Plymouth City Council Meeting Proceedings

Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:00 pm at Plymouth City Hall

The Plymouth Council met in regular session on Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:00 pm. MayorVriezecalled the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the following members present: Gary Clark, Eric Abundis, Wade Eastman,Amy Berding, and Jeff Robak.

Others present: Ric Vermedal, Bev Torgeson,Cecil Kuhlers, Barb Kuhlers,Jeff Eastman,Devan Palmer, Curt Krieger, Craig Howard, Carol Costello, and Ashley Martin

Agenda was unanimously approved as presented with a motion by Berdingand seconded by Robak.

Mayor Vrieze opened the Public Forum. There was a concern about the gazebo roof on the northeast side is collapsing. Ric is aware of it and will be working on it soon.

Jeff Eastman was present on behalf of the fire department. The department had a very good turnout for the Memorial Day and was again a huge success. There are six grants that are outstanding right now and am hoping to hear back from soon. Their big project they are working on right now is to install dry hydrants in Rock Falls.

Departmental reports started off with Ric reporting about spraying the parks and lagoons. Ric presented two different bids for the well house motor switch. One from Northway Well and Pump Co for $3,185.00 and the other from TheCahoy Group for $4,720.00. This new will allow the city to use a generator in case of emergencies. Berding made a motion to contact Northway Well Company. Clark seconded the motion. All ayes.

Martin did not have much to report to council about. She asked if the council would approve of a small town training that is June 8th in New Hampton, Martin feels it would be beneficial for her. The workshop is aimed at small towns and she is hoping it will give her more direction on nuisance properties. The council agreed if the workshop fits into her schedule she could go. Martin had brought up that she has been in contact with the Auditors and have not seen a final report yet.

Ricky and Amy Berding was on the agenda to discuss street usage agreement. Berding would like to put up a fence on part of a city road that is not in use. Motion made by Eastman to allow Berding’s to put a fence as long as they sign a street agreement form and they understand that it is still city property but they are agreeing to maintain it. Clark seconded the motion. All ayes.

Curt Krieger was present to talk about the renewal with the city and with CEK Environmental yearly contract. Krieger has been working with Ric since the city dropped their contract with PeopleService. Krieger and Ric have had a good working relationship the last six years and would like to continue that relationship. Robak made a motion to approve a yearly contract with Curt Krieger of CEK Environmental for 2017-2018. Abundis seconded the motion. All ayes.

Martin put on the agenda, per councilmen request, the urban chicken renewal and animal protection and control Ordinance. The council was questioning why this Ordinance was not in effect. Martin explained at the third and final reading the council never made a motion to approve it so it became a dead motion. Since it became a dead motion the ordinance was not passed. Martin presented Ordinance 133-Animal Protection and Control along with the Urban Chicken Renewal Resolution. Martin stated that the ordinance now states that someone wanting chickens needs written approval from the council. After some discussion the council agreed to leave the ordinance the way it was and not to approve the new ordinance or resolution.

Martin presented resolution 2017-11 certifying water fee. Berding made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-11. Clark seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Martin presented resolution 2017-12 certifying water fee. Robak made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-12. Eastman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution 2017-13 was brought forward by Martin stated that this needs to be updated/review every two years. The last time this was updated in 2013 and Martin wanted to address a few fees that she feels needs to be raised. The council agreed to increase the mowing per hour to $100.00, increase maintenance man hourly to $50.00, extra maintenance man hourly to $50.00, excavator permit to $50.00, and the water turn on fee for non-payment to $50.00. Martin also presented examples of properties with water shut off. She commented that right now, if a property has the water shut off at the curb we still charge a water, sewer, and landfill fee. Martin commented that most cities around have in their ordinance if the water is shut off at the curb there is not bill. The council discussed this for a bid and agreed if a property has water off Martin will charge only a water base fee. After discussion and some review, a motion to approve the new schedule of fees by Berding. Clark seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.

Martin addressed the council about the new State of Iowa law about fireworks and has reached out to different towns to see what, if anything, they were doing. The new law states that residents in Iowa can legally sell fireworks, with restrictions, and gives dates and times when fireworks can be fired off. Martin had two different options, one was an ordinance to change to the states code or second was to send out a letter letting residents know about the State of Iowa’s new law about fireworks and to please be reminded that during this initial period of sales and use will determine whether or not additional ordinances will be necessary for the City of Plymouth. Council discussed the options and concluded that the letter would be fine at this time.

Berding made a motion to accept the minutes from May 4, 2017 council meeting. Clark seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Abundis made a motion to approve May 2017 Treasurer’s Reports. Berding seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Berding made a motion to approve the May bills.Eastman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Abundis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Berdingseconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned to the public at 8:13pm


Ashley Martin Jon Vrieze

City Clerk Mayor