Teen Advisory Committee Application


Girl Scouts Silver Sage Council Teen Advisory Statement of Purpose

The objective of the Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) shall be to represent the council girl membership interests in council programming and the recruitment and retention efforts.


  • TAC members will include girls from all areas of the council but will consist of no more than 15 girls from the greater Treasure Valley area.
  • The Co-Presidents of TAC will be the two council-appointed Girl Board Members.
  • Term limit is one year with possible renewal through application with term beginning October 1st and ending September 30th.
  • TAC will be guided by a council staff member.

Major Responsibilities:

  • To provide girls’ voice to operation, programs, and policies in support of the Council Board’s strategic goals.
  • To encourage continued Girl Scout membership among currently registered Girl Scouts by conducting two presentations throughout the year to younger girls about opportunities and experiences in Girl Scouting.
  • To contribute to the goals set by TAC each year.
  • Have Fun!


  • Girls must be a registered Senior or Ambassador Girl Scout at the beginning of the membership year.
  • Meetings will be monthly. Girls must be willing to commit to meeting attendance (no more than two unexcused absences) and project participation. (Projects may take additional time for research and execution)
  • Use SKYPE if location or timing is a problem – we need input from everyone, so even if you can be with us for a few minutes that would be great.
  • If you are unable to attend a meeting, please notify one of the Co-Presidents or the council staff member.

Application Process

  • Girls meeting eligibility requirements must complete an application to be considered for selection and submit to the Program Department at the Boise Council Office. Girls can apply at anytime, however their term will end on September 30th
  • The application will also include a participation agreement, signifying the girls’ understanding of the role of TAC members and her willingness to meet those expectations.

Teen Advisory Committee Member Application

Please complete and send to

Phone: / Cell:
Parent/Guardian Name Email:
# Years in Girl Scouts: / Current Grade Level:
Name of High School:
What days work best for you? (circle all that apply)
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
If you circled weekend days, do you prefer:
Mornings Afternoons Evenings

Please read through the following questions, and provide your response. A separate page can be added if more space is needed.

  1. Why do you want to be a member of the Teen Advisory Committee?
  1. Please describe any leadership roles you have had (Girl Scouting and non-Scouting experiences).
  1. Please list any hobbies or special interests you have.
  1. What one word would best describe you, and why?
  1. How do you think your Girl Scout experience will influence your life beyond Girl Scouts?
  1. Please share a favorite Girl Scout memory.

Please fill out the chart about your interests below.1= Do not like, 2= Kind of like, 3= It’s ok, 4= Like, 5=Love

Activity / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Public Speaking
Marketing and Publicity
Public Appearances such as Flag Ceremonies
Working with Younger Girls
Take Action Projects/Community Service

Participant Agreement

I am committed to serving as a member of the Girl Scouts Silver Sage Council Teen Advisory Committee for a minimum of one year if I am selected.

Participant Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Permission

I have read the position description for my daughter’s application for the Teen Advisory Committee. To the best of my knowledge, ______has a clear understanding of what it means to apply for this position, and if selected, she has my permission to participate. I also understand that this position involves monthly meetings and I will make the necessary arrangements to provide transportation.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______