Date: Thursday, October 15, 2015
Good Morning Stallions and Staff! Today and every day will be the best days of your life. At Sligo, we expect the Best! Our Sligo’s 2015-2016 Theme is “Sligo on the Rise”. Sligo is a school of culture diversity. This week we will continue celebrating Hispanic American Heritage Month.
I am ______, ______, ______we are your fellow Morning Announcers
Please kindly stand for the pledge of allegiance to our American Flag:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic
For which it stands, One nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Thanks! You may now be seated.
Today’s Quotation: “The heart hath its own memory, like the mind, and in it are enshrined the precious keepsakes, into which is wrought the giver’s loving thought.” Written by Longfellow
Today’s school announcements and reminders are as follow:
- There is no school on TOMORROW! My fellow Stallions, please remind your parents/guardians that this coming Friday there will be no school. School will resume on Monday morning.
- Attention 7th graders. The 7th grade field trip permission slip and money deadline for the October 23rd field trip to Medieval Times is approaching soon. All permission slips and money are due to Mr. Gruber or Mr. Butler by TODAY - Thursday, October 15th. For you convenience, you may also pay on line through the school web site. Any parents needing financial assistance should send a note to Mr. Gruber or Mr. Butler. We look forward to all our 7th grade students having this wonderful experience.
- TODAY – Thursday, there will be no WSLI Training.
- Career Day, Career Day:Sligo is getting ready for Career Day 2015. Take home your flyer to see if your parent or guardian can be part of Career Day on Friday, November 13. We would like to hear about their profession. Past presenters are welcome to return. Forms should be turned in to the front office. Thank you! (end 10.29.15)
- Sligo’sRec XtraMinecraft start date has changed to Wednesday, October 28th with Ms. Heller in the media center. Cooking club TODAY with Chef Sandy is in the staff lounge. Seats are limited to 12 students per session (which is 6 weeks). The second session will start around spring time. Rec Xtra Martial Arts club will hold an information meeting today with Mr. Nguyen in the cafeteria. Everyone is welcome to come and participate. For more Rec Xtra clubs information, please see Ms. Hernandez or to Mr. Lear on the main office. There will be Rec Xtra Art club today in room #104 with Ms. Muhn. Also, next week Rec Xtra Bughouse Chess will hold an information meeting on Tuesday, October 20th.
- Try your hand at being on the backstage crew. We are looking for intelligent, energetic, creative students to help run our talent show from the wings. Interested students should contact Mr. Colosimo about their interest by Thursday October 22. There will be no students considered after the 22nd.
- SPORTS UPDATE: From the desk of Ms. Sullivan: The Girls Softball Team won another game against Eastern Middle School on Tuesday by a score of 15-8. The girls in the 4th inning scored a total of 8 points with all batters batting in that inning, excellent hitting ladies. Dana Tandoc pitched great by striking out 13 batters during the game. We played as a team by having a player from Eastern hit over the head of our Left Fielder, Stephanie Matamoros, which relayed the ball in to our pitcher Dana, who then threw the ball to Alizah Francois our catcher to get the player out before she was able to score, what a wonderful play this was. Our next home game will be today after school, come out and see all the excitement and root on the girls to another VICTORY against Key Middle School. We hope to see you there!!!
- Sligo’s First Annual Fitness Fun Day. As part of the Fitness Fun Day each student will get a free t-shirt to wear on Nov 19 for the event. The winning design by Ruby Hoben will be printed on the front of all 800 t-shirts!
- Yesterday, School Administrator Lear announce the following winners: 1st Place - Ruby Hoben, 2nd Place - Allyson Sanchez and 3rd Place - Ella Yankowski. Once again, congratulations!
- Homework Hotline Live is back on the web and TV! Go to Ask H-H-L dot org or MCPS cable TV to get help from real MCPS teachers. The TV show is from 4:30 to 6 o’clock, and online help is from 4:30 until 9:30. Call 301-279-3234 or go to Ask H-H-L dot org. That’s 301-279-3234 and Ask H-H-L dot org.
- Thanks for sharing with us your undivided attention. We appreciate your kindness and respect. Make today and each day your VERY BEST DAY! Have a most enjoyable DAY and most wonderful extended weekend.