1. ------IND- 2005 0009 S-- EN- ------20050126 ------PROJET
Statute Book of the Swedish National Road Administration /Administrative provisions of the Swedish National Road Administration amending the administrative provisions (VVFS 2003:22) on cars and trailers drawn by cars
adopted on xx xxxx 2005. / VVFS 2005:xx
Published on xxxx 2005
General guidance is shown by indenting the text
In pursuance of Chapter 11Section 11 of the Vehicles Order (2002:925) with regard to the administrative provisions (VVFS 2003:22) on cars and trailers drawn by cars, the Swedish National Road Administration prescribes[1]that Chapter 1 Section 7, Chapter 29 Section 12, Chapter 39 Sections 3, 4, 5 and 10, Chapter 40 Sections 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 33, 35 and 36 and the heading immediately preceding Chapter 40 Section 14 shall be worded as follows.
Chapter 1 Introductory provisions
Section 7The expression be type-approved is used to mean that, with regard to the installation of a separate technical unit or component, a component, system, separate technical unit or type of vehicle is of a type-approved design in accordance with EC Directives, ECE Regulations or the administrative provisions of the Swedish National Road Administration.
The expression meet the requirements is used to mean that a component, system or separate technical unit has been shown to meet the requirements laid down in EC Directives or the administrative provisions of the Swedish National Road Administration, irrespective of whether type-approval has been issued.
Chapter 29 Seat fastening etc.
Section 12 Busses brought into service on or after 1 January 2004, with the exception of busses manufactured for suburban use with spaces for standing to allow frequent boarding and alighting of passengers, shall
- be provided with seats which are type-approved in accordance with Directive 74/408/EEC Annex III and installed so that the requirements of Directive 74/408/EEC Annex III are met,
- be provided with seats which are type-approved in accordance with ECE Regulation 80 and be type-approved in accordance with the same Regulation with regard to the installation of seats, or
- be type-approved in accordance with Directive 74/408/EEC with regard to the installation of seats where the testing of seats pursuant to Directive 74/408/EEC Annex III is carried out.
The requirement for type-approved seats does not apply to drivers’ seats. However, drivers’ seats shall be designed and installed so that the requirements in Directive 74/408/EEC Annex IV are met.
Chapter 39 Special requirements for busses
Section 3 Busses shall have at least one fire-extinguisher. Double-decker busses shall have at least one fire-extinguisher on each level. All fire-extinguishers shall
- be at least Class 34A or 183B according to Swedish Standard SS-EN 3-7:2004 “Fire and rescue - hand-held fire-extinguishers – Part 7: properties, functional requirements and testing methods”,
- be at least Class 34A or 183B according to Swedish Standard SS-EN 3-1: “Fire and rescue - hand-held fire-extinguishers – Part 1: description of time to empty, testing against Class A and Class B fires”, or
- be at least Class ABE II or ABC II.
All fire-extinguishers shall be able to function and be tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Fire-extinguishers shall be easily accessible within the areas occupied by passengers and their location shall be indicated by signs. The signs are not needed if the fire-extinguisher is clearly visible.
Fire-extinguishers shall be sealed.
Section 4 Busses brought into service on or after 13 February 2004 and used for commercial transport shall have
- ventilation systems which allow air to be moved around the bus in a draft-free manner. The system shall allow at least 12 circulations of air per hour for busses for more than 22 passengers and allow at least 8 circulations of air per hour for other busses,
- heating installations which allow the driver’s area and the passengers’ area to be satisfactorily heated in a manner which is free of smell and smoke and adequately protected against the risk of fire (the requirements of Chapter 32 shall apply instead of these for busses brought into service on or after 9 May 2005), and
- suitably fitted mirrors or other devices so that the driver can observe all areas occupied by passengers.
Section 5 Busses brought into service on or after 13 February 2004 and used on regular routes shall
- be accessible for passengers with reduced mobility in accordance with Chapter 40 Section 2(1),
- be provided with signs which show the bus’s route number (or letter) or destination on the front of the bus and at the entrance. Class I and A busses shall also be provided with such signage on the rear of the vehicle. Front and back signs shall be able to be read in darkness. Numbers and letters shall be easy to read and be displayed in a colour which contrasts with the background around it. Numbers shall have a stem height of at least 200 mm at the front and at least 160 mm elsewhere. Letters shall have a stem height of at least 120 mm,
- be provided with apparatus for announcing the next stop through audio information. Written information shall additionally be given in the form of signs, route maps or in another suitable manner, and
- be provided with a signalling device so that passengers can easily make the driver aware that he should let them off at the next stop. The sounding of an audible signal and the illumination of one or more signs with the word STANNAR [Bus stopping] or a suitable symbol shall make it clear that the stopping signal has been activated. These signs shall be visible from every passenger seat and shall remain lit until the exit door has been opened.
Section 10 Entrances and exits shall be on the right-hand side of the bus and be provided with handrails or other suitable apparatus. Entrances and exits for passengers in wheelchairs may be located on the rear end of the bus.
In addition, busses used on regular routes and designed for a maximum of 12 seated adult passengers are subject to the requirements for handholds or handrails contained in Chapter 40 Section 40. Busses designed for 13 or more seated adult passengers are additionally subject to the requirements for handholds or handrails contained in Chapter 40 Section 56.
The doorway shall have a clear width of at least 550 mm. For an internal vehicle body height of less than 1.75 m, the clear height of the doorway must not be more than 150 mm less than that of the vehicle body. Otherwise, the clear height of the doorway shall be at least 1.60 m.
Outward-opening doors in the passenger area shall be secured against accidental opening whilst the vehicle is in motion.
Chapter 40 Requirements for vehicles relating to increased accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility
Section 2 Busses engaged on regular routes in accordance with Chapter 39 Section 5(1) shall meet the following requirements:
- Class I busses, and Class II and Class A busses with low floors, shall meet the requirements in Annex VII to Directive 2001/84/EC (see Chapter 2 Section 62).
- Class II and Class A busses which do not have low floors, and Class III and Class B busses, shall meet the requirements in Annex VII to Directive 2001/84/EC but disregarding points 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
Busses not engaged on regular routes which were brought into service on or after 13 February 2004 and have been voluntarily set up in line with Section 1 shall fulfil either one of the following:
- the requirements in Annex VII to Directive 2001/85/EC. The doorway which is intended for passengers in wheelchairs shall be provided with equipment which facilitates boarding and alighting and which meet the requirements in points 3.11.3 or 3.11.4 but need not be provided with kneeling systems in accordance with point 3.11.2 if the bus meets the requirements of point 3.1 with regard to steps,
- the requirements in Annex VII to Directive 2001/85/EC but disregarding points 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
Section 7 Cars registered with the aid of a certificate of conformity (CoC) pursuant to Directive 70/156/EEC (cf. Chapter 2 Section 2) may be adapted for passengers with reduced mobility without EC type-approval being removed from the registration basis, with the following conditions:
- the classification of the vehicle must remain unchanged,
- after adaptation, the car must meet the requirements in appropriate EC Directives or corresponding ECE Regulations in accordance with Chapter 38 and/or requirements contained in that Chapter to the extent required in the text,
Section 8 Passenger spaces provided with entry and exit doors and with gangways from door to seat shall meet the requirements of Sections 9 to 13.
Section 9 Doorways set up for the boarding and alighting of passengers without a special doorway for wheelchair-users must be at least 1 500 mm high and at least 650 mm wide.
The clear width of the doorway may be reduced by up to 100 mm for handrails or handholds and by up to 250 mm when so required for intrusive wheel-housings etc., the operating mechanism for automatic or remote-controlled doors or the angle of the windscreen.
Section 11 Steps in a staircase and floor surfaces shall be designed or equipped with such equipment that they facilitate boarding and alighting and movement within the vehicle in accordance with the following:
- The height of the first step from the ground of at least one service door shall not exceed 250 mm. A kneeling system and/or retractable step may be used to meet this requirement.
- The height of the steps other than the first step from the ground for doors in accordance with point 1 shall not be more than 200 mm.
- The height of the steps in a gangway or passage in the vehicle shall not be more than 200 mm.
- The depth of a step shall be at least 250 mm. Steps may not extend over steps below them by more than 50 mm.
- Steps shall be at least 400 mm in width.
- Steps and floor surfaces must not be inclined by more than 5 % in any direction.
- Steps and floor surfaces shall have non-slip surfaces.
- The outer edge of steps and the edge of the floor meeting a staircase shall have a colour which contrasts with the background.
General provisions relating to cars set up for use by wheelchair-users
Section 14Cars may be set up for use by wheelchair-users in accordance with the following:
- Universal use. Accessibility for various types of wheelchair dimensioned in accordance with ISO 7193:1985 which have a length of 1 250 mm, a width of 700 mm and a height of 1 400 mm including the user.
- Extended use. Accessibility for wheelchairs which are larger than the specifications of ISO 7193:1985 but with a length of no more than 1 450 mm and a width of no more than 800 mm.
- Limited use. Accessibility for wheelchairs which are smaller than the specifications of ISO 7193:1985.
A car may be provided with various wheelchair spaces in accordance with points 1 to 3.
The requirements with regard to limited use of wheelchairs also cover cases where a car has been set up to take a particular wheelchair.
Section 17 Doorways set up for universal use by passengers with varying types of wheelchair shall have a minimum clear width of 800 mm and a minimum height of 1 400 mm.
Doorways set up for extended use of wheelchairs shall have a minimum clear width of 900 mm and a minimum height of 1 400 mm.
The corners of the doorway shall be rounded with a maximum radius of 100 mm.
Doorways set up for limited use of wheelchairs shall be suitably designed in such a way that a traveller can comfortably and safely enter and leave the vehicle whilst still seated in his/her wheelchair.
Section 19 Ramps set up for universal use by passengers with varying types of wheelchair shall consist of one complete surface with a width of at least 800 mm.
Ramps set up for extended use of wheelchairs shall consist of one complete surface with a width of at least 900 mm.
Ramps for limited use of wheelchairs shall be suitably designed in such a way that a traveller can comfortably and safely enter and leave the vehicle whilst still seated in his/her wheelchair.
Ramps which are longer than 1 200 mm shall be provided with an anti-roll-off guard with a height of at least 50 mm.
The incline of the ramp towards the carriageway must not exceed 15%.
Section 20 Lifting devices set up for universal use by passengers with varying types of wheelchair shall have a lifting platform with a length of at least 1 200 mm and a width of at least 800 mm.
Lifting devices set up for extended use of wheelchairs shall have a lifting platform with a length of at least 1500 mm and a width of at least 900 mm.
Lifting devices for limited use of wheelchairs shall be suitably designed in such a way that a traveller can comfortably and safely enter and leave the vehicle whilst still seated in his/her wheelchair.
Lifting platforms shall be provided with a device to prevent the wheelchair from accidentally coming off the lifting platform.
A safety device shall protect the spaces which are not directly visible to the user where the movement of the lifting platform could bear down on or crush objects.
Section 21Ramps and lifting devices shall withstand a load of at least 300 kg.
Ramps and lifting devices shall have non-slip surfaces. Edges in the transition between the ground or the floor of the vehicle and a ramp or lifting platform or any other steps which the wheelchair must cross must not exceed 50 mm.
Section 22When in use, ramps or lifting devices shall be securely fastened to the car.
Motorised ramps and lifting devices shall be capable of being operated manually in the event of a loss of power so as to enable a passenger in a wheelchair to get out of the car.
A technical fault in the actuator must not result in any uncontrolled movement of the ramp or lifting platform or a failure of the restraint mechanism.
Section 23A ramp or lifting device shall be stored safely when not in use.
Devices stored in the passengers’ area must not become loose or in some other way be able to injure passengers in the event of sudden braking, collision or other movements of the vehicle. The restraint fixture shall be able to withstand a load 20 times the mass of the device.
Section 26A wheelchair space for universal use by passengers with varying types of wheelchair shall have a floor area of at least 1300 mm in length and at least 750 mm in width, measured between vertical boundary planes, and have a ceiling height of at least 1400 mm.
A wheelchair space for extended use by wheelchairs shall have a floor area of at least 1500 mm in length and at least 850 mm in width, measured between vertical boundary planes, and have a ceiling height of at least 1400 mm.
The length of the wheelchair space may be reduced by a maximum of 150 mm from a height of at least 350 mm above the floor in the end in which the wheelchair user’s feet are to be placed (see Figure 4).
The floor area of the wheelchair space shall be level and must not slope by more than 1% in any direction.
Section 27A wheelchair space that is fitted out for limited use of wheelchairs shall have a suitable space for the traveller to be able to comfortably and safely travel seated in his/her wheelchair. The wheelchair space shall be marked along its length, breadth and height. It shall be possible for the marking to be read by a person standing by the door specially fitted out for wheelchair users.
Section 31In the event of an emergency evacuation it shall be possible for the wheelchair to be released from the restraint system in under 40 seconds without the need for tools.
Operating instructions and a technical description shall be provided for the restraint system. Summarised instructions for use shall be provided on a notice next to the restraint system.
Section 33The restraint system for wheelchairs shall undergo dynamic testing in accordance with the following requirements using a test wheelchair weighing at least 85 kg that is representative for the space.
- From a speed of 48-50 km/h to stationary, the test wheelchair shall be subjected to a frontal impact with retardation exceeding 20 g for an accumulated period of at least 0.015 seconds, and exceeding 15 g for an accumulated period of at least 0.04 seconds and lasting at least 0.075 seconds.
- The dynamic test shall be carried out either with the restraint system fitted on a test rig corresponding to the geometry of the anchorages in a vehicle in which the restraint system is to be installed, or in anchorages in a representative part of the vehicle’s chassis together with all interior fittings of the vehicle which may contribute to the strength and stability of the chassis.
- During the test no part of the restraint system may break or loosen and the wheelchair must not move more than 200 mm. No part of the restraint system may deform to such an extent that the part may cause personal injury on account of sharp edges or other protruding parts.
- After the test it shall be possible for the wheelchair to be released from the restraint system in under 60 seconds without the need for tools.
A wheelchair restraint system complying with the requirements of ISO 10542 shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this Section.
Section 35Safety belts in wheelchair spaces shall be three-point seat belts which have been type approved in accordance with Directive 77/541/EEC or ECE Regulation 16. The lower anchorage of the seat belt shall be so arranged that the belt can easily be unfastened in order for the belt to be passed under an armrest etc. on the wheelchair.
Safety belts which form part of the wheelchair restraint system and which comply with the requirements of ISO 10542 shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of paragraph 1 above.
Attachment points for anchoring the safety belt shall be located in the body of the vehicle or on devices fitted in the body of the vehicle.
The lower safety belt attachment points shall be located with the zones marked on Figure 5.
The upper safety belt attachment point shall be located at least 1000 mm above the floor in such a way that the diagonal band of the safety belt can pass between the passenger’s shoulder and neck. This shall be tested using a wheelchair in accordance with ISO 7193:1985 in which there is a 50th percentile dummy or a dummy corresponding to a normal person between 170 – 180 cm in height.
Attachment points for the safety belt shall withstand the load during testing in accordance with Directive 76/115/EEC, Annex 1 point 5.
Section 36A wheelchair space which is fitted out for a particular type of wheelchair may have attachment points for anchoring the safety belt located in the wheelchair restraint system or in the wheelchair. Where this is the case, the safety belt attachment points shall be located so as to obtain a suitable band geometry.