
March 27, 2007

Members Present: Tim Duckworth, Thomas Stifter, Mike Dodge, Bruce Osborn, and Ron Haag

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Jay Thompson, Maxfield, Mary Montheith, John Sullivan and Julie Frick Carver CountyCDA

Staff Present: Luayn Murphy, City Administrator

The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 6:30 PM.

Approval of Agenda

On a motion by Commissioner Stifter and seconded by Commissioner Osborn to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5/0.


On a motion by Commissioner Dodge and seconded Commissioner Stifter to approve the minutes of the February 20, 2007 meeting. Motion carried 5/0.

Maxfield Research

Jay Thompson reviewed the portion of the housing study for the City of Mayer. This housing survey will be a part of the Carver County Study that is being completed by Maxfield. There are 100 seniors in the City of Mayer. The lack of retail in the community rental housing really would be more appropriate in 2015. In 2015 the City could consider building of a subsidized facility. If the City has the opportunity to acquire land now for the future site. The top five services that are needed for seniors are: medical clinic, hair salon, post office, grocery store, drug store and or a department store.

Carver CountyCDA

They have the following services to offer to the City homebuyer program, economic development marketing of the community, and housing side of home ownership, rental market rate and senior housing. They also offer business planning workshops, the Twin City Capital Fund and funds for homeowner occupied rehabilitation. The Commission and Staff will discuss what services they would like from the CDA. There was also discussion about what has the CDA provided to other communities the size of Mayer. Staff will contact the CDA staff.

Revolving Loan Fund Policy

The commission requested that this be placed on the agenda for the March meeting for further discussion. On a motion by Commissioner Osborn and seconded byCommissioner Duckworth to present the policy to the City Council. Motion carried 5/0.

Survey of Businesses

Staff requested direction from the Commissioner’s on the survey for the businesses. The City had just completed the BRE Survey last year and this would be too soon to conduct another full survey. The Commissioner’s reviewed the proposed questions and directed staff to complete the survey with the businesses.


On a motion by Commissioner Osborn and seconded byCommissioner Stifter the meeting was adjourned at 8: 00 PM