No.2 2013



A Newsletter of the WEPAL-QUASIMEME Laboratory Performance Studies

Wageningen UR, The Netherlands.

QUASIMEME – Quality Assurance of Information for Marine Environmental Monitoring

No.2 2013

Quasimeme Project Office

The 2014 Brochure will be available in January. There will be no price increase in 2014. The timetable will change a little as the first round will be dispatched in April. You will note that in 2014 we will begin with naming the Rounds2014.1 (Round 1 in 2014) which will begin in April and 2014.2 (Round 2 in 2014) which will be in October. The application form can be found on our website

2014 Timetable

Round / Start date / Deadline / Report available
(R74) / 1-April-2014 / 1-July-2014 / 1-Aug-2014
(R75) / 1-Oct-2014 / 1-Jan-2015 / 1-Feb-2015

Workshop on nutrients and algal pigments, Oostende, 4-6 of February 2014

WEPAL-Quasimeme together with MUMM will hold a Nutrients and Chlorophyll Workshop in Ostend on 4th, 5th and 6th February 2014. Within this workshop also ocean acidification will be one of the topics. For more information about the content of the workshop please get in contact with KoenParmantier ()


Denise Smythe-Wright, NOC, UK

Kerry Smith, Marine Scotland, UK

Steven Crum, Quasimeme, NL

Marc Knockaert, RBINS OD Nature, BE

Kevin Ruddick, RBINS OD Nature, BE

Kai Sørensen, NIVA, NO

Eric Achterberg, GEOMAR, DE

Eithne Tynan, NOC, UK

Anne Daniel, Ifremer, FR

Mikael Krysell, SMHI, SE

Rita Kramer, BSH, DE

Karel Bakker, NIOZ, NL

Malcolm Woodward, PML, UK

Interlaboratory Comparison Trial

An Interlaboratory Comparison Trial is being organised in 2014 by CEN for TBT, PAH, PBDE and OCP compounds that fallunder the Water Frame Directive. prEN 16691, FprCEN/TS 19962, prEN 16693 and pr EN 16694 will be validated thereby. Please, contact for more information regarding the trial and the subscription.

LP Study in Phthalates Surface Water

WEPAL-Quasimeme Project Office would like to have feedback from you if there is interest in a LP Study in Phthalates Surface Water?


DE-10 and DE14 will become real exercises in 2014. They will be renamed BT-11 and BT-12 respectively.

New Development Exercise

DE-13 Passive sampling

Passive sampling will become an important procedure to measure concentrations of determinands, like e.g. HCB, HCBD, PCB’s, PAH’s and Brominated flame retardants in seawater. Therefore, a development exercise will be offered in the new proficiency testing scheme. The exercise will comprise of:

1 silicone sampler (300-cm2) predosed with PRC’s, naturally contaminated in estuarine water

1 silicone control sampler (300-cm2) predosed with PRC’s

1 calculation exercise

a PRC mix standard will be provided to support analyses of the PRCs.

The development exercise will be conducted in co-operation with Foppe Smedes (Deltares) and Kees Booij (NIOZ). Following your subscription, an inventory will be held with respect to internal standards which are used in your laboratory and may conflict with PRC’s to be used within the development exercise itself.

We expect to start the development exercise in September 2014. Estimated price is € 800.

New Samples

QPO is urgently searching for contaminated mussels preferably from South European Countries. Please contact QPO if you can help in any way. Also sediment samples


WEPAL-Quasimeme welcomes all feedback on our service, test material and ideas from its participants. We would be grateful if you would take the time to complete and return the Questionnaire. It will only take a couple of minutes.

Please circulate this newsletter, and display it on your notice board. Multiple copies have been provided to facilitate distribution to other colleagues.

Requests for further information, comments or contributions to:

WEPAL-QUASIMEME Project office


The WEPAL-QUASIMEME team: Ann-Marie,Minke,Arie, Peter, Steven C, Steven T andBramwishes everyone a very happy Christmas and the best wishes for 2014.

QUASIMEME – Quality Assurance of Information for Marine Environmental Monitoring