Maywood Academy High School
Syllabus for School Year 2016-2017
Teacher Mrs. Van Phone School 323-838-6000
Class 204D
Text Geometry (Springboard Geometry)
By: College Board
In this course, students are encouraged to explore geometrical ideas and investigations designed to set the stage for discovery of key geometrical relationships. Throughout the activities, students will be able to visualize, identify, and create geometric figures. Students will also be able to classify geometric figures such as sorting, compare and contrast figures, and describe inclusion relationships for figures. The course will also explain how figures and parts of figures are related and also interpret the meaning of a geometric situation. The course will include four units that include the following ideas.
- Logical Reasoning, Geometric Sense and Proofs
- Recognizing Relationships among Polygons
- Deriving Formulas Involving Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry and Circles
- Studying Geometric Measures.
UnitsGeometry AB covers the essential Common Core State Standard in four units:
(see attachments for details of Common Core Standards)
·Unit 1: Congruence, proof, and Constructions
·Unit 2: Similarity, right triangles ,and Trigonometry
·Unit 3: Geometric properties with equations ,circles
·Unit 4: Statistics and probability
Students are expected to:
Be Ready – with book, graphing notebook, mechanical pencil and other required materials; be ready to learn by actively participating in class when the bell rings.
Respect – themselves and their classmates, teachers, administrators, and school properties
Be Responsible – complete assignments and return homework; this includes NO CHEATING and keeping the classroom clean
Follow All Academy and School Rules
Textbook with cover
SpiralNotebook and paper
Mechanical Pencil and or pencils
Straightedge/ Geometry kit
Calculator for Trigonometry
Grading Structure
Task / POINTS SystemHomework–will be assigned nearly every class period. You must fully attempt to solve all problems to receive full credit. It is due on Friday at beginning of class. / 10%
Tests– will be given as announced. They will cover concepts discussed in class and the homework from the first day of class to the day of the test. Tests are NOT multiple choice but instead they must be written out.
Quizzes– will be given as announced and will cover material discussed the week preceding the quizAverage one per week. / 20%
Notebook/Projects– If projects are assigned, then grading rubrics for these will be provided, and these projects will then be 30% of the student’s total grade.
PROJECTS: will involve individual writing/justifications. / 30%
Cumulative tests for each unit. Or CCSS tasks used as option to tests. / 30%
Total / 100%
Extra Credits – To be announced.
( Cannot replace assignments)
Late Exams / Quizzes– It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time to take make-up quizzes and exams when exams were missed due to absences.
Tutoring– / After school
Grade Scale:
A 90% and above
B 80 – 89%
C 60 – 79%
D 59% -50%
F Below 50%
Parent Involvement:
Parents must understand that students will have Math Homework after every class period. It should take students 30 minutes to an hour to complete the homework. Please encourage the student to do their homework, quiz, and exams preparations. Students will also need you to sign their exams for full credit. If you have any concerns, fell free to contact me at the number in the first page.
Mrs. Van
Maywood Academy High School
Please complete this page and return to Mrs. Van
Acknowledgement of Course Expectations
“I have read and fully understood the above-mentioned course requirements and it is my responsibility to comply with the requirements”
Student’s Name (last, first) Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature
Home Phone Work/Cell Phone
Date Signed:______