One World Week Quiz

Question and Answer Sheet

1.  / What is ‘Samsara’ in Hinduism and Buddhism?
2.  / According to the Department for International Development (a part of the British government), how many primary aged children in the world do not attend school?
a)  Over 100 million
b)  Around 72 million
c)  Less than 100,000
d)  About 1 million
3.  / How many arms is the Hindu god Vishnu depicted as having?
a)  Two
b)  Four
c)  Six
(An extra point for each correct object you can list him as holding)
4.  / Which of these gasses is the main cause of global warming?
a)  Oxygen
b)  Nitrogen
c)  Carbon Dioxide
5.  / Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
6.  / According to DFID roughly what percentage of the people in the world today live on less than $1.25 a day?
a)  25%
b)  35%
c)  45%
d)  55%
7.  / Most Christian traditions teach that the one God is expressed in three “persons” – the Father, the Son
(Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. What is this called?
8.  / Which famous brand name chocolate launched its first Fairtrade chocolate bar in 2009?
9.  / In Islam what is the name of the holy book?
10.  / How is Malaria transferred from person to person?
11.  / What are two of the five pillars of Islam? (one point for each description, an extra point for each correct term)
12.  / Countries near the equator have wet and dry seasons instead of hot and cold ones. What is the word used for the rainfall in the wet season?
13.  / How many Millennium Development Goals are there?
14.  / Since 1990 how many more people have gained access to safe drinking water?
a)  Two hundred thousand
b)  3.4 million
c)  1.6 billion
d)  2.5 billion
15.  / What word is used to describe a species of animal that has died out completely, and can no longer be found on our planet?

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