(February Report)

Deadline: Wednesday February 28, 2018 – 8pm (Eastern time)

Fill out the February report items using the link posted on the website (phideltachi.org).
Please email the completed report (this word doc or exported online submission) to the following contacts:
Your Regional Correspondent (contact info available on the National website )
Your Chapter Advisor
Save a copy of this form for the Chapter files. You may need to refer to this form at a later time. It may be useful to have a copy available when completing forms in the future.
If you have questions about this report, please contact the Grand Vice President for Student Affairs
at or call (800) PDC-1883.
Report Contents
27. The Communicator Report(4 Points)
28. The Communicator Photos(1 Point)
29. Brothers Interested in Leader-Development Seminar(LDS) (1 Point)
30. LDSAction Plan (2 Points)
31. Contact with Buddy Chapter (2 Points)
32. Formal Meeting with Regalia (1 Point)
Chapter Information
Chapter Name:
Brother Filling out Report:
E-mail Address:
ITEM #27: The Communicator Report (4 Points)
Please follow the outline (headings) below and limit the total length of the entire report to no more than 300 words. Please use the limitation in words to deliver important messages and convey significant events that have occurred within your chapter over the past year, including the previous spring semester.This should not be a summary of all activities of the chapter but rather a “highlight”of activities that have occurred. This is not the place to mention upcoming events. Use the active voice and be concise. Double check spelling and grammar and refer to chapter officers by their proper titles (e.g., Worthy Chief Counselor, Worthy Correspondent, etc…). This report should include only events and news that have occurred between January 2017 and December 2017.
Professional and Service Projects:
Scholarship and Leadership:
Membership and Brotherhood News:
Alumni News:
Honors and Awards:
Sports and Social Events:
ITEM #28: The Communicator Photos (1 Point)
Attach THREE high resolution digital photographs, highlighting any of the activities that you described in Item # 27 suitable for printing in The Communicator. Please send the highest resolution photos possible. For print publication, it is best to send the new, unedited file directly off the camera. Try not to save the photos using an image handling program such as iPhoto, Facebook or others as they reduce the file size and quality. Any photo file format will be accepted. Captions should be listed below with the names of the Brothers pictured. Do not include photos that show alcohol or unprofessional behavior. When attaching the digital photographs to your email please name them in the following way, “Chapter Name Comm Pic 1, Chapter Name Comm Pic 2, and Chapter Name Comm Pic 3”.
We are attaching THREE photographs for 1 Point
Photo Captions(Please include a description of the pictures and list the names of Brothers pictured):
ITEM #29: Brothers interested in Leader-Development Seminar (1 Point)
Get Ready for a Phi Delta Chi Gathering at LDS! The Brotherhood will soon be developing a new group of leaders! Start planning now. You don’t want to miss out! Just ask those who went 2 years ago. If no one from your Chapter went last time, contact your Regional Correspondent. Set a goal to be represented by at least two Brothers this year who have never attended LDS. The knowledge and enthusiasm that they bring back will be well worth the trip. See you at LDS!
Please list Brothers who are interested in attending Leader-Development Seminar:




ITEM #30: Leader-Development Seminar Action Plan (2 Points)
Include what sources you plan to use (i.e. The Dean, School, Student Government, Alumni, the Collegiate Chapter, or Individual Brothers).
Does each Brother pay his/her own registration? Who is going? Have you discussed LDS with your current candidates? Is there a backup plan in case your delegate cannot go?
How will you arrive? (Plane, car, train, University vans)
Chapter Advisor and Alumni:
How can you get them to be involved and attend?
Additional Comments:
The Action Plan above was discussed with our executive board and at a general Chapter meeting this month.
Registration information will be sent directly to the Chapter and can be found online as the event approaches
ITEM #31: Contact with Buddy Chapter (2 Points)
In September of this AAP year Chapters were asked to contact their Buddy Chapters. We now ask you to take this contact one step further. Call your Buddy Chapter and exchange the details of a project. It can be service, educational, professional, or whatever the two Buddy Chapters decide.A list of Worthy Correspondents’ contact information including phone numbers will be emailed to the Chapter Worthy Correspondent. This information can also be obtained by contacting the AAP Administrator, your Regional Correspondent, or the National Office.
Half credit will be given to Chapters that only communicate through email.
2017-2018 Buddy Chapters
Alpha, Xi, Gamma Phi / Sigma - Gamma Rho / Alpha Sigma - Gamma Sigma
Delta- Phi / Tau – Alpha Phi / Alpha Tau – Beta Omicron
Epsilon – Alpha Omicron / Chi – Gamma Lambda / Alpha Psi – Gamma Theta
Zeta, Gamma Iota, Delta Gamma / Omega – Beta Eta / Beta Alpha, Beta Zeta, Beta Nu
Eta, Beta Chi, Gamma Mu / Alpha Gamma, Beta Kappa, Beta Omega / Beta Iota, Gamma Beta, Gamma Psi
Theta- Beta Psi / Alpha Delta, Beta Pi, Beta Mu / Beta Lambda - Beta Phi
Iota – Gamma Omicron / Alpha Epsilon – Beta Beta / Beta Xi – Gamma Kappa
Lambda, Gamma Epsilon, Gamma Nu / Alpha Zeta – Alpha Mu / Beta Tau, Gamma Zeta,
Gamma Pi
Mu – Beta Gamma / Alpha Theta, Alpha Lambda, Gamma Tau / Gamma Gamma-Gamma Delta
Nu, Psi, Beta Delta / Alpha Iota – Alpha Rho / Gamma Eta – Delta Beta
Beta Upsilon - Delta Zeta / Alpha Kappa – Beta Theta / Gamma Xi – Gamma Omega
Rho, Alpha Omega, Beta Rho / Alpha Nu, Beta Sigma,
Gamma Alpha / Gamma Chi – Delta Alpha
Omicron – Delta Epsilon / Gamma Upsilon – Delta Delta
Please Complete the following:
Buddy Chapter Report
Person You Contacted:
How many Brothers from your Buddy Chapter are planning to attend Grand Council?(Discuss the possibility of traveling to the event together.)
What types of professional or service projects does your Buddy Chapter conduct?
What types of fundraisers does your Buddy Chapter conduct?
What types of social activities does your Buddy Chapter conduct?
Is there one of the above that you and your Buddy Chapter can work on together or have already completed together? (If yes, describe what you did or your plans.)
Please list any suggestions below that you have regarding the Buddy Chapter system.
Your Grand Officers encourage all Chapters to exchange ideas whenever you meetwith or talk to Brothers from other Chapters – remember – EACH NEEDS THE HELP OF THE OTHER!
ITEM #32: Formal Meeting with Regalia (1 Point)
According to Chapter IV, Number 12 of the Constitution and Bylaws of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, "Each Chapter shall have at least one formal meeting each month." Formal meetings require use of the complete Ritual opening and closing, as well as Officer's Robes, Regalia, and devices as outlined in the Ritual Book. Please note here the date of your Chapter's Formal Meeting for this month:
Formal Meeting held? / Yes No
Date of meeting: / (Only meetings that occurred in February 2018 will be given credit.)

Looking Ahead: Professional and Service Project Report (20% of Thurston) due in March.

Representatives from Phi Delta Chi’s National Office will be at the APhAAnnual Meeting. We encourage all Brothers to attend this valuable experience which offers pharmacy students great opportunities to network with other students and to meet distinguished Alumni in our field. Please stop by our booth in the Exhibit Hall and our Alumni Reception!


Phi Delta Chi Achievement Award Program

February Report

Revised Fall 2017