Second Formal Lab Report—Genetics (80 points)

Title (5 points)
Remember we read the paper on epigenetics: Transgenerational epimutationsinduced by multi-generation drought imposition mediate rice plant’s adaptation to drought condition

Use that level of detail as a guideline. Refer to the rubric and the initial writing a formal lab report sheet for details.

Introduction: (15 points)

Your introduction needs to address the following. We will break these into homework assignments leading up to the lab to ensure they are done. INLCUDE SOURCES so that you can add them to your reference list!

-The sources to not have to be in MLA yet…but you should have enough of a description listed that you can find the source again for your reference list

  1. What is the scientific name of fruit flies?
  2. Why are fruit flies used in scientific research?
  3. What is the importance of using fruit flies in genetics?
  1. What does a fruit fly life cycle look like? Be sure to have different names of stages and times (hours or days)
    You can attach an image, but you would still need to describe the image in your background
  2. What are the physical differences used to distinguish male from female flies? YOU MUST EITHER ATTACH AN IMAGE OR HAND-DRAW AN IMAGE in addition to a description
  1. The traits we are investigating are eye color (red/sepia) and wing type (regular/apterous)
    . What chromosomes are these found on in fruit flies?
  2. How can we visually distinguish these traits?
    You can attach an image, but you would still need to describe the image in your background

Hypotheses: (5 points)

Based on your knowledge of Mendelian Genetics and the known F1 phenotypes, what are the possible genotypes for the P generation taking into consideration different inheritance patterns? Based on your knowledge of Mendelian Genetics and the known F1 phenotypes, what are the possible genotypes for the P generation taking into consideration different inheritance patterns? Create a dihybrid Punnett Square to support this with expected phenotype ratios. Remember to include the phenotype of the F1 parents, keys, and your assumptions of the inheritance pattern. This is what you will use to base your conclusions on once you have collected your data and analyzed your calculations.

Based on your knowledge of Mendelian Genetics and the known F1 phenotypes, what are the possible genotypes for the F2 generation taking into consideration different inheritance patterns? Create a dihybrid Punnett Square to support this with expected phenotype ratios. Remember to include the phenotype of the F1 parents, keys, and your assumptions of the inheritance pattern. This is what you will use to base your conclusions on once you have collected your data and analyzed your calculations.

You need a total of 2hypotheses – 1 for each cross (P and F2). You need to address expectations for male vs. female, eye color vs. wing type for each generation.

Procedures (10 points)

Procedures should enable any individual with no prior knowledge of fruit flies to be able to replicate exactly what you performed in this investigation from beginning to end. This means beginning with the P generation and ending with F2 counts and analysis. Make sure that procedures include all equipment, have as much detail as possible, and they should be written in the third person.

Data and Results: (20 points)

  1. Observation log
  2. This must record the date and any qualitative and/or quantitative observations made.
  3. This data table must be labeled (Table 1/ Table A/etc) and must have a descriptive title
  4. F1 generation
  5. This data table should be the distribution of the different traits in the F1 fruit flies. You need to distinguish your data from that of the class data. (this could be done by bolding your data, creating separate tables, or by a different font. Do NOT use different colors unless you are printing a color copy.
  6. This data table must be labeled (Table 2/ Table B/etc) and must have a descriptive title
  7. F2 generation
  8. This should be identical in layout to the data table for the F1 generation, but you need to include the F2 data and have a different table label and title
  9. Create a graph comparing the expected number for each phenotype to the observed number for each phenotype for the class data. Calculations must be shown to explain the math process for finding the expected numbers. Calculation decimals should be rounded to the nearest hundredth, but you should make your graph values based on whole numbers of flies (please follow rounding rules)
  10. This graph must be labeled (Figure 1/Figure 1/etc) and must have a descriptive title. There must be a key for the two different bar graphs. Unless you printing in color, please make sure it is very clear(use patterns or change the color to a very light color) which is the observed and which is the expected.

Conclusion: (20 points)

Readdress your hypotheses and the actual results of the investigation. How do they compare? Were your initial hypotheses refuted or supported by your findings? You must use significant data to explain. Your answer should address both male and female, eye color vs. wing type for both the F1 and F2 generations. You need to look at data and offer explanations of why your group or the class data dramatically differed from each other or from expected ratios. Your conclusion also needs to address the specific fundamentals of genetics that you were able to see with inheritance at work in both generations of flies. Lastly you need to discuss applications or real world connections of this investigation. (See Conclusion Rubric)

Writing Requirements: (5 points)

-All requirements met/ Proper grammar and spelling/word processed

-Sources Cited - (MLA format) – at least 5 sources with variety! Wikipedia should not be used!!!

Report is due : ______


Honors Biology Formal Lab Report Rubric 2016-2017

Category / Advanced / Proficient / Basic / Below Basic
Title /
Title is 10-20 words, extremely descriptive and gives a clear and accurate picture of the laboratory topic and procedure (5)
/ Title is descriptive and gives the reader an idea of the laboratory topic and procedure (4) / Title gives an indication towards laboratory procedure or topic (2-3) / Title is very unclear or did not meet the length requirement or lacking altogether (0-1)
Introduction /
All seven requirements are fully discussed (15)
/ Only 5-6 of the requirements are fully discussed (10-12) / Only 3-4 of the requirements are fully discussed (6-8) / Only 0-2 of the requirements are fully discussed (0-5)
Hypothesis / Hypothesis addresses all requirements for the P and F2 generation (5) / Hypothesis has both predictions but lacks rationale (4) / Either both hypotheses are incomplete, or one is missing (2-3) / Hypothesis is clearly missing multiple key details or is not included (0-1)
Procedure /
All materials and steps are included and have a level of detail so that anyone could do the experiment (10)
/ 1 or 2 steps are missing or unclear (8-9) / 3 or more steps are missing or unclear (6-7) / Information is very unclear or lacking altogether (0-5)
Data and Results /
All four required data summaries are present and meet all requirements (20)
/ Either one data summary is missing, or 1-2 of the summaries do not meet all requirements (15-19) / Either two data summaries are missing, or 3 of the summaries do not meet all requirements (10-14) / Either three or more data summaries are missing, or 3-4 of the summaries do not meet all requirements (0-9)
Conclusion / Analysis / - The purpose of the
investigation is
clearly identified
or stated
- Summarizes data
used to draw
- Conclusion
includes whether
the findings
support or reject
the hypothesis
- Identifies flaws
and possible errors
in the investigation
- Discusses
applications or real
world connections.
- Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the concepts that apply to this investigation (20) / 4-5 of 6 of the “advanced” conditions are met (14,17) / 3 of 6 of the “advanced” conditions are met (12) / 0-2 of 6 of the “advanced” conditions are met (0-11)
Mechanics / 80% or more of the paper is free from spelling and grammatical errors; writing is in the 3rd person (5) / The majority (50-79%) of the paper is free from spelling and grammatical errors OR writing is not in the third person (3-4) / Some (25-49%) of the paper is free from spelling and grammatical errors AND/ OR writing is not in the third person(2) / The majority of the paper shows errors in spelling and grammar that make the paper difficult to read AND/ OR writing is not in the third person (0-1)

______/ 80