Thanks for your continued interest in Central Square. We have held two neighborhood public meetings and an additional meeting especially for senior citizens. City departments have continued to work on many of the issues you raised and will provide informationtohelp advance our discussions. Next, we would like to tackle the specific subjects you raised within smaller working groups. We have combined and categorized the topics you raised into specific areas for the working groups to consider.The issue areas are starting points for further dialogue. Other topics may evolve as the groups begin their work. The working groups, their meeting dates, times and locations are attached. Please feel free to attend any and all meetings that are of interest to you.
Leaders from the Central Square Business Association and a city staff member will co-chair each working group. Other group leaders may emerge from the surrounding neighborhoods as we continue our discussions. We hope that you will join at least one working group and let us know which meeting(s) you will attend. We want this to be a community effort, as we all care about the Square and want to contribute to its revitalization.
You may contact me by email at or by calling me at 617-349-4616. You may also contact Elaine Madden at or by phone at 617-349-4618.
We look forward to working with you to create a better Central Square.
Estella Johnson
Director of Economic Development
City of Cambridge
Retail Mix & Vacancies
/Public Relations & Marketing
More, Affordable Family Apparel StoresBetter General Merchandise Stores
Vacancies that Fit Needs
Anchor Tenants
Math Tutoring Venue
Home-Style, Affordable Diner
Kid-friendly Stores, Especially Bookstores
Business Condos
Meeting Date: April 5th
Location: 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conf. Room
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. / Marketing and Branding Campaign
Better Communications
Create More Positive Press
Clear Identity for the Square
Meeting Date: April 12th
Location 344 Broadway, 3rd Floor Conf. Room
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Event Programming
Safe, Vibrant, Lively Night Life Venues
Event Planning
Extend Stores onto Sidewalks
More Outdoor Entertainment
Long-term Planning
Operational Support
Meeting Date: April 13th
Location: 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conf. Room
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Human Service Issues / Physical Ambiance
Increased Police Facilities
Address Homelessness, Public Intoxication & Drug Enforcement
Discourage Unruly Hangout Locations
Less Panhandling
Meeting Date : April 6th
Location: 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conf. Room
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. / Street and Sidewalk Appearance and Cleanliness
More Bike Racks & Moped Parking
More, Improved Facades w/ Window Art & Art Galleries
Include Backstreets of Sq. in Retail Initiatives
Recycle Bins & Public Toilets
Improve Pedestrian Safety and Lighting on Backstreets
Better Snow Removal
Meeting Date: April 15th
Location: 344 Broadway, 4th Floor Conf. Room
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.