2018 Organization ID Stakeholder Meeting

Partner Governance Straw Man Proposal


The ORG-ID working group recommended that a new entity not be created to launch the open organization ID registry. In this document we describe a framework, inspired by the global SCOAP3 partnership, for setting up a collaboration of partners to host the registry.


●Partners are all committed to the success of ORG-ID initiative (“the Initiative”).

●Partners agree that there is a Host Organization which hosts the Initiative administratively and as legal entity under a Governing Council and an MOU signed by all Partners.

●Partners can commit different levels of data, resource, finance, staff to the Initiative.


●The Partners make up the Governing Council

●Governance is by all Partners with each having an equal vote

●The Council elects a Chair who cannot be from the Host Organization.

●The Initiative has an Executive Committee (ExCo) accountable to the Council to oversee operations and day-to-day issues.

●The Council elects the ExCo.

●ExCo might have reserved seats for Partners which contribute above a given level of resources.

●The Council may sponsor a Community Forum, which would meet in person once a year to discuss ideas and propose actions for consideration by the Council.


●A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is the instrument.

●The MoU is not legally binding but all parties recognize their moral responsibility to the community for the success of the Initiative.

●The MoU is signed by the Host Organization and each individual Partner.

●The MoU is equal for everyone, public, and unchangeable.

●The MoU describes the governance structure.

●The MoU leaves to Governing Council to write under separate cover the rules of procedure.


The MoU describes the obligation of the Host Organization in detail

●Subject to Governance will in all Initiative matters.

●Staff allocated to the Initiative accountable to the Initiative for objective-setting and delivery.

●Financial resources committed to the Initiative are fully separated by others, and fully and transparently auditable.


The MoU lists the rights all Partners acquire in equal ways by signing:

●Voting rights in the Governing Council.

●Eligibility to be elected to serve on ExCo.

●Access to technical products/resources/know how (in case not all open/public) or in pre-production state.

●Special API rights (?)


The MoU defers to individual addenda, one per Partner, the special contribution of that Partner

●Donation of nation-specific or other data in the Initiative

●Donation or open-end licensing of software or tools to the Initiative

●Contribution of marketing/community resources (collateral, persons, detailed list with time).

●Contribution of hardware/cloud resources (detailed list).

●Contribution of staff (software, product) (detailed list).

The MoU defers to individual addenda, one per Partner, the special obligations of that Partner

●Obligation to provide the promised contribution over a given period of time.

●Payment of a contribution to the common fund.

●The Council to decide on the level of transparency of the Addenda but most likely public.

●Addenda can be renegotiated as the case might be under ground rules to be set by Council.


●The Addendum of the Host Organization lists all the contributions it makes to the Initiative

●This Addendum is public to all Initiative Partners.


●The MoU explains financial ground rules.

●The Council approves the annual budget.

●The MoU states an Audit Committee is created by the Governing Council to write detailed rules.

●The MoU states the Host Organization subjects itself in advance to said rules.

●The MoU states the principles of financing (contributions as in the Addenda, provision of services); the Governing Council has the last word in deciding about those.


●Conflict resolution is by arbitration.

●By signing MoU all Partners and Host Organization agree in advance to subject to the arbitrage decision without appeal and without further process.

●The MoU explains conflict resolution in full detail, for example:

○Governing Council head is always one Arbiter unless her organization is part of conflict

○Governing Council head selects 2 more Arbiters for conflict resolution who are not from organizations involved in conflicts or commercially owned/dependent on them.


●The MoU says Host Organization takes responsibility independent of level of overall financing but has right to exit the Initiative initiative and make available all Open Source/Open Data if financial income does not realize (some thresholds/conditions apply, e.g., fraction of yearly budget).

●The MoU says that Host Organization can be changed provided there is agreement of current Host Organization and new Host Organization.

●The MoU says that all rights and obligations of all Partners are transferred in the case of such change.

●The MoU says how Council can decide to wind down (supermajority).

ORG ID Initiative Partner Governance Page 1 of 20180118