IPC Syllabus - Susan Garfield

Welcome to IPC! This syllabus is designed to help you understand more about the expectations and policies for the year. Expectations are high in IPC as I prepare your students for high school. I look forward to a great year with all of you.

Program Description, Scope and Sequence

IPC is a wonderful course for acquiring a basic working knowledge of chemistry and physics. The students will spend the first semester on chemistry and the second semester on physics. The over-arching theme of this course is energy in most of its forms - how energy functions, how it is converted, how it is calculated and how it is described. A heavy emphasis will be placed on math skills used to calculate, for example, motion, waves, energy, power, momentum, energy of electrons, energy of reaction in phase changes. Hopefully, your students will find this class interesting and challenging.

Academic Skills Emphasized

·  Lab safety and using scientific tools

·  Designing and interpreting charts and graphs

·  Analyzing, evaluating and critiquing data and theories

·  Designing and implementing experimental investigations

·  Research and Technical Writing

·  Math skills needed to manipulate algebraic equations and formulas

Instructional Strategies

The textbook will be used as a reference for certain units. Outside readings and internet sources will also be used. Technical writing will be emphasized through the use of conclusions in laboratory experiments and reflective writings. A good deal of emphasis will be placed on different ways to organize a body of information. At least 40% of the classroom time will be involved in experimental investigations. We will use and make maps and models of scientific phenomenon throughout the year. We will be using scientific calculator for most all algebraic equations. Selected videos, slides and power point presentations are also integrated into the curriculum.

Grading Policy:

·  Homework 10%

·  Tests and Quizzes 40%

·  Classwork 30%

·  Other Instructional 20%

Assignments are to be done in neat, legible handwriting or done on the computer. All assignments should be turned in on time. The first semester, you get one homework pass each 9 weeks for a maximum grade of 50 if turned in the next day. No assignments will accepted late the second semester.


We will be using Integrated Physics and Chemistry by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

This book is approximately $55.00.

Required Materials:

One green binder for papers Graph Paper

Paper, pens, pencils, metric ruler Notebook Paper

Red checking pens Scientific Calculator

Good Eraser

Student Expectations and Responsibilities:

Individual responsibility is stressed in the IPC as most assignments are individual and not group based. That means that the first moment you do not understand something we are covering in class, you must stop and ask questions. Your best friend and tablemates are not responsible for what you know - you are. Ask Questions!

Expectations for Class (Labs):

Be respectful of others and their property, space, and time to talk.

Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings working on your given assignment.

Bring all necessary materials to class ready to use.

Be facing ME when I am addressing the class.

Be a good listener. Raise your hand to speak in class.

Be sure to clean your workspace for your table so that the room looks just it did when you entered it.

Students will follow correct safety procedures at all times.


Labs are a very important part of the learning process in science and I feel that they are just as important as tests, and sometimes more so, in assessing student knowledge and skills. For this reason labs are a very important part of your grade – they can count as much as tests. If you do your best on the labs, and I’m sure you will, your grade should be stellar. However, the labs are quite rigorous and some of the questions on tests come from the labs covering that topic. If you pay attention, follow directions, and use your time well, you should be fine. Labs are not a time to play and chitchat with your friends. Horseplay will not be tolerated in labs. As you can understand, this could be quite dangerous from a safety standpoint.


Please feel free to share any comments, questions or concerns that you might have. My conference time is 3rd Period on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 11:30-12:07am. Also, if you have an area of expertise or interest that you would like to share with the students, please let me know. My email address is . The school phone number is 713-917-3565.


Parent Name Parent Signature Date


Parent’s Daytime Phone Number Parent’s E-mail Address


I have carefully read and understand the information, procedures, and guidelines for Mrs. Garfield’s

IPC class.


Student Name Student Signature Date