Media Release – 24 July 2017
Submissions open for artists nationwide to create neighbourhood masterpieces
Keep New Zealand Beautiful in partnership with Chorus is calling artists from around the country to showcase their talent as part of a unique initiative turning graffiti eyesores into works of art.
The Paint Your Cabinet Beautiful programme gives artists the opportunity to submit a design idea that will be brought to life on a cabinet that is often the target of vandals and graffiti.
Since Chorus initiated the programme in 2010 more than 700 cabinets have been painted from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island. Chorus has found a significant decrease in the frequency of tagging on cabinets where artwork is present.
This year, Chorus has partnered with charitable organisation Keep New Zealand Beautiful to manage the programme and extend it further.
Chorus stakeholder communications assistant Holly Cushen says, “Chorus is really happy to team with Keep New Zealand Beautiful in the ongoing battle to eradicate graffiti.
“We are pleased we can provide artists with a prominent canvas in the form of our cabinets and at the same time, give them the opportunity to not only beautify the environment but also to showcase their talent.”
Keep New Zealand Beautiful chief executive officer Heather Saunderson says this programme is significant as it strengthens communities through the creation of art.
“We have found that improving the aesthetic quality within neighbourhoods, reinforces social connections and fosters improved social outcomes.
“The resulting artworks bring together communities, often highlighting local heroes, legends and themes from that particular town or city’s history. These are their stories, providing visual reminders of who they are, who they were, and where they are headed.”
Artists can submit their original design idea by visiting Keep New Zealand Beautiful will review all applications and commission a selection with remuneration between $400 to $1,500 to undertake the work.
The cost of supplies to paint the cabinet, drop cloths, Paint New Zealand Beautiful T-Shirts, high vis vests and stickers will also be supplied.
To view a gallery of existing cabinets in the Paint Your Cabinet Beautiful programme visit
For more information please contact:
Rebecca Reid
M: 027 519 4994
Keep New Zealand Beautiful is a charity dedicated to keeping communities clean, safe and beautiful. Along with tackling litter, the organisation now implements a range of initiatives, including waste minimisation and recycling; community beautification and clean-up events; tree and garden plantings; waterway and highway restoration; sustainability programmes in schools; graffiti removal and reduction.
To carry out these initiatives each year, Keep New Zealand Beautiful relies on a geographical volunteer network (branches) in each community. The volunteers who make up our branches are known as our ‘beautiful kiwis’. They love where they live and have rallied together to create a dedicated group to keep their corner of New Zealand beautiful. Each branch utilises the free resources made available to them from the national office and they partake in national campaigns where possible. They also form relationships with local councils, businesses, schools and community groups to allow them to widen their reach.
77 Greenmount Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland | Po Box 58932, Botany, Auckland 2163 | Tel (+64) 09 264 1434 |