Delegate Bios

1. Will Griffin

1. Will Griffin is a former US Army Paratrooper who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Will now focuses on antiwar activism and is on the Board of Directors of Veterans For Peace and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.Veterans For Peace:

Global Network:

2. Will Griffin is a former US Army Paratrooper who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Will is on the Board of Directors for Veterans For Peace and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.Will is on the steering committee of the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia & the Pacific. He is also the creator of The Peace Report, a social media organization focusing on antiwar media for peace & justice.

2. Reece Chenault

1. Reece Chenault has spent almost fourteen years as a union and community organizer. Currently Reece is National Coordinator for US Labor Against the War, an anti-war organization dedicated to changing the labor movement’s foreign policy from within.

2. Reece Chenault has spent almost fourteen years as a union and community organizer. Currently Reece is National Coordinator for US Labor Against the War, an anti-war organization dedicated to changing the labor movement’s foreign policy from within. Reece was also a community organizer with ONE DC, a non-profit that seeks to exercise political strength to create and preserve racial and economic equity in Shaw and the District and a coordinator with the Restaurant Opportunities Center of New Orleans. Prior to that, Reece was a Member Strength Organizer for SEIU Local 500 where he worked with community allies and union members to create working relationships that could continue increasing the standard of living for Montgomery County Public Schools employees. Before that, he worked for a few other unions and went to a few colleges. Reece is on the Board of Directors for the National Black Worker Center Project. He also has a blog where he talks about mental health and organizing as a young person of color:

3. Jill Stein

1. Dr. Jill Stein was the Green Party’s presidential candidate in 2016 and 2012. She is a mother, an organizer, physician and environmental health advocate.

2. Dr. Jill Stein has helped lead initiatives to fight environmental racism and injustice, to promote healthy communities and workers rights, to strengthen local green economies and to revitalize democracy. She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially just redistricting, green jobs, and the cleanup of incinerators, coal plants, and toxic threats to human health. She was a co-founder of the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit.

In the 2016 election, she was the only national Presidential candidate (Green Party USA) to call for health care and education as human rights, a bailout to end student debt, a welcoming path to citizenship, an emergency jobs program to solve jointly the climate and economic crises, and for demilitarization through a foreign policy based on human rights, international law and diplomacy.

She was also the only candidate to be arrested for supporting the Dakota Sioux nation in resisting the DAPL pipeline, and standing up for clean water, human rights and a livable climate that all of humanity depends on.

Jill is currently working to build political resistance and support local Green candidates in fighting for radical progressive, sustainable solutions that are critical for our future.

Jill graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Medical School where she was an instructor in Medicine. In 2006, she transitioned from clinical medicine into “political medicine” to help heal "the mother of all illnesses”, our sick political system.

4. Medea Benjamin

1. Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and the co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange.She is the author of nine books, including Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection.

2. Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and the co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange. She has been an advocate for social justice for more than 40 years. Described as "one of America's most committed -- and most effective -- fighters for human rights" by New York Newsday, and "one of the high profile leaders of the peace movement" by the Los Angeles Times, she was one of 1,000 exemplary women from 140 countries nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the millions of women who do the essential work of peace worldwide.

She is the author of nine books, includingÂDrone Warfare: Killing by Remote ControlÂandÂKingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection,Âand her articles appear regularly in outlets such as The Huffington Post, CommonDreams, Alternet, The Other Words, and TeleSUR."

5. Juyeon Rhee

1. Juyeon is a first generation Korean immigrant grassroots organizer whose work is focused on de-militarization, minority rights, reunification and reconciliation in Korea.

2. Juyeon is a first generation Korean immigrant grassroots organizer whose work is focused on de-militarization, minority rights, reunification and reconciliation in Korea. Juyeon is a steering committee member of the Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific, a member of the Solidarity Committee for Democracy and Peace in Korea, Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, and a board member at Korea Policy Institute. At Nodutdol, she served as a Program Coordinator for KEEP Planning Team from 2004-2013, which organized various educational and peace delegations to South and North Korea each year. She was a member of Center for Korean American Culture from 1991 to 1998, where she served as the Executive Director from 1993 to 1995.

이주연은1세이민자조직활동가로반전평화, 소수자권리, 한반도의통일및화합의분야에집중하고있다. 사드배치와아시아태평양지역의군사주의저지태스크포스의운영위원회회원이며, 한반도민주주의와평화를위한연대위원회및노둣돌의회원이자코리아정책연구소의이사이다. 2004년부터2013년까지노둣돌의KPT에서프로그램실무자로남한, 북한에교육평화방문단을매년조직하였다. 1991년부터1998년까지는우리문화찾기회에서회원으로활동하였다.

6. Hosu Kim

1. Hosu Kim is a researcher and educator based in NYC and Seoul, Korea.

2. Hosu Kimis an Associate professor of Sociology and Anthropology, with an affiliation in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York. She is currently engaging a field research on reconciliation projects, stemming from South Korea’s 60 year-long transnational adoption practice. Since 2001, she has long involved in Nodutdol, multi-generation Korean progressive organization in New York City. She is also an author of the recently released book, Birth Mothers and Transnational Adoption Practice in South Korea: Virtual Mothering, from Palgrave-Macmillan.

저는뉴욕시립대학교에서사회, 인류학과에부교수재직중이며, 젠더스타디소속으로활동하고있는김호수라고합니다. 현재, 한국에서해외입양과역사적화해작업을주제로연구하고있습니다. 2001 년부터뉴욕시에있는다세대한인진보단체인, 노둣돌에서활동해오고있습니다.저서로는, 작년에출판된‘친생모와한국의해외입양: 가상의어머니’가있습니다.