Home FellowshipManual for the week ofFebruary 26, 2017

(Based on Sermon by Pastor Clayton Chamberlain)


Scripture Text: Philippians 3:7-8


Paul is a man that loves the people and he loves the Lord so much that he counted it all joy even in his persecution, trials and tribulations, he is a man that knows how to remember the goodness of the Lord and by doing so, and he makes sure that he rejoices always in all things.

Points of Discussion:

Can you answer the FOUR following questions?

1. What have you lost for Jesus - Read Philippians 3:7-8?

  • You might have to lose your friends for the sake of God.
  • Sometimes we might have to walk away from the things we love most for the love of God.
  • Let’s count it all joy when we lose something for God, because with Him, we are more than a champion.

2. Do you have the mind of Christ - Read Philippians 2:5-8?

  • Jesus was so humble even till death.
  • Jesus even served the people He knew would betray Him.
  • It is important for us to have the mind of Christ.

3. Is your love for God growing (How do you know if it is growing?): How to measure if our love for Christ is growing

  • Are you still as excited about God as you used to be when you first knew Him?
  • How is your intimacy with God - Read Philippians 3:1?
  • If you are constantly struggling to do good, then, you need more growth in the Lord.
  • Are you able to hear the truth without taking offense to it - Read Philippians 1:9

4. Why do we come to church every Sunday?

  • Church should be a place to talk about our sins and struggles.
  • It is a place where unity is supposed to reign.
  • Church is more than a place to hear the word, but a place to connect with the faces we see and be one.
  • Helps us to understand what God is doing and we can be connected into the body of Christ.
  • Ability to get it together and have the same mind - Read Philippians 4:2

Things you need to know…..

  • Rejoicing in the Lord is very important, regardless of whatever we might be going through.
  • The mind of Christ makes it easy for us to serve the people that doesn't like us.
  • We need to be dedicated in our service to God.
  • Testimonies should compel us to change and be a better person.


Connecting with one another regardless of the generations in the house of the Lord is important. To answer the four questions above can only be by the grace of God which will in turn enable us to have the mind of Christ and makes it easy for us to be humble. You need to jealously guard your private time with God and remember that without Him we can't breathe, walk or be anything. In any situation you might be going through, rejoice in the Lord always!