Teaching Strategies: The Creative Curriculum System
For Preschool Inventory List
Box 1:
Guide to The Creative Curriculum System for Preschool
Getting Started CD
Family Connection CD
Children’s eBook Collection
Resource Organizer (blue portfolio)
Knowledge Building Resources:
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool:
Volume 1: The Foundation
Volume 2: Interest Areas
Volume 3: Literacy
Volume 4: Mathematics
Volume 5: Objectives for Development and Learning
Teaching Guides:
Beginning the Year
Clothes Study
Balls Study
Buildings Study
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Study
Trees Study
Box 2:
Teaching Strategies Book Discussion Cards (44 cards)
Teaching Strategies Mighty Minutes (200 cards)
Intentional Teaching Cards (201 bilingual cards)
Box 3:
Teaching Strategies Children’s Book Collection:
Buildings Study (11 books)
- A Chair for My Mother
- Building A House
- Building it from A-Z
- Buildings, Buildings, Buildings
- Changes, Changes
- House, Sweet House
- Keep Counting
- The Three Little Javelinas
- The Pot that Juan Built
- The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
- Three Little Pigs
Beginning the Year Study (19 books)
- Charlie Anderson
- A Pocket for Corduroy
- Anasi and His Children
- Crazy Pizza Day
- Hooray, a Piñata!
- Jalapeno Bagels
- Kevin and His Dad
- Love is A Family
- Neighborhood Song
- Papi, How Many Stars
- Peeny Butter Fudge
- Quinito, Day and Night
- Rice is Nice
- The Adventures of Gary and Harry
- The Gingerbread Man
- The Kissing Hand
- Too Many Tamales
- Wemberly Worried
- World of Families
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Study (8 books)
- Don’t Lose It Reuse IT
- I Stink
- Peter’s Chair
- Sam Helps Recycle
- Something From Nothing
- Dinosaur Woods
- Hush! A Thai Lullaby
- Radio Man
Clothes Study (15 books)
- Abuela’s Weave
- Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?
- Caps for Sale
- Colors! Colors!
- Godilocks and the Three Bears
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Llama, Llama Red Pajamas
- Mama & Papa Have a Store
- The Paper Bag Princess
- The Girl Who Wore Too Much
- The Mitten
- The Quinceanera
- Uncle Nacho’s Hat
- Wash and Dry
- Who Wears What?
Balls Study (8 books)
- A Birthday Basket for Tia
- Bounce
- Have a Ball
- Just Like Josh Gibson
- Little Red Hen
- Play Ball
- The Doorbell Rang
- Three Billy Goats Gruff
Trees Study (14 books)
- A Grand Old Tree
- A Tree is for…
- Abiyoyo
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
- Trees Count
- Gathering the Sun
- Growing Trees
- Henny Penny
- Our Tree Named Steve
- Pablo’s Tree
- The Grouchy Ladybug
- Trees, Trees, Trees
- When the Monkeys Came Back
- Who Lives in Trees
4 Big Books
- Come Cook With Me
- Trees Count
- Neighborhood Song
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff
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