Mother Earth's Children's CharterSchool
Student Registration Form
1. Student Information
Student Legal Last Name:______
Student’s First and Middle Name:______
Date of Birth:______
Grade:______Sex: ___Male ___Female
Home telephone:______Email:______
Cellular Number:______
Student’s preferred names: (if different than legal names)
Student’s preferred last name:______
Student’s preferred first name:______
Student’s current residential address:______
Street/Country address:______
Town/ City:______Province:______
Postal Code:______Subdivision:______
LegalLand Description: ______
¼ Sec TWP Rge W of Block Lot
2. Student’s Permanent Mailing Address (if different than residential address)
Apt # or Suite _____ Street Address or rural address______
Do you need information about the MECCS bussing program?______
3. Emergency Information
Alberta Health Care # ______
Student’s Doctor’s Name:______Telephone:______
Emergency ContactName#1:______Relationship:______
Telephone # of Contact Name #1:______Cell:______
Emergency Contact Name #2:______Relationship:______
Telephone # of Contact Name #2______Cell:______
4. Medical and Family Information
Does your child have any serious medical conditions about you wish the school to be aware? ____Yes ______No Please specify:______
Emergency action required for the above:______
Please note any family circumstances that you wish the school to be aware:_____
Name of babysitter/daycare:______Telephone #______
Parent, Legal Guardian or assumed guardian information:
If there are tow parents or legal guardians, it is important to fill in both sections, whether or not the parents or legal guardians are living together: (A “legal guardian” is a person appointed by the court as the guardian. Documentation is required. An “assumed guardian” is someone who is caring for the students with the consent of the student’s parent (s) or guardian(s), but has not been made a legal guardian. An assumed Guardian should not sign this form).
Student lives with:___ Both Parents ___ Legal Guardian
___ Father Only___ Assumed Guardian
___Mother Only___ Foster Home
____ Other (Please specify)______
Mother (Guardian):______
Father (Guardian):______
5. Treaty Information (if applicable)
If you wish to declare that you are an Aboriginal person, please specify by circling:Status Indian/First Nations / Non-Status Indian/First Nations / Métis / Inuit
Alberta Education is collecting this personal information pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act as the information relates directly to and is necessary to meet Ministry and School Board mandates and responsibilities to measure system effectiveness over time and develop policies, programs and services to improve Aboriginal learner success. This information will also be used to determine the provincial First Nations, Métis and Inuit Funding Allocation provided to school jurisdictions.
For further information or if you have questions regarding the collection activity, please contact the office of the Director, Aboriginal Policy, Policy Sector, Strategic Services Division, Alberta Education, 10155-102 Street, Edmonton AB, T5J 4L5, (780) 427-8501
Do you have treaty status? _____ Yes ______No
Do you reside on a reserve? ______Yes ______No
On which reserve do you live?______
Band #______Family#______Child Pos. #______
6. Custody
In some instances a child may be designated as “Protected” if a court has issued a restraining order under the Child Welfare Act, the Domestic Relations Act, the Divorce Act, or the Young Offenders Act. Please indicate if the school administration should be aware of any such Court Order, for the protection of your child. ______Yes ______No
If “yes”, you must provide legal documentation to support your request.
7. School History
Name of previous school attended______
Name of previous school district ______
Please list siblings
Name / Age / Grade / Gender8. Charter Specific Information
Please let us know any pertinent information about your child’s likes or dislikes:
I would like my child to learn to speak (please check in front of choice(s):
____Cree____Stoney____Extra Support in English
____Sign Language
I am willing to commit to participating in the school community in the following ways:
I am committed to support my child in his/her education by:______
I,______, the parent of______
understand that I am an important and valued part of the Mother Earth's Children's CharterSchool community. As such I herby commit to:
- Expressing my/our ideas, suggestions and concerns in an open and respectful way within the school community,
- Supporting my/our children in their education in the best way that I/we can,
- Participating in the planning of my children’s educational program,
- Participating in the school community programs to the best of my ability,
- Ensuring that my child maintains a minimum attendance rate of 80%.
I herby agree to and accept these responsibilities.I also understand that M.E.C.C.S. is an Indigenous education program. I make the commitment, along with my child(ren), that my child(ren) will fully participate in all classes and program components. This includes smudge and prayer, Indigenous studies, second language classes, arts, physical wellness and all special events.
Parent Name: ______Signature:______
8b. Cultural Land-based Activities
I allow my child to attend cultural land-based activities on the MECCS land at AlbertaBeach. I also allow my child to go to Alexander, Paul Band, Alexis, and Enoch for cultural activities, as long as I am made aware ahead of time. I understand that the children will be bussed to and from the site.
Parent Signature:______Date:______
9. Photo Release
Our school is the first IndigenousCharterSchool in Canada. We have many photo opportunities at MECCS, and would like you to fill out the following statement.
I allow my child to be photographed for the following: Please check all that apply to you:
School Bulletin Boards
Internet picture galleries
Special Interest stories in local newspapers and magazines.
Parent Signature:______Date:______
10. School Fees
Mother Earth’s Children’s CharterSchool does not charge monetary school fees. Instead, we ask each family to gather their “school fees” over the summer and provide the following as their contribution to the school for the year:
One braid of sweet grass per student
One bundle of sage per student
One bag of frozen raspberries per student
One bag of frozen saskatoons per student
One bag of blueberries per student
*** Note: berries may be in quart sealers rather than frozen in bags. These supplies will be used for feasts and ceremonies throughout the school year. They promote whole family involvement and continued learning over the summer.
Section 23 Francophone Education Eligibility Declaration
The personal information collected on this form is collected by the (school board name) pursuant to the provisions of the Student Record Regulation, (A.R. #225/2006), section 10 of the School Act, and section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and may be used to ensure your child has a program that meets his or her needs. Information in Question A is provided to Alberta Learning as required by the Student Record Regulation and will be treated in accordance with Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act andmay be shared with a Francophone Regional authority. Should you have any questions regarding the collection of this information, please contact (position, address, telephone # of person at School Board who can answer questions).
Section 2 (1) of the Student Record Regulation states that:
The student record of a student must contain all information affecting the decisions made about the education of the student that is collected or maintained by a board, regardless of the manner in which it is maintained or stored including…
(s) if the parent of a student is eligible to have the student taught in the French language pursuant to section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a notation to indicate that and a notation to indicate whether the parent wishes to exercise that right.
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
Citizens of Canada
- whose first language learned and still understood is French; or
- who have received their primary school instruction in Canada in French have the right to have their children receive primary and secondary instruction in French; or
- of whom any child has received or is receiving primary or secondary school instruction in French in Canada,
have the right to have all their children receive primary and secondary school instruction in the same language.
In Alberta, parents can only exercise this right by enrolling their child in a French first language (Francophone) program offered by a Francophone Regional authority.
A.According to the criteria above as set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, are you eligible to have your child receive a French first language (Francophone) education? (Please place an X in the appropriate box.)
Yes NoDo not know
B.If yes, do you wish to exercise your right to have your child receive a French first language (Francophone) education?
Yes No
MECCS Student Registration Form Updated October 15/07 V: Registration Forms
Rediscovering the gifts and potential of our children through traditional Indigenous teachings and respect.