Meeting of June 5, 2006

E.O. Thompson Building, 7th Floor Public Meeting Room

920 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas

Summary of Minutes

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor called the meeting to order at 9:16 a.m.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor called roll. Board members present were Linda Connor, Ronald Brown, Joseph Grondin, and Dean Hudson, Jr. Board member Dwayne Childers, Jr. was absent. A quorum was present.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item C., Approval of minutes – Meeting of January 30, 2006. Board member, Dean Hudson made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Board member, Ron Brown seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item D., Nomination and vote for Vice-Presiding Officer. Ms. Connor nominated Dean Hudson. Board member Joseph Grondin nominated Ron Brown. Mr. Brown withdrew his name from the nomination and recommended Dean Hudson for the position. Mr. Hudson stated that he would be honored to serve as the Vice-Presiding Officer. The Board unanimously consented to Mr. Hudson serving as Vice-Presiding Officer.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item E., Public Comment. Vice-Presiding Officer, Dean Hudson recognized Glenn Parker for outstanding work in the Barbering Industry. Ms. Connor recognized Mr. Harold White, a long time barber with White’s Barber and Hairstyling Shop, who had passed away after 47 years of service. The following individuals provided public comments: Ronald Finch, Greg Day, Joe Shirley, Kevin Lane, and Jane Owens.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item F.1., Staff Reports, Executive Office. Executive Director, Bill Kuntz reported that the Department was in the final phase of preparing its Strategic Plan. Mr. Kuntz informed the Board that the Department recently posted notice of the vacancy on the Advisory Board on Barbering for a Class A barber who does not hold a barbershop permit. Mr. Kuntz also provided the Board with a letter from Steve Goldrich regarding formaldehyde products. Ms. Connor requested that some members of the Board be able to have a work session with the Executive Staff.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item F.2., Staff Reports, Compliance Division. Business and Occupations Section Manager, Lee Parham reported that the Department had done some realigning in the Business and Occupations Section in order to continue Glenn Parker’s duties now that he is gone. Mr. Parham reported that staff had attended a meeting with PSI regarding the practical exam and that PSI began providing examinations on March 1st. Mr. Parham also reported that staff had worked to successfully transfer the Barber licensing system over to the TDLR TULIP licensing system. Inspectors involved in inspecting barber and cosmetology establishments had a training session to cover procedures. Staff also met to discuss and develop a penalty matrix for the Barber program. Staff also worked to develop a handout for inspectors to provide to barber and cosmetology shops regarding autoclave requirements.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item F.3., Staff Reports, Education and Examinations Division. Division Director, Don Dudley reported that staff met with PSI staff and subject matter experts to work on putting together content of examinations. Staff then held exam kick-off meetings in various cities. Open houses were also held at exam sites. Board member, Dean Hudson stated that more weight may need to be added to certain parts of the practical exam.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item F.4., Staff Reports, Enforcement Division. Director of Enforcement, Christina Kaiser provided an overview of the Enforcement Division versus activities performed by the Compliance Division and explained the Enforcement complaint process. Ms. Kaiser also provided an overview of the complaint process.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item F.5., Staff Reports, General Counsel’s Office. Assistant General Counsel, Brad Bowman provided a report on the implementation of Phase II rules. Mr. Bowman also provided a copy of the Attorney General’s Opinion regarding autoclaves.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item F.6., Staff Reports, Information Systems Development. Division Director, Glen Bridge reported on the implementation of the Barber program into the TDLR in-house software database system. Mr. Bridge stated that he has staff dedicated to working on inspection scheduling and work is ongoing. Students are now able to track their exam eligibility on-line.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item F.7., Staff Reports, Licensing Division. Licensing Supervisor, Kathleen Overstreet provided licensing statistics.

The Board passed on agenda item G.

The Board recessed at 11:48 a.m. and reconvened at 12:08.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item H., Discussion and possible recommendation regarding adoption of Barber Penalty Matrix to be included in TDLR’s Enforcement Plan. Christina Kaiser provided an overview of modifications made to the Barber Penalty Matrix as a result of rule changes from Phase II rules. Board member, Dean Hudson made a motion that the Board accept the penalty matrix as presented. Board member, Joseph Grondin seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote in favor.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item I., Discussion and possible recommendation regarding adoption of criminal conviction guidelines for Barbers. Christina Kaiser provided a sample of guidelines used in other programs and provided an overview of the criminal history check process. Ms. Connor stated that the Department may need to look at the possibility of drug use, sale, and distribution in barber shops. The Board decided to allow the Department to revise the guidelines to include sections relating to drug use, sale and distribution and to look at the revised guidelines at its next meeting.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item J., Discussion and possible recommendation regarding adoption of proposed amendments to existing rules at 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 82, §§82.10, 82.20, 82.21, 82.26, 82.50, 82.51, 82.53, 82.70, 82.71, 82.72, 82.73, 82.80, 82.100, 82.101, 82.102, 82.104, 82.106, 82.107, 82.108, 82.114, and 82.120 and proposed new rule at 16 Texas Administrative Code, §82.74, and the repeal of §82.32 regarding the barber program. Brad Bowman provided an overview of the proposed rule changes. Board member, Joseph Grondin made a motion that the Board accept the proposed rules with staff recommended changes and including the following changes made today: Changing the language in rule 82.72 (o) to indicate that the permit with a photograph will be on the student’s station and in the binder; retaining the section under 82.73 (b) with the removal of the final sentence; removing orientation from every place in the curriculum; and changing the number on 82.120 (c) to reflect the instruction in practical work hours from 1312 to 1320. Board member, Dean Hudson seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote in favor.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item K., Recommendations for agenda items for next meeting. The Board decided to place the following items on the next meeting agenda: Letter regarding formaldehyde, decision made on hiring of Barber Program Manager, work session with Executive Staff, replacement of vacancy on Board, revisiting Phase III rules, creation of Enforcement Work Group, and criminal conviction guidelines.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item L., Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting. The date is to be determined.

Presiding Officer, Linda Connor moved to agenda item M., Adjournment. Board member, Ron Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Board member, Joseph Grondin seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote in favor. The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Linda Connor, Presiding Officer

Advisory Board on Barbering

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