups other than your own who could use the data in their future research.

  1. Is the collection relevant to research questions of a variety of researchers?

Estimate the size of the potential research community that will use this data.

Please select your best estimate, and where applicable provide a justification

  • Less than 10
  • Between 10 and 100
  • Between 100 and 1000
  • More than 1000
  1. Is the collection accessible, for the purposes of research, subject to appropriate access rules?

Under what arrangements will the research data collection be made available to other researchers?This question refers to the access rights associated with the data.

Please select from the following, and elaborate as required:

  • Private research domain (the core research team as they undertake the research);
  • Shared research domain (researchers outside of the core team, collaborating partners);
  • Public research domain (access is open to all).

Are there any encumbrances on the data?

Please specify - examples would include Academic Embargos, Ethics approvals with specific conditions, Copyright restrictions, Commercial Sensitivity, Privacy, Intellectual Property, Commercial Sensitivity, Specific Licenses under which data can be shared?

  1. Is the collection discoverable through registration in discipline/domain registries, or generic registries such as Research Data Australia

Once stored, how can other researchers discover the research data collection?

Please selectany of the following that apply:

  • The data collection is citable and cited in the literature (please provide an example citation)
  • The data collection is registered in the Research Data Australia RDA or some other data registry/discipline research data system(please provide a link/citation)
  • The data collection will be registered in RDA or another research data catalog (please specify a timeframe for when this will happen and if applicable reasons why it cannot be registered now)
  • Other (please specify)
  1. Is the collection an input to research supported by at least one participant organisation in the node?

Research associated with which organisations will make use of the collection?

Please select at least one of the following.





Section B – Collection must meet at least one of these ReDS criteria

For a collection to be approved under the ReDS programme, a least one of the following criteria must be met.

  1. Which of the following statements describe the nominated research data collection?

Please select any options that are applicable to the research data collection

◻observational data that is collected, curated and made available for general researcher use;

◻generated data that is developed as an information product to underpin the research of third party researchers;

◻aggregated data that is assembled by individuals or research communities in order to make research questions more addressable; and/or

◻a mirror of international collections that are held locally, for purposes of improved performance and reduced cost;

◻none of the above.

This question is related to the RDSI merit criteria, Section B generally

Section C – Note any other ReDS criteria that are met

For a collection to be approved under the ReDS programme, the following criteria must be noted where they are met.

  1. Which of the following statements are true of the nominated research data collection:

Please select any options that are applicable to the research data collection

◻the collection is relevant to a broad user base within or across disciplines and domains;

◻the collection is readily accessible, with respect to connectivity and integration, recognising any constraints such as legal, licensing or ethical requirements;

◻the collection is in reusable form, well described and documented, to support long-term access and management;

◻the collection is citable through a mechanism such as a digital object identifier; and

◻the collection is of sufficiently high quality and fit for purpose, as indicated by domain-relevant measures such as completeness, coverage, and resolution;

◻none of the above.

Section D – Technical information

In this section we aim to gather very basic technical information. A follow on discussion will need to be had to determine more detailed technical requirements. These are not ReDS criteria.

  1. How big is the collection now?

Please answer in terabytes.

  1. How do you expect the collection to grow?

If you expect the dataset to grow, please estimate the amount by which you expect it to grow, and over what timeframe. State how confident you are of the estimate.

  1. In aggregate, how often do you expect the data collection to be accessed?

For example: once a week, 10 times a day etc.

  1. Are there any other technical aspects of your dataset that you consider important to tell us at this stage?

For example: thedata is particularly volatile, the data will be downloaded every time it is used, there may be difficult technical requirements, the entire dataset changes regularly; the data is one or more parts of a larger collection.

Research Data Storage Analysis Questions / Page 1 of 4