Dishley Grange Patients’ Group
Annual General Meeting –Gorse Covert Community Centre
20th April 2016 at 7pm
Brian Bass
Marion Bleakman
Carole Boultby
Peter Boultby
Ian Bradford
Ann Bullock
Jerry Bullock
Nic Chauhan
Fred Gibson
Eileen Glasper
Terri Kaur
Melitta Leicester
Nigel Leicester
Anne Marshall
Martin Mescal
John Onsworth
Val Onsworth
Gary Stantiall
Christine Woolston
Ruth Youngs
Dr Linda Adlam, Dr Rashid Akthar, Dr NarinderSaundandKaren Pearce attended on behalf of the Practice.
1. Introduction and Welcome
Jerry Bullock(Chair) welcomed those present to the fifth AGM of the Patients’ Group and introduced himself and members of the Committee. He introduced the Practice’s representativesand welcomed the guest speaker for item 4, – Helen Rose – Federation Manager, North Charnwood Federationand thanked all others present for attending.
2. Apologies for Absence
No apologies for absence were received.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Patients’ Group held on 23rd April 2015 were approved as a correct record.
4. Guest Speaker–“What the Federation means for Patients”
Helen Rose, North Charnwood Federation Manager addressed the meeting.
She outlined what the Federation means to patients and followed the presentation with a question and answer session.
Helen outlined the role of the Federation and how it was working together with GP practices in the North Charnwood area in 3 areas:
- Supporting sustainable primary care.
- Providing an enhanced range of services for patients, focusing on the Urgent Care Centre, how systems work together, Weekend Access Service, patients been given a “Passport” and access to diagnostics locally.
- Reducing variations and improving the quality of services for patients across the 9 practices in the Federation area.
She mentioned that patients would see more services provided locally and in a more integrated way. The Federation was keen to work with Patient Groups and communities, particularly in the field of social prescribing, social housing, mental health and social care.
5. Walking for Health – Dishley Grange’s Scheme
Jerry explained that items 5 and 6 were related and that questions would be taken after item 6.
Ann Bullock and John Onsworth both Walk Leaders for the Walking for Health initiative addressed the meeting on the scheme, its benefits and achievements.
6. How Walking for Health Fits into the Bigger Health Picture
Dr Akthar outlined how the Walking for Health Scheme fits into the Practice’s approach to whole-health and well-being. This was followed by a short Questions and Answers session on this item and item 5.
Jerry thanked Ann, John and Dr Akthar for their informative presentations.
7. Question Time
Jerry introduced the Question Time Panel comprising:
- Helen Rose– Federation Manager, North Charnwood Federation;
- Dr NarinderSaund - GP Partner, Dishley Grange Practice;
- Dr Rashid Akhtar - GP Partner, Dishley Grange Practice;
- Dr Linda Adlam - GP Partner, Dishley Grange Practice;
and invited questions to the Panel from those present.
Questions covered a broad range of topics, including:
a)the role of the North Charnwood Federation;
b)the obligations on pharmacies to open on Easter Sundays;
c)the identification and giving of support to patients who are carers;
d)the Practice working towards a “gold standard” appointments system so that patients could use the surgery and GP of their choice;
e)plans to increase the number of bookable online appointments;
f)individual health care needs and where to find the services;
g)the “Choose Better” campaign;
Jerry thanked the Panel members for their input and the questioners for their questions. He thanked Helen, for providing an insight into the work of the Federation.
8. Review of 2015/16
Jerry referred to the Annual Report 2015-16 which was submitted to the meeting to outline the work of the Patients’ Group Committee over the previous 12 months. Jerry outlined some of the main features including issues that had been identified for the year ahead.
The Annual Review was accepted as outlined.
9. Amendments to the Constitution
Jerry outlined suggested changes to the Group’s Constitution relating to the redefinition of the Group’s Vision and Objectives. The proposed changes had been put forward to the meeting by the Committee and notice of the changes had been given in accordance with the Constitution.
Jerry proposed the amendment and seconded by Ian Bradford.
AGREED, without dissent, that the changes to the Constitution set out in the agenda published on 21st March 2016and in the draft revised Constitution published with that agenda be approved and the Constitution be amended accordingly (copy filed with these minutes as Appendix A).
10. Appointment of Officers–2016/17
Jerry referred to the fact that since the change to the Group’s constitution last year all officer appointments were subject to the individuals being appointed signing the Group’s code of conduct.
A. Chair
One nomination had been received from Eileen Glasper.
AGREED that Eileen Glasper be appointed Chair of the Group to serve until the next AGM.
Eileen took the chair and thanked the meeting for appointing her.
B. Vice-chair
One nomination had been received –Jerry Bullock.
AGREED that Jerry Bullock be appointed Vice-chair of the Group until the next AGM.
C. Secretary
No nominations had been received for this position.
Jerry advised the meeting that as a temporary measure, Ann Bullock had agreed to continue to assist as Meetings Secretary on a temporary basis until an appointment could be made
- that Ann Bullock be appointed as Temporary Meetings Secretary.
2. that the Committee be authorised to appoint a Secretary of the Group to serve until the next AGM.
11. Appointment of Committee Members 2016-17
Ninenominations had been received by the deadline of 12th April 2016for the seven places on the Committee, as follows –Peter Boultby,Ian Bradford, Ann Bullock, Jerry Bullock, Nic Chauhan, Eileen Glasper, Nigel Leicester, John Onsworthand Gary Stantiall.
Eileen and Jerry advised the meeting that following their appointments as Chair and Vice-chair, respectively, there was no need for their nominations as Committee members to go forward.
- that Peter Boultby, Ian Bradford, Ann Bullock,Nic Chauhan,Nigel Leicester, John Onsworth and Gary Stantiallbe appointed members of the Committee until the next AGM;
Nic signed the Code of Conduct
- Eileen thanked Jerry Bullock for his work as Patients’ Group Chairand Teresa Kaur for her work on the committee.
12. Questions
Questions on issues relating to the Patients’ Group and its work were asked by Ruth Youngs and Teresa Kaur regarding how patients could communicate with the group and seeking clarification on the co-option policy.
Jerry confirmed that Patients could communicate in a variety of ways including via the Patient Group Survey which would take place over the summer and at flu days when patient group members were in attendance and attending Patient Group meetings as an observer. A Patient Group newsletter was also available at both surgeries and was e-mailed to those on the mailing list.
Jerry agreed to provide Teresa with a copy of the Co-option policy.
13. Concluding Remarks
Eileen closed the meeting by thanking those present for attending and thanked the staff of the Practice and members of the committee for their involvement with the Patients’ Group over the last 12 months.