Karkarook Park
Mostcomplaints received byparkstaff concern unrestraineddogs, dog droppingsand, mostserious of all, dog attacks onwildlife. All these complaints can be avoided byresponsible dog ownerswho followthe rules below.
Dogs must be restrained on a leash at all times withinKarkarook Park, except in the designated off-leash area. Withyour dog ona leash, you can control where it goes and what it eats or drinks, helpingensure its safetyand health.
Unleasheddogs may:
•posea danger to other dogs
•scare or injure children and other park visitors
•disturb and harm wildlife
•be bitten bya snake
KarkarookPark is becoming an important site for native birds. Significant species such as
Blue-billed Ducks and Latham’s snipe havebeen recorded at the park. Dogs can attack adult birds and chicks, and disturb nests. It is veryimportant that dogs do not interfere with them or their habitat.
Unattended or loose dogs inthe park (other than in the off-leash area) should be reported torangersimmediately. Please phone 13 1963 if a ranger is not in sight.
There is one designated “off-leash” area in Karkarook Park.This is clearlysigned and located in the large open area near FairchildSt.
Ifyour dog is off leash in this area,you mustremain in effective voice or hand control at all times to ensure thatyour dog does not cause problems for other people or animals within the park. You must also carrya leash withyou.
Dog droppings eventuallyfind their wayinto waterways and finallyinto our bays.
Responsibledog owners carryplastic bags toclean up and take awayanydroppings.This significantlyreduces the environmental and health risks associated with dog droppings.
Thankyou for taking responsibilityforyour dog and complyingwith park rules. Weappreciate your cooperation and hopeyou andyour dog enjoyyour visit toKarkarook Park.
For further information, or to contacta ranger, please call the Parks Victoria Information Centre on 13 1963.