Grade Level: 10 AmericanName: Kerry Hutchinson

Social Studies Unit: Industrialization’s effect on immigration, child labor

and the labor force.

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*Required Components

Vocabulary OrganizeName ______

Vocabulary Word / Definition/Personal Cue to Recall
labor force /
labor union

Vocabulary Organizer with Sample ResponsesAttachment A2

Vocabulary Word / Definition/Personal Cue to Recall
industrialization / Example:
Definition: Using machines and new sources of power in factories, instead of making goods at home by hand.
Personal Cue: Instead of having to use a needle and thread to hand sew my clothes, a sewing machine can be used to make them much faster.
immigration / Example:
Definition: the movement of people from their native country to a new country.
Personal Cue: People moved from Ireland to the U.S. because they didn’t have enough food or money and the U.S. had jobs.
labor force / Example:
Definition: the people who are workers for a business or factory
Personal Cue: All the people who work at my dad’s company are its labor force.
strike / Example:
Definition: when workers join together and halt all production to put pressure on their employer.
Personal Cue: When the teacher asked us to do 10 hours of homework the class got together and went on strike.
labor union / Example:
Definition: groups of workers that got together, so they had more bargaining power than as individuals.
Personal Cue: My dad is part of the Teamsters Union and it helps him get treated fairly and pay raises.

Effects of IndustrializationName ______

List the effects of industrialization in the United States on the following three areas

Immigration / 1.
Child Labor / 1.
Labor Force / 1.

Effects of Industrialization with Student Responses.

List the effects of industrialization in the United States on the following three areas

Immigration / 1. The amount of people immigrating into the US increased drastically during this time due to the increased economic opportunities the US offered in comparison to their native countries.
2. The diversity of people immigrating to the U.S. changed; it was no longer only Western Europeans immigrating.
3. New Immigration laws and procedures (Ellis Island and health regulations) were established.
4. Immigrants were sent back if found not to meet the requirements. The US was no longer accessible to all people.
Child Labor / 1. Children were put into the workforce at young ages to help with family expenses.
2. Children were often given dangerous jobs because they were small.
3. Children were paid lower wages for the same work as a grown man.
4. Children had to work long hours and their health was not a concern of employers.
Labor Force / 1. The labor force now included many women.
2. The harsh working conditions caused workers to go on strike to protest and help improve their conditions.
3. Labor Unions were developed to organize and assist factory workers.
4. State Laws and Safety regulations were slowly established to protect workers.

Short Answer Evaluation QuizName ______

Circle the answer that best answers each question.

  1. What is the time period called that included the shift from agricultural work to factory and machine work?

a. Enlightenmentb. Industrializationc. Cold War

  1. When someone leaves their native country to settle in a new country it is called…

a. immigrationb. migrationc. litigation

  1. What were the organized groups called that helped factory workers during industrialization called?

a. workers compb. labor unionsc. labor camps

  1. What is another name for a countries workforce?

a. labor forceb. employeesc. labor union

  1. Immigration ______during US industrialization.

a. was reducedb. increasedc. stayed the same

  1. Why did people immigrate to the US during industrialization?

a. job opportunitiesb. to escape povertyc. both a & b

  1. What kind of jobs were children given during industrialization?

a. dangerous jobsb. high paying jobsc. short hour jobs

  1. What is an organized protest against a factory or company called?

a. petitionb. strikec. overtime

  1. Where did many of the new immigrants have to pass through before they could become an US citizen?

a. Easter Islandb. Hawaiic. Ellis Island

  1. How were children paid compared to grown men during this time period?

a. more for the same workb. less for the same work c. the same

Short Answer Evaluation QuizAttachment C2

Answer Key:

1. b

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. b

9. c

10. b

Grading Scale:

A: 9-10 correct

B: 8 correct

C: 7 correct

D: 6 correct

F: 5 or less correct

Patricia Clayton: SummitCounty (SERRC-3)9-3-06