The following are recommendations from teachers to help your child achieve a faster adaptation to this new school year. We encourage you to take them into consideration and make the respective arrangements your child needs to fulfil them.

1.Make sure you confirm or receivethe access to the school web page (for old students accounts remain the same; for new students please go to and click on the green box that refers to ACCOUNT RECOVERY. This will allow you to create the access).

2.ALL notebooks and books should be properly labelled and covered. Each colour represents a subject so please use transparent/contact paper to cover them.

3.Materials should be sent to school during the first week of classes to include them in the class inventory.

4.Send your child's pencil box with basic materials like coloured pencils, crayons, sharpener (with recipient for the pencil waste), pencils and eraser. Remember to sharpen the writing pencils.

5.General Schedule:

  • Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

We appreciate your punctuality. (Ask the teacher for the respective form to authorise an additional person to pick up your child. Children will not be given to people without previous authorisation. Vehicles can also be registered. This is mandatory for safety reasons).

6.Parent´s visit days are on Wednesday from 2:15 pm until 3:15 pm. Please report to your teacher and wait for your respective turn in order to have individual attention. If more time is required, teachers can set a special appointment for another day.

7.The school offers an After School programme until 5:30 p.m. for students up to 5 years old. For further information please contact our receptionists (321-3800/01) or report your interest with your teachers/assistants.

8.Departure time: students will wait for their parents in their classroom from 2:00 p.m. to 2:15 pm. If parents are delayed children from Kinder will be sent to After school programme(to be charged)and children from 1st grade to 5th grade will be sent to a designated area (cafeteria or classroom until 2:30 p.m. After this time they will be sent to Homework Club (to be charged).

9.Students have two meals per day: a 15 minutes snack (early morning) and 30 minutes lunch (at noon). Friday´s snack should be more substantial as we do not have lunch due to the reduced schedule. Please label all lunch boxes and bottles. School microwaves are available to warm-up the food. We strongly request to send healthy food and avoid junk food (like Doritos, Lays, Pringles, Cheetos, cookies, chocolates etc.). Send also plastic forks and spoons (not knifes). If you prefer, you can send a package of each for emergencies.

10.Boys' uniform: White long sleeve shirt and grey tie on Mondays. White Polo sweater from Tuesday to Friday. Blue jacket EVERY day.

11.Girls' uniform: White short sleeve shirt, grey dress and blue ribbon EVERY day. If they need a jacket this must be the school one (blue with logo).

12.For P.E. lessonsstudents need to come to school wearing the P.E. uniform. Boys can wear blue jacket and girls P.E. Jacket. Long pants are available for purchase to wear on top of the shorts (this is to support with air conditioning temperature in the classroom). On SWIMMING days they must come to school wearing P.E. uniform and with a separate bag including swim suit, glasses, cap(for girls), towel and flip flops. Everything needs tobe properly labelled (even socks and trainers) to avoid incidents.

13.For Kinder student´s only:The correspondence notebook needs to be checked and send back EVERY DAY. The Homework notebook will include activities with instructions to do at home). Please supervise your child with this and help them if necessary. This notebook should be sent back to school the following day. If the child did not finish the homework, you can write a brief note to the teacher explaining the reason. All notebooks will be sent home on Fridays, for parentsto check their progress and reinforce if necessary. Please return it on Mondays.

14.The Oxford School has a motivational programme called "House systems" that encourages our students to work hard for their houses as a “team work”. These houses are: ARTHUR (green), CHURCHILL (red), LION HEART (light blue) and WELLINGTON (orange). Kinder students will be assigned to the different classes on the following days. After being informed about their Houses, parents can purchase the respective t-shirt at the school reception. (Please inform the teacher if your child in Kinder has brothers or sisters in school, so we can assign the same house).

15.WEEKLY PAPER is an academic or social observation report about your child's performance. This will be sent every Friday in the correspondence notebook. Please read and sign it. Return confirmation paper slip EVERY MONDAY.

16.STUDY GUIDEwill be sent every Friday through the school webpage: Please report the teacher if you could access or faced any issue to log in as soon as possible.

17.Please review our policies in relation to “Use of Electronical devices in school”. For cell phones please request a permission form to your respective teacher.

18.If the student is absent, a medical or legal certificate is necessary to justify the absence and recover missing tasks. Please make sure to inform this in advance.

19.Useful contacts:

Natalia Parissi (Primary Coordinator): 321-3817 /

Yisseny Gonzalez (Coordination Assistant): 321-3822 /

Jennifer O´Donell (Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator): 321-3816 /

Lynette Austin (Curriculum Assistant): 321-3816 /

We wish you a great school year 2016!