25th Asbury Shorts of New York
Special Anniversary Edition “Best of Asbury Shorts”
Vic Theatre – Chicago
April 7, 2005 7:30pm
Tonight’s Program:
Photocopy Cha Cha Chel White Portland
(3:30) From the 12th Asbury Shorts Show in NYC- November 1992.
Famed animator Chel White’s bizarre mixture of surreal, sensual and absurd images- all
created on a copy machine! First Place Awards: USA Film Festival, Houston Intl. Film
Festival, Charlotte Film & Video Festival, Ann Arbor Film Festival.
Gulp Jason Reitman Los Angeles
(8:00) ***A Sundance Film Festival Jury Award Winner***.
Tale of a newly purchased pet fish and the race to help keep it alive!
Fait D’Hiver Dirk Belien Belgium
(7:00) ***2002 Oscar Nominee for Best Live Action Short Film***
The title refers to a French word game. You never know the real outcome of things.
A man decides to try out his new cell phone while stuck in horrendous highway traffic.
Zen & The Art of Landscaping David Kartch San Francisco
(17:00) One of the most popular short films on the international festival circuit.
A part of the permanent collection for shorts at the Museum of Film and Television.
Suburban landscaper is seduced by one of his clients.
Everybody’s Pregnant Debra Soloman New York City
(5:00) ***Winner Best Animated Short @ 5 U.S. Film Festivals***
A wild ride into the stressful world of baby making.
The Quality of Mercy Stephen Marro New York City
(12:00) ***Finalist – 2003 Chrysler Million Dollar Short Film Competition***
Mary Louise Parker (Tony Award :“Proof” –Best Actress and Emmy Award: “Angels in America”) stars in this tale of: “a man…a woman…and a cup of sweet revenge.”
Mr. Marro is a national television commercial director.
Bathtime in Clerkenwell Alex Budowvsky London
(3:00) ***Sundance Finalist*** “Best Animated Short” 2003 Florida Film Festival
The Cukoo Legion takes over London in this fun musical animated short!
This is John Jay & Mark Duplass Brooklyn
(7:30) ***A Sundance Film Festival Finalist-- Special Jury Award @ The Arizona
Intl. Film Festival –Finalist at South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin.
A hit at last year’s NYC Asbury Shorts Show. A young man tries to perfect the
outgoing message on his answering machine.
Consent Jason Reitman Los Angeles
(6:13) “Best of Show – Aspen Shorts Festival-“Audience Favorite” – Seattle Film Festival
Our second film from Mr. Reitman tonight. A young couple decides to take their mutual
affection to the next level but not without seeking the proper protection.
Elevator World Mitchell Rose Los Angeles
(4:00) *** “Best of Show” Savannah Intl. Film Festival***
Famed L.A. filmmaker/choreographer documents this quite familiar alternative world
The Climactic Death of The Dark Ninja Peter Craig Illinois
(11:00) ***Award of Excellence-British Academy of Film & Television Arts***
Young filmmakers attempt to finally complete their epic action adventure “Ninja”
movie after many pitfalls and roadblocks
The Bloody Olive Vincent Bal Belgium
(5:00) One of the most clever shorts ever shown at Asbury. A three time “Best of Show” award winner at world film festivals. A happy couple prepares for a festive Christmas celebration when they are unexpectedly interrupted by an ominous business acquaintance.
Perpetual Motion Kimberly Minor Los Angeles
(1:30) ***2002 Student Acadmy Award Winner for Best Animated Short Film***
A truly unique science experiment. We’re all going to try it at the pos-show party!
We have the cats!
Lunch Matthew Ehlers Rochester
(3:40) Perhaps the most hilarious crowd pleaser in our history. Ranks up there
with “Legends of Doo Wop” and “Funky Butt.”
A white collar slob brings new meaning to the term “brown bagging it…”
***A Finalist at Sundance & The Chrysler Million Dollar Shorts Competition***