SEPTEMBER 21, 2016

CFD Co. 1

Meeting called to order by President Kolb at 19:07 hours, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, and a Moment of Silence. Please include Steven Trenton and his family in your thoughts and prayers, in the loss of his brother, John.

There were 49 members in attendance this evening, for our Annual Steak Roast. Thank you to Gary Perkins and his committee for a great meal, and all the preparation.

President Kolb asked all in attendance to join him in wishing his wife, Marie a Happy Birthday.

President Kolb stated that he took the request to a recent CFD Board of Directors meeting, to seek permission to donate the proceeds from the Exempt Club’s beverage sale at the 2016 Chil-E Fest to the NY Warrior Alliance. There was some confusion around the rulings concerning the Exempt Club’s donations as a 501c (3) non-profit organization. President Kolb said he will be investigating the rules in connection with our Club further. For now, President Kolb asked for a Motion to be entertained, to donate the profit made from the Exempt Club’s Beverage sale at the 2016 Chil-E Fest to the NY Warrior Alliance. The amount of the profit is $239.96.

Motion: Earl Haak to donate $239.96, the profit from the Exempt Club’s Chil-E Fest Beverage Sale, to the NY Warrior Alliance

2nd: Dave Goff

Motion Carried with 1 Abstained

President Kolb reported on the Exempt Club Dinner cruise held on August 28. There were 24 members that attended, with the total cost for the boat trip of$1,035.36, and after deducting the co-payments, the cost to our Club was $485.94.

President Kolb reported on the Exempt Club Chicken BBQ fundraiser, which was held on September 10. There were 16 workers, and 490 chicken dinners were sold. We received $216.00 in our tip jar, for a total of $4,626.00. The cost to Krolick’s BBQ, and for miscellaneous expenses was $3,613.98, giving the Exempt Club a profit of $1,012.02. Thanks to all who helped with this very successful fundraising event; we could not have succeeded without your great teamwork!

Motion to Accept the Meeting Minutes from August 17, 2016: Tom McNamara

2nd: Dave Goff

Motion Carried

Treasurer Auerhahn presented the Treasurer’s Report for September, 2016.

Motion: Jack Whitley to Accept Treasurer’s Report for September, 2016

2nd: Mike Pazdyk

Motion Carried

Secretary Youngblood announced that the next Shut-in Visit will be held on Monday, September 26. The volunteers will be leaving Co. 1 at approximately 9am, and if you wish to participate in this visit or join the group for future visits, please call or e-mail Secretary Youngblood.

Treasurer Auerhahn reminded those in attendance that the Exempt Club Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 11 at the Whittier Party House. He asked the committee members in attendance this evening, to please meet with him briefly after the Exempt Meeting ends, to discuss details regarding entertainment for the party.

President Kolb stated that the 9-11 Committee had invited him to represent the Exempts, and Mary Kay Schwab to represent the Ladies Auxiliary, to place a wreath at the 9-11 memorial site during the ceremony on September 11. President Kolb asked the attendees at this meeting to entertain a Motion to send a thank you letter to the 9-11 Committee of the Chili Fire Department, thanking them for this invitation and participation.

Motion: Jack Whitley to send a letter to the Chili FD 9-11 Committee thanking them for including the President of the Exempt Club and the President of the Ladies Auxiliary as part of the ceremony.

2nd: Don Strine

Motion Carried

President Kolb stated he has a form that is entitled “Responsibilities of Event Chairperson” that needs to be completed by whoever volunteers to chair an event for our Club. At this time, he asked for a volunteer for our next event, which will be the Veteran’s Dinner/Meeting on November 16. Secretary Barb Youngblood volunteered to be the Chairperson for this event, and will be soliciting volunteers for her committee.

Secretary Youngblood reported on Good & Welfare for the Exempt Club. A thank you note was received from Roger Locicero, thanking the Club members for the fruit basket that was sent to him recently during his hospital stay. A fruit basket will be sent to Bill Goeltz, who is currently hospitalized for shoulder surgery. Bob and Dawn Auerhahn’s daughter, Abby is recuperating from a recent hospital stay, as well as Krissy Brown’s daughter, Jenna who was in the hospital recently. Vice President Maddalena thanked the Club for the fruit basket sent to his wife, Nancy recently as she continues to recuperate. Please keep Bill Stokes in your thoughts and prayers as he faces some current health challenges. A fruit basket was sent to him recently from our Club members. A donation will be sent to a charity in memory of Steve Trenton’s brother John when the information is received from the family. Please continue to keep all these members and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

Secretary Youngblood shared information gathered from 2 local vendors – Barefoot Sportswear in Spencerport, and Big City Sportswear on Buffalo Road, regarding possibly purchasing new Exempt Club polo shirts, as well as tee shirts for our members and spouses.

She stated that between the two vendors, the polo shirts could range between $15.00 and 30.00 depending on the quality and quantity ordered. Tee shirts would range from $6.00 to $9.00 each. The polo’s would have our Exempt Club logo on the left chest area, and an American flag on the left sleeve. The tee shirts would have our logo on the left chest area, and then CHILI FD EXEMPTS on the back of the tee shirt. After a discussion with the attendees, it was determined by a show of hands, that 22 attendees were interested in polo shirts and 17 were interest in tee shirts.

With a comparative discussion in quality between what the 2 vendors offered, and the fact that the vendor from our previous polo shirts (Casual Friday) never returned Secretary Youngblood’s phone call, it was recommended by Secretary Youngblood that the Club use Big City Sportswear as the vendor to order the polo shirts and tee shirts from. Big City’s price was a little higher than the quotes from Barefoot Sportswear, but the quality was better for the price.

Motion: Tom McNamara to use Big City Sportswear to order 50/50 blend polo shirts for the Exempt Club.

2nd: Mike Pazdyk

Motion Carried

A discussion followed around the color to be chosen, and Dave Goff suggested the polo shirts and the tee shirts be a different color than the traditional navy blue used by Chili Fire Department. It was then recommended to have the shirts be grey. Gary Perkins also asked if the tee shirts would have a pocket. There were several other attendees interested in pockets, while some were not. Gary stated that in his experience in ordered tee shirts in the past, there was the option to order some with pockets, and some without. Secretary Youngblood said she would check with the vendor to see if that would be possible, and let the members know at the October meeting.

Motion: Dave Goff to choose 50/50 blend tee shirts in grey, and to check on availability of a pocket for those who choose to order.

2nd: Bob Auerhahn

Motion Carried with 6 Opposed

The subject of cost for both the polo shirts and the tee shirts was discussed. The recommendation, for which the President was in agreement at this meeting, was to have each member and/or spouse pay for 50% of the cost of the polo shirt or the tee shirt, and the Club would pay the remaining 50% of the cost of each item.

Motion: Tom McNamara that each member/spouse would be responsible for 50% of the cost of each polo shirt or tee shirt, and the Exempt Club would pay the remaining 50% for each item.

2nd: Dave Goff

Motion Carried

Secretary Youngblood checked the catalog, and there were 2 shades of grey offered for the polo shirt, and she suggested the darker grey for a better contrast with the logo. She will check with the vendor for their opinion.

The tee shirts are available in several shades of grey, and Secretary Youngblood will again check with the vendor for their recommendation.

Dave Goff asked if there could be a sample of the polo shirts for the October meeting. Secretary Youngblood will check with the vendor regarding this request.

Order forms, as well as more detailed information will be available regarding the polo shirts and tee shirts at our October monthly meeting. Secretary Youngblood will be working with President Kolb to establish the best way to take orders from our members. Doing a general mailing with the order forms, as well as sending the order forms as an email attachment are options to be considered.

After no further business to be discussed, Motion to Adjourn at 20:48 hours: John Sibbald, Jr.

2nd: Rick Kaptein

Motion Carried

Respectfully submitted

Barb Youngblood

CFD Exempt Club Secretary